Liong's Reviews > Thinking, Fast and Slow
Thinking, Fast and Slow
Liong's review
bookshelves: management, non-fiction, philosophy, psychology, science, self-help
Feb 01, 2024
bookshelves: management, non-fiction, philosophy, psychology, science, self-help
I read almost 30% of a book that is a few years old, but I did not finish it.
I decided to read it again from the first page because it was recommended by many YouTubers, websites, and podcasts.
I want to learn how to think better and make good decisions.
I used my System 1 when I looked at the cover and title of this book. (It seemed easy and attractive) 😉
When I started reading, I spent most of my time using my System 2 to think and understand. (It takes time and brain energy to read and understand) 😅
"Thinking, Fast and Slow" explains the complexities of human decision-making, unveiling two cognitive systems: intuitive System 1 and analytical System 2.
Our minds have two systems: System 1, fast and automatic, guiding intuition and snap judgments, and System 2, slower and deliberate, crunching complex problems.
These systems often clash, leading to biases and errors.
The book explores these inner battles, revealing how our thinking works, why we make mistakes, and how to improve our decisions.
I decided to read it again from the first page because it was recommended by many YouTubers, websites, and podcasts.
I want to learn how to think better and make good decisions.
I used my System 1 when I looked at the cover and title of this book. (It seemed easy and attractive) 😉
When I started reading, I spent most of my time using my System 2 to think and understand. (It takes time and brain energy to read and understand) 😅
"Thinking, Fast and Slow" explains the complexities of human decision-making, unveiling two cognitive systems: intuitive System 1 and analytical System 2.
Our minds have two systems: System 1, fast and automatic, guiding intuition and snap judgments, and System 2, slower and deliberate, crunching complex problems.
These systems often clash, leading to biases and errors.
The book explores these inner battles, revealing how our thinking works, why we make mistakes, and how to improve our decisions.
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Thinking, Fast and Slow.
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January 23, 2024
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January 23, 2024
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February 1, 2024
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Comments Showing 1-16 of 16 (16 new)
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CoachJim wrote: "This was a rather slow book for me when I read it. I'm not sure I even finished it.
I'll look forward to your thoughts as always."
Thank you, CoachJim. In fact, I read this book 8 years ago but could not finish it. I only read about 30% of the pages and stopped.
I'll look forward to your thoughts as always."
Thank you, CoachJim. In fact, I read this book 8 years ago but could not finish it. I only read about 30% of the pages and stopped.
For me this was also a slow, tough read. If you can slog through the first 150 odd pages it gets more interesting towards the end. Good luck Liong!
It's definitely a tough read, but a good one, and it rewards your patience. I am glad you ended up liking it!
Alexandra wrote: "It's definitely a tough read, but a good one, and it rewards your patience. I am glad you ended up liking it!"
You are right, Alexandra. Thank you!
You are right, Alexandra. Thank you!
Barbara wrote: "I have too much System 1...Great review Liong! I want to read this as well!"
System 2 can make you tired to think more.. 🤣
System 2 can make you tired to think more.. 🤣
Joe wrote: "So is System 1 a gut feeling?"
System 1 thinking is a near-instantaneous process. It happens automatically, intuitively, and with little effort. It's driven by instinct and our experiences. System 2 thinking is slower and requires more effort. It is conscious and logical.
System 1 thinking is a near-instantaneous process. It happens automatically, intuitively, and with little effort. It's driven by instinct and our experiences. System 2 thinking is slower and requires more effort. It is conscious and logical.
I'll look forward to your thoughts as always.