Most Read This Week In Cookbooks
Non-fiction books that contain a collection of recipes, techniques, and tricks of the trade or else focus on the exploration of food, cooking, and culture of food. Many cookbooks are divided into sections such as baking, dinner, and breakfast. A specialty cookbook may focus only on a certain country's cuisine, such as Italian or Cajun. There are some cookbooks that are written to highlight one ingredient (i.e. honey), and some cookbooks focused on only one branch of cooking (such as bread.) Even further, some cookbooks focus on types of cooking (microwave, barbecue, baking.)
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To make a tarte of strawberyes," wrote Margaret Parker in 1551, "take and strayne theym with the yolkes of four eggs, and a little whyte breade grated, then season it up with suger and swete butter and so bake it." And Jess, who had spent the past year struggling with Kant's Critiques, now luxuriated in language so concrete. Tudor cookbooks did not theorize, nor did they provide separate ingredient lists, or scientific cooking times or temperatures. Recipes were called receipts, and tallied mate
― The Cookbook Collector
― The Cookbook Collector
In this group, giveaways will take place. Author or publishers can list their giveaways for any …more
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A place for cookbook collectors to discuss cookbooks, recipes, and cooking. No offers of pirated…more
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A collection of any favourite vegan recipe books.
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