Nicholas Karpuk
Goodreads Author
Member Since
September 2008
The Bane of Yoto
7 editions
In Search of a City: Los Angeles in 1,000 Words
2 editions
Sideshow Fables (#1)
Sideshow Fables #2
* Note: these are all the books on Goodreads for this author. To add more, click here.
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Nicholas Karpuk
rated a book it was ok
I have never given a book this low of a rating for such a specific reason. Beyond that reason, this probably would have been a 4. The characters are reasonably fleshed out, the pacing is fine, the dialogue doesn't bother me, despite having a fair amou ...more |
Nicholas Karpuk
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Nicholas Karpuk
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Nicholas Karpuk
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Nicholas Karpuk
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I don't think it's really this writer's fault, but these are the kinds of books that stop me from reading more. Even though I have a whole category on here for books I give up on, I still feel bad about it, mostly for books that have plenty of good t ...more |
The movie adaptation of Jaws is a classic and iconic film, the book is messy in all the wrong ways. There are some problematic aspects to the book that cannot be ignored. The inclusion of rape culture, racism, misogyny, & the cat scene take " Read more of this review » |
Nicholas Karpuk
rated a book did not like it
It didn't take long getting into this book to really understand what the issue was. I listened to the podcast from the time the first episode publicly dropped. I loved the style of it and the ominous mysteries. When the novel was announced, Fink ment ...more |
Nicholas Karpuk
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Nicholas Karpuk
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“We are what we pretend to be, so we must be careful about what we pretend to be.”
― Mother Night
― Mother Night
“Time makes more converts than reason.”
― Common Sense
― Common Sense
“The difference between stupid and intelligent people -- and this is true whether or not they are well-educated -- is that intelligent people can handle subtlety. They are not baffled by ambigous or even contradictory situations -- in fact, they expect them and are apt to become suspicious when things seem overly straightforward.”
― The Diamond Age: Or, a Young Lady's Illustrated Primer
― The Diamond Age: Or, a Young Lady's Illustrated Primer
Space Wizards Book Club
— 9 members
— last activity Jul 25, 2017 01:38PM
Space Wizards: A Denver Book Club Adventure, is a monthly book club discussing newer Science Fiction and Fantasy novels. We meet once a month on the t ...more
Space Wizards: A Denver Book Club Adventure, is a monthly book club discussing newer Science Fiction and Fantasy novels. We meet once a month on the t ...more
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message 4:
Oct 07, 2013 07:55PM
Sassy, huh? lol Thanks for the invite! :)
Colin wrote: "Hey, Nick, have you read Stitches? I saw it at King Soopers (of all places) the other night, saw the fancy medal on the cover, enjoyed a bit of it, and wondered what you thought. Bobby gave it a go..."
No, but it's now on my wishlist.
No, but it's now on my wishlist.
Hey, Nick, have you read Stitches? I saw it at King Soopers (of all places) the other night, saw the fancy medal on the cover, enjoyed a bit of it, and wondered what you thought. Bobby gave it a good review,
Glad you made it here, mate. Beware, Goodreads is the land where everyone insists on mostly four- and five-star ratings. I have a hard time convincing people that a three-star rating is actually a recommended book.
Most people won't read your reviews, which is a shame, because you've got a good mind and it translates to your criticism. So it is. I still like reviewing books. It takes a different level of thinking.
Most people won't read your reviews, which is a shame, because you've got a good mind and it translates to your criticism. So it is. I still like reviewing books. It takes a different level of thinking.