The ending to this arc is just so much fun and really cements Jiji as the “new guy” plus I love that old characters have been brought back into the fold! This world is lovely
Relying only on action does not work for Dandadan that well. That is because the "magic" system is very soft and the rules are vague. That does not mean that the fights and action are not entertaining or engaging - they are, yet they seem to lack predictability provided by the limitations of the magic system and therefore it is missing the benefit for the reader to predict, what can happen next.
Where it does excel is however the art. It is stunning. The detailed panels, dynamic action, creative faces and expressions are all great to look at. It all is still great.
To me, this volume is a little bit lacking because the character moments are pushed a little bit behind. They are present - the ending is full of them, but for the majority, it is very dry. I am looking forward to the next volume, as the ending presents a nice connection and cliffhanger.
Si algo tiene DanDaDan es que es adictivo de primera. No sólo su arte que es un completo y absoluto cheff kiss, sino que sus personajes tienen un carisma que me entretiene a montones y hace reír, peeeero también tiene su lado shonen -claramente- y los monstruos que aparecen en cada tomo son increíblemente sorprendentes porque o son extremadamente fuertes, o divertidamente extraños o salen con un poder sacado de quién sabe dónde.
Sin embargo, en este tomo justo lo que suele gustarme de DDD, ahora lo sentí muy raro con la unión del equipo maravilla creado por la abuela. No entiendo por qué la mitad de los personajes salieron de la nada aunque estoy encantadísima con la bebé alien toda hermosa y chiquita.
Ahora regresando a mi hijo ¿Qué va a pasar con él? No se hizo mitad y mitad como Okarun, ni adquirió los poderes, sino que tal cual es el recipiente ¿Será que la única forma de acabar con la maldición esta sea acabando también con Jiji? Es algo en lo que podría pensar si fuese un alma sin piedad ya que haría más emocional esa pelea siendo que ahora sabemos que Jiji es consciente todavía.
Series: Dandadan Ch. 41-49 Rating: 4 stars - It was really good
This volume continues the fight against the Mongolian Death Worm and Evil Eye. This was a very interesting battle because they were fighting on multiple fronts and things just kept popping up. Since the backstory for these monsters were in the previous volume, this one was mostly fighting, but it was still a great battle.
This volume really shows how far Momo and Okarun have come since that first chapter. They now are fighting to protect each other and the city, not just focusing on surviving a yokai or alien. Seeing them deal with repeated attacks from the Worm and Evil Eye really just shows how strong they have gotten.
Evil Eye continues to be an interesting yokai that I am curious to see how they deal with, especially since they now know what triggers him.
JIJI😭😭😭😭😭 NOOOOO. WHYYY😭😭😭. That team up though against him was epic. The ALIEN CAME BACK AND HIS CHILD WAS SO CUTE😭😭. Okarun and ayase in this volume🤭🤭🤭🤭. The hyde and jekyll situation jiji is in with his yokai is kinda funny ngl. Hopefully he comes back though😭😭
So I was wrong about the way Jiji was possessed, but still the possession was predictable. The 3 possessions so far were different, Okarun got the turbo granny's power while she's a cat, the girl (still don't remember her name sorry) was for protection and Jiji was possessed by a yokai (I guess this is the name sorry if it's wrong, plus turbo granny is also a yokai but Jiji is being used as a vessel). Actually I haven't mentioned but since turbo garnny became a cat that I really love her character! To finish, I loved this volume way more than the previous one this is very addicting and funny so I absolutely recommend it <3
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
This finishes up this arc with a new member joining the team. I can't wait to see this one fight animated because holy fuck is it going to look sick. But overall the big worm is out, the old ladies/men are out, and we have a new member who maybe is a bit two face? (As in Batman like two face) Overall very fun volume.
