Bill Keefe

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Lincoln's Emancip...
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Daphne du Maurier
“Happiness is not a possession to be prized, it is a quality of thought, a state of mind.”
Daphne Du Maurier, Rebecca

“Fortunately, I knew the cardinal rule of getting on with one’s fellow cooks. It applies in any kitchen and can be summed up in two short words: bust ass. Restaurant kitchens are the ultimate levelers. When you’re slammed and orders are starting to back up, you could care less about the color of the hands of the cook who is working next to you, as long as they are moving fast and effectively. Personal life, sexual preferences, accent, addictions, criminal record—none of them matter. Conversely, if he isn’t holding up his end, he could be your blood brother and you’d fire him in a second. That I had been chef at the “French White House” didn’t mean anything to these HoJo line chefs.”
Jacques Pépin, The Apprentice: My Life in the Kitchen

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