Jamie Smith

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Edwin Way Teale
“Time is the river. We are the islands. Time washes around us and flows away and with it flow fragments of our lives. So, little by little, each island shrinks….But where, who can say, down the long stream of time, are our eroded days deposited?”
Edwin Way Teale, Journey into Summer: A Naturalist's Record of a 19,000-Mile Journey through the North American Summer
tags: time

Kurt Vonnegut Jr.
“And on the subject of burning books: I want to congratulate librarians, not famous for their physical strength or their powerful political connections or their great wealth, who, all over this country, have staunchly resisted anti-democratic bullies who have tried to remove certain books from their shelves, and have refused to reveal to thought police the names of persons who have checked out those titles.

So the America I loved still exists, if not in the White House or the Supreme Court or the Senate or the House of Representatives or the media. The America I love still exists at the front desks of our public libraries.”
Kurt Vonnegut, A Man Without a Country

Will Durant
“CIVILIZATION is social order promoting cultural creation. Four elements constitute it: economic provision, political organization, moral traditions, and the pursuit of knowledge and the arts. It begins where chaos and insecurity end. For when fear is overcome, curiosity and constructiveness are free, and man passes by natural impulse towards the understanding and embellishment of life.”
Will Durant, Our Oriental Heritage

“Hypotheses were constantly reaching out into the darkness – slowly, almost inevitably refining and rectifying themselves through empirical contact with reality”
William Irvine, Apes, Angels and Victorians

“Nature breeds a vast oversupply of experiments and then sterilizes the failures by murdering them.”
William Irvine, Apes, Angels and Victorians

220 Goodreads Librarians Group — 260685 members — last activity 0 minutes ago
Goodreads Librarians are volunteers who help ensure the accuracy of information about books and authors in the Goodreads' catalog. The Goodreads Libra ...more
8115 The History Book Club — 24466 members — last activity 12 hours, 32 min ago
"Interested in history - then you have found the right group". The History Book Club is the largest history and nonfiction group on Goodread ...more
2059 THE WORLD WAR TWO GROUP — 2522 members — last activity Nov 20, 2024 12:08PM
A chance to discuss books covering the Second World War, the battles, campaigns, leaders and weapons. Tantum librorum, tam brevi tempore (So many ...more
1096852 Byzantium — 21 members — last activity Aug 25, 2023 08:29AM
This book group will focus entirely on the byzantine empire( 395-1453) and the historiography, politics, art, music, and literature of it. Feel free t ...more
1096832 Islamic history during the early medieval ages. — 21 members — last activity Jun 10, 2020 09:08AM
This book group will mainly consist of discussions of the Umayyad and Abbasid caliphates and their artistic, historical, theological and philosophical ...more
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