The Evil Eye has taken over Jiji's body and has vowed to kill all humans. Before Momo can use her powers to stop him, Evil Jiji kicks her and Turbo Granny into a wall, pinning them to it. Before he can do anything, the Worm attacks, but Jiji uses his new powers to blow a hole into it. The Worm retreats and Turbo Granny explains that Jiji is a prodigy when it comes to spiritual powers which is why Evil Eye targeted him. Jiji is no longer on their side. Jiji attacks Momo, but she blocks it using her spiritual powers. It's not enough, though. Jiji used that initial attack to distract Momo and attack her from her blindspot. Before he lands another hit on her, Okarun appears to defend her. But instead of fighting, Okarun grabs Momo and runs. Even though they got away from Evil Jiji, they're not in the clear yet. When the Worm retreated, it started to spew venom that's slowly weakening Momo and Okarun. Luckily, Okarun has a plan. He plans on using his Turbo Granny power to launch Momo to the surface, so she can lure the worm out into the sunlight. Momo protests, saying that she doesn't want to leave Okarun or Jiji down here. Okarun promises to take care of Jiji and Momo promises to save them both. With the help of Okarun and her powers, Momo makes it to the surface, but at that moment, Evil Jiji reappears. On the surface, Momo tries to make a rope that Okarun can climb up, but the hole is just too deep. At that moment, Momo remembers something Jiji told her when they were kids. She immediately gets to work and sets the house on fire. In the abyss, Okarun is running from Jiji. He's able to dodge him, but when he tries to punch Jiji, it backfires and Okarun is hit. He's able to bounce back, but the Worm's poison is effecting both him and Jiji. Jiji traps Okarun inside a force field and starts wailing on him. But after hearing this evil spirit say such horrible things, Okarun gets fed up and starts fighting for real. He's able to beat Jiji and break through the force field. Jiji is knocked out and Okarun has passed out from exhaustion. After a minute, Okarun pushes through and gets back up. He starts dragging Jiji's body to the top of the summit, but he hears someone inside of one of the houses. Turbo Granny is stuck in the Worm's mysterious goo. Okarun finds her, but when he tries to get her out, he falls into the goo and gets stuck as well. On the surface, firefighters and police are on the scene, but they aren't listening to Momo's pleas. The police drag her away while she's begging the firefighters to spray the ground, when suddenly an earthquake hits. The Worm erupts from the ground just before sunset. Momo remembered that worms breathe through their skin and when it rains, they come to the surface and get dried out from the sun. Unfortunately, the Worm is hiding from the sun behind Jiji's house, so she takes the fire truck and uses it to knock down the house. The Worm starts to dry out and collapses to the ground and spits out the Kito Family. The matriarch of the Kito family starts yelling at Momo for killing the Great Serpent and Momo thinks its all bull until the ground starts to shake once again as the volcano erupts. The Kito Family blames Momo for the volcano erupting, but as they're reciting the village legend, Momo realizes that it was never about the Great Serpent. The Dragon rising toward the Heavens wasn't about the Worm, the hot springs erupting was the omen that the legend talks about, but somewhere along the way the legend was misinterpreted due to fear. Momo thinks of the words of the Shrine Keeper. She's going to use her powers to prevent the repetition of such mistakes. She grabs the Worm's body as the Kito's chase after her, since they're still trying to sacrifice her. Momo runs all the way to the erupted hot spring and has the Worm soak up all the water and uses it's body as a giant hose. The water mixes with the Worm's goo and starts to put out the fire, but it's just spreading too quickly and it doesn't help that the Kito's have finally caught up to her and start their beat down. They say that she's making a mockery of the Great Serpent, but before they can throw Momo into the volcano, the Shrine Keeper kicks the crap out of them. Apparently, the Shrine Keeper is one of Seiko's disciples, so he starts fending off the Kito's while Momo puts out the fire. Just as she picks up the Worm's body a hole is blown through it by Evil Jiji! He escaped the underground and is fighting anyone in sight. So, Momo, the Kito Matriarch and the Shrine Keeper band together to fight Jiji off, but their no match. Momo tries to use her powers to grab him, but he destroys her spirit arms and she can't use them after that. Thankfully, the Mantis Shrimp Alien comes to her rescue along with his son and Seiko. With all of them together, they're able to take Jiji down and trap him inside of Taro, the anatomical model. Jiji's body is sealed away and the Mantis Shrimp Alien uses his ship to control the Worm and put out the fire. But there's only one problem left. Where's Okarun and Turbo Granny? Momo runs back to the remains of the house and tries to use her powers to clear the rubble, but it's just not working, so the Mantis Shrimp Alien punches the rubble out of the way for her. She looks down into the abyss and finds nothing. She tries to go in by herself, but Mantis stops her. Suddenly, a giant rock comes flying out of the abyss. Momo tears it open to find Turbo Granny and Okarun safe and sound inside the rock. Okarun apologizes for not stopping Jiji, but Momo pulls him into a hug and tells him that she's the one who should be sorry. Back at Momo and Seiko's home, the perform numerous rituals to try to get rid of the spirit possessing Jiji, but it's no use. They have a big family dinner together and the Mantis Alien explains that he's living on earth with his son. They discuss how this possession will effect Jiji in the long run when, suddenly, Jiji's voice starts coming out of the Anatomical Model. When he opens up the face plate, Jiji's back to his normal self again, but Seiko decides to test something. She splashes hot water onto Jiji's face and the Evil Eye took over his body, but when she splashes him once more, it's Jiji again! What will happen next??
