Jake's Reviews > Next of Kin: My Conversations with Chimpanzees
Next of Kin: My Conversations with Chimpanzees
I encourage anyone from any walk of life to read Next of Kin. This memoir is a wonderful mixture of heartfelt stories and important science. It was exciting to receive the account straight from the man himself. This is a work of his own and naturally must bias, but I don't doubt the sincerity, compassion, and dedication that made this man's career extraordinary.
As agonizing as it has been for countless voiceless animals, I admit that I have never hid from the benefits reaped by scientific research (Edward Taub for example). This accounting by Fouts has urged me to consider my tolerance in regards to research on living mammals. I also enjoyed the fascinating suggestions about gestural communication leading up to sophisticated speech as well as important thoughts and observations pertaining to great ape evolution. I hope that future scientists will not shrink from their compassionate impulses and take note from those like Fouts.
As agonizing as it has been for countless voiceless animals, I admit that I have never hid from the benefits reaped by scientific research (Edward Taub for example). This accounting by Fouts has urged me to consider my tolerance in regards to research on living mammals. I also enjoyed the fascinating suggestions about gestural communication leading up to sophisticated speech as well as important thoughts and observations pertaining to great ape evolution. I hope that future scientists will not shrink from their compassionate impulses and take note from those like Fouts.
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May 9, 2013
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