Best Children's Books
Cast your vote for the best children's books.
(If you love children's books, here's some groups you can check out: Caldecott books, Newbery books.)
(If you love children's books, here's some groups you can check out: Caldecott books, Newbery books.)
Comments Showing 1-50 of 77 (77 new)
message 1:
Aug 11, 2008 12:17AM
geez...i wish i have those when i was a kid...
i'll nominate the voyages of dr fave children lit so far.
i'll nominate the voyages of dr fave children lit so far.
This was fun because I loved to read so much as a kid. I always had a book. There were some missing choices such as James and the Giant Peach and lots of Judy Blume titles.
I have 3 grandsons that I read to One has ADHD and another just likes to be read too and the middle one just likes me to be near him so I read what better whay to make their minds open up then read.
I loved Charlotte's Web and Pippi Longstocking when I was little, for my three year old son I love to read Goodnight Moon and No David books! (Not on the list but should be!)
Look what blew into the Zoo and Peek at the Week in the Zoo by Fiona Tierney and illustrated by Úna Healy are definite 'must haves' for children who love funny, witty, colourful books. Would recommend to all children especially 3-6yr olds. Go on - treat your kids!
Joey Kanga Roo: First Day of School
Great Book! I loved the colorful illustrations.
Great Book! I loved the colorful illustrations.
The "Gaia Girls" series by Lee Welles features girl eco-heroes. Any kid with environmental interests would enjoy them immensely!
It's been great taking a walk down memory lane and having a go-to list for books for my [future:] kids. I will say that it's impossible to rank my favorites, as they're all good for different ages/occasions. Still, thanks for the fun time.
Does anyone remember the name of the book about a man who painted a town all one color and the emotions that ensued?
Ronda wrote: "My favourite by far is Where The Wild Things Are....."
That seems to be a favorite of a lot of us, Ronda!
That seems to be a favorite of a lot of us, Ronda!
Most of the books I chose were ones I had read to my children and grandchildren. Hardly surprising as I grew up in Ireland and was exposed to a completely different range of books. I have come to love many many children books by American authors and Illustrators. When my kids were young I spent more money on books for than than I did on their clothes! One author, Julia Donaldson of Scotland, really deserves her books to be listed - at least some of them!
Great list of books and interesting to see how many hundreds of great children's books there really are. I voted for a few new ones as well: Tyrannosaurus Dad, Clink, and Amos McGee to name a few. The very best books will grow along with you-- like the Pooh books, Charlotte's Web, Anne of Green Gables.
A lovely story to introduce to young little minds is Chrichi and the Little Blue Bird. I am the author and have created a line of books that weave simple stories packed with lessons about friendship, giving, receiving and basically turning life's lemons into delicious lemonade. Over the holidays, we have shared this beautifully illustrated story with thousands of little readers (no promoting, just word of mouth). I hope every one enjoys Chrichi's story!
I think it is awesome that many of the books I love are on this list, and that there are many that I would like to read!!!! As everyone can see by what I like and what I voted for, silly are the best!!! My kids love the ones that make them laugh! I was a little disappointed in some of the absent books, but maybe I'll get brave and add a few. GOOD READING!!!!
The Giving Tree, The Velveteen Rabbit, Don't Let the Pigeon Drive the Bus, Green Eggs and Ham, Where the Sidewalk Ends, Dude, you have good taste! I will love these books forever!
How is A Wrinkle in Time a children's book? I think it's a little too complex for a child.. :/
Is it wrong that I'm marking all the books I've read as a child as 'read'? It feels like I'm just doing this as a desperate attempt to up my 'read' counts on Goodreads... :/
Is it wrong that I'm marking all the books I've read as a child as 'read'? It feels like I'm just doing this as a desperate attempt to up my 'read' counts on Goodreads... :/
It is exelent because of the attitude swear words,oh what a horror.good because it tells the reader what is happening in the story.well Tony Hughes was the person who created the story of the Iron Man.And did you know that Matilda and The Twits are actually Shakespeare stories actually.and MARGARET MAYO created the facinating story called PEGASUS AND THE PROUD PRINCE and and the flying carpet.If you read It,It will sound amazing and please become my friend because I am very lonely and I,Adeayo Odedina needs a friend and please sponser me I am disabled.take pity of me. i am poor
As a primary elementary school teacher of grades K-5, I feel each of the books should be in the classroom library for readers at different levels to read during independent reading time or as read alouds by the classroom teacher.
most of the books I rated are the ones I used during several of our Christmas programs. I tried to make the characters come alive by having my 5 year old kindergarten kids dramatize/mime the story to the delight of their families.
Silvana wrote: "geez...i wish i have those when i was a kid...
i'll nominate the voyages of dr fave children lit so far."
I would love that book if it was not for all the racism.
i'll nominate the voyages of dr fave children lit so far."
I would love that book if it was not for all the racism.
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Anyone can add books to this list.