It all started as a little bet. Each wanted to prove the existence of the supernatural to their new friend, and neither was willing to listen. This quickly turns to chaos as a haunted tunnel and horny aliens get thrown into the mix.
Momo and Okarun are on a quest to save Jiji – but that's easier said than done. His family home is cursed – and there are many different evils working against them. Will they find a way to survive this latest disaster?
How does this series keep finding new ways to up the ante yet stay playful? Dandadan Vol. 6 is just as chaotic and dangerous as the previous volumes—if not more so. Once again, our favorite characters deal with evils they don't know or comprehend. It's just a normal day for them, huh?
But seriously, I really enjoyed this arc. The Evil Eye twist was a bit of a surprise – but it's also oddly thematic. I have a feeling we're about to see a new addition to the team. Which may change the dynamics. Only time will tell, right?
There's more action in this volume than usual (which is probably saying something). Thus, it leans more toward drama and a bit less toward comedy. I didn't mind the balance, but I do think I'd prefer it if it got back to that balance/combo we love sooner rather than later.
Highlights: Horror/Science Fiction Manga Comedy Supernatural Sci-Fi versus Fantasy
Uzaylılara inanan ama hayaletlere inanmayan oğlanla, hayaletlere inanan ama uzaylılara inanmayan kızımızın yolu kesişir. İkisi de kendi tezini ispatlamak isterken oğlanın içine hayalet girer, kızı uzaylılar kaçırır. İkisi hayaletin gücü yardımıyla uzaylılardan kaçar ve açılan çakraları sebebiyle artık özel insan olarak dünyayı uzaylı saldırısı ve kötü ruhlardan korumaları gerekiyordur. Bu esnada yüzlerce bel altı espri ve saçmalık sürüp giderken son ciltte kızın eski en yakın arkadaşı lanetli bir evin arındırılması için yardım ister. Lanetli evin hayaleti bedenini ele geçirir ve atletik, donlu bir hayalet oğlan hâline gelir. Acaba çiftimiz bu zavallı oğlanı hayaletten kurtarabilecek midir?
Kurgunun saçmalığının yalnızca %10'u bu dersem beni ciddiye alın. Süt içmesi gereken uzaylı bebesi için köyden ufoyla uzaya inek bile yolladılar, berisini siz düşünün.
Yazarın bu saçmalıkları temellendirirken kullandığı "insan kötülüğü" temaları gerçekçi ve üzücü olsa da gerçekten bu kadar kötü bir kurgunun bu kadar popüler olmasını anlamlandırmakta zorlanıyorum. Türkçe çevirisini yapan ekibe de hayret ediyorum. Belli ki kelime dağarcığı yalnızca küfürden oluşan bir grup ergen. Çünkü "Bu olamaz!" dedikleri yerleri bile safi küfürlerle ifade edip sürekli küfür yazarak kurgunun olmayan kalitesini de yer altı seviyesine indiriyorlar.
Sanırım buraya kadar okuma sebebim "Bundan daha saçma ne olabilir ki?" merakı...
Total craziness and a sheer joy to read. That's something I really love about this series, is that it's goofy, over the top, and unlike anything I have ever read. The volume starts with Jiji and Okarun battling it out in the basement while Momo figures out a way to save them from below...setting the house on fire in order to drive the worm out of the ground with the influx of water from the hoses. Genius, obscure, and make sense. The fight between the boys is pretty shonen standard, but still cool to read through. Each page is filled with movement that really pushes the battle onwards.
Once the worm is out, Momo uses it to put out the fires happening due to the volcano erupting and then the Kito family shows up along with the Bootube Priest(Manjiro), who's a disciple of Granny. Before they can fight each other, Evil Eye appears and things look bad, but then the crew of goofy characters appears, Granny(Seiko), Mr. Shrimp(Peeny-Weeny), and the mannequin (Taro). These three manage to seal the EE in Taro and everyone heads home.
Something I simply love about this series is the cast of characters who are all just so goofy and all over the place. Each is very unique in their presentation and design and it makes them all endearing. It's like a big family is being made of all these weirdos coming together. And I love a story where the family is found and everyone is fun.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Se concluye todo lo ocurrido en la casa de Jiji, y la manera en como se concluye todo es tan random que me encanta. Llega un platillo volador con la abuela, formando un team-up con el maniquí y el monje para dar cara al mal de ojo de Jiji, para utilizar el gusano como manguera de bombero para retener el magma del volcán. Como digo, entre más raro todo,p y sin sentido sea el manga, mejor es, porque tampoco trato de buscarle explicaciones, simplemente disfruto muchísimo, porque los personajes son tan adorables que una página de un abrazo entre Momo y Okarun ya es suficiente para llenar el corazoncito. Y la resolución con Jiji es un lindo homenaje, así como la nave es un homenaje directo a Star Wars, acá tenemos uno a Ranma 1/2, lo cual si bien será problemático, no dudo que nos dará una buena dosis de risas a futuro.
