Social Justice: Books on Racism, Sexism, and Class
Books that take on patriarchy, white supremacy, and capitalism, and other social justice issues. Fiction or non-fiction.
activism, african-american-history, african-american-nonfiction, african-american-studies, anarchist, anti-racist, antisemitism, autobiography, biography, civil-rights, civil-rights-movements, class, economics, essays, feminst, gender, gender-studies, history, human-rights, ideology, intersectionality, jewish, lesbian-nonfiction, lgbtq, literary-classics, literary-fiction, memoir, modern-classics, native-american-history, native-american-studies, people-of-color, politics, poverty, progressive, queer, queer-studies, race, racism, radical, sexual-politics, social-justice, socialism, united-states-history, united-states-politics, women-of-color, womens-history, womens-studies
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message 1:
Jan 15, 2009 12:42PM
God's Tapestry Understanding and Celebrating Differences
People who are commenting with book suggestions, you can add them directly to the list yourself by clicking the tab "add books to the list" at the very top of the book list. Please do!
Thank you for this -- one of my New Year's Resolutions was to read more about race, and I was having trouble finding recommendations.
Elizabeth-- for African American books, this list is excellent:
Ooof. The Help. The Black experience written by a white woman. When will we learn to stop reading these works? I'd take that out and put some Toni Morrison in. I love all the Deloria!
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Is there no way to remove or challenge a book on this (or any list?) Book number 224 is Stephen King's It.
Zebradley wrote: "Ooof. The Help. The Black experience written by a white woman. When will we learn to stop reading these works?"
I completely agree. I read the book and genuinely don't understand the hype.
I completely agree. I read the book and genuinely don't understand the hype.
Muttix wrote: "Zebradley wrote: "Ooof. The Help. The Black experience written by a white woman. When will we learn to stop reading these works?"
I completely agree. I read the book and genuinely don't understand..."
Well, at least it's not as bad as Save the Pearls.
I completely agree. I read the book and genuinely don't understand..."
Well, at least it's not as bad as Save the Pearls.
Theybradley wrote: "Ooof. The Help. The Black experience written by a white woman. When will we learn to stop reading these works? I'd take that out and put some Toni Morrison in. I love all the Deloria!"
That's the purpose of the book, to see how white people see it.
That's the purpose of the book, to see how white people see it.
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This is no secret, of course. There are entire undergraduate literature programs based on this idea. But...
Anyone can add books to this list.