I love how this series just continues to get more and more bonkers crazy. By the end of this volume all of the major characters up to this point sit down for a meal together, and it's bananas.
I love the art for this series too. It's so striking, and I could seriously just look at the illustrations for a long time. Dandadan would make a fantastic art book, so I'm really hoping to see one come out in the future. This is such a new series that as of this volume I'm caught up and have to wait for the next English translation.
In this volume Jiji is in serious trouble after gazing into the evil eye. And now he's a problem for Momo and Okarun too. Also they have a giant worm and the creepy Kito family to contend with as well. How are the two of them going to defeat the yokai and save Jiji's town?
Si ya has llegado a este punto, pues esta historia ya te tiene enganchado y no es mucho lo que hay que decir de este tomo más que continúa el arco de Jiji y la maldición en la casa que alquilaba con sus padres. Es interesante ver cómo la resolución de este arco, que reveló en el tomo anterior y sus macabros orígenes, también se toma el tiempo de mostrar como las historias pueden ser malinterpretadas con el paso del tiempo y los problemas que esto podría acarrear a toda una comunidad. Recomendado para todos los que les ha gustado la historia hasta ahora, la cual poco a poco va añadiendo más a su mitología.
Jiji's cursed thing is interesting, way to fool around with a new character in such a different way compared to Okarun and Aira. Some good action this volume, or at least good set pieces as the scale of this worm charging through the towns is great. I also like how proactive our protagonists are in this volume, Ayase has been great at coming up with creative solutions throughout the series but this arc had her and Okarun working together and actively pursuing targets in a way they didn't in previous arcs (where they more or less happened upon the enemy and had to adapt to them that way out of a need for survival).
Momo and Okarun are back again with Jiji who we met in a previous volume. We pick up where we left off from the last volume with fighting and worm serpents and people who don't belong.
We also saw a familiar face I was so happy to see The Mantis, Shrimp Alien who sang "Chiquita" by ABBA each time he fights 😂. I'm also very excited and thrilled to know he called his son "Chiquita" too!
I'm also very excited for this manga to be brought out into an anime later this year. I can't wait to watch it.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
I forgot just how great the ending to the evil eye arc was. Definitely the best arc at this point of the series with the best action so far.
All the action panels went crazy hard this time and Yukinobu Tatsu’s art style is just perfect for the double spreads. The ending to the fight was just epic with the ensemble of characters joining and I really enjoyed rereading this one.
I do feel like, similar to the last volume, the comedy isn’t as present as it was before and instead there’s more focus on the action (which is not a complaint considering how great it is) but the comedy was still really great when there was some and Dandadan is just always a fun read
This has definitely been the best arc so far. Jiji being an active solid antagonist is exactly what I was hoping for. And even with how this volume ended, it still seems like this is going to be closer to a Yuji/Sukuna possession dynamic than the plethora of "hero becomes friends with the thing possessing them" situation. Or at least for a couple arcs, I'm sure they'll recruit Evil Eye eventually.
4.25/5 Dandadan continues to be a wild ride of a manga. At each turn, the stakes and weirdness of this story continue to unfold and I love it. I think that is because it is grounded in our two main characters though I also appreciate the cast of supporting characters that have sprung up around them. This volume sees quite a lot of peril and interesting revelations. I can't wait to see what happens next.
I didn't expect to tackle the reverse of Acro-Silky so fast, that being a "good" transformation, in harmony, vs right now, so quickly!
Kinda crazy that Jiji's fricking HAIR PART has been implying his 3rd eye the whole time... we were just too blind to see it! :3
Also the One-shot "Profoundly Mysterious Kick-The-Can Battle!" from last volume was so wonderful! I hope we can get more of those self-contained adventures...!
Una nueva unión, un nuevo poder: ¿qué consecuencias traerá? Me encantó la emocionante pelea donde todos los personajes se unieron para apoyar a los protagonistas.
La nueva alianza es impresionante y la historia de fondo es fascinante. Este manga es sumamente atrapante, fácil de leer y con un estilo de arte destacado. La autora ha creado una narrativa cautivadora que mantiene la intriga y la emoción. Un manga recomendado para fans del género shonen y la aventura.
I flew through this one way faster than the others, and I’m honestly not sure what that says about this book. The plot wrapped up quickly and conveniently, not unlike the others. The stakes always seem high in the moment, but the plot doesn’t ever really seem to change. Interested to see if the next volume will follow the same story arch or if we as the readers will finally get something new.