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ダンダダン [Dan Da Dan] #5

ダンダダン 5 [Dan Da Dan 5]

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モモの幼馴染・ジジの家族の不可解な事件を調べに、オカルン達は温泉街のジジの家に向かう! 隙間無くお札が貼られた開かずの部屋を、見つけてしまったオカルンとジジは、家の持ち主であり、大蛇を祀る鬼頭一族にバレ、モモ共々、大蛇への供物とされてしまい!? 果たして、この家に現れる呪いの男と大蛇様の正体とは? 『週刊少年ジャンプ』掲載の出張読み切り版も収録の第五巻!!

210 pages, Paperback

First published May 2, 2022

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About the author

Yukinobu Tatsu

37 books125 followers
aka 龍幸伸. (Tatsu Yukinobu), mangaka author of Dan Da Dan, Fire Ball! and Seigi no Rokugou.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 129 reviews
Profile Image for Štěpán.
417 reviews37 followers
August 9, 2022
This story operates and functions on the sole premise of sheer creativity and hectic love of chaos. It has very weird moments, which shouldn't work but somehow they do. The chemistry of the characters is upfront and their dynamics drive the story forward. But this volume managed to combine great character moments with unsettledness, which is rooted in the character design and depiction on the pages. Resulting in a great fast-paced read, which is filled with jokes, love triangle, sad and moving ghost backstory and weird family sacrificing children to a sandworm and kung-fu and weird alien powers. I mean, is it too much? Yes, but it works.

Profile Image for aamna.
278 reviews
September 13, 2024
Why am I getting caught off-guard almost every chapter 😭😭😭😭😭😭
Profile Image for Sophia Paul.
222 reviews1 follower
June 17, 2024
JIJI.... i thought you were going to annoying. i thought you were gonna fuck things up... instead we have my new favorite character. JIJI LOVE YOU MAN. the whole shit with his family and the weird people who own the house and their awful nature and then the tragic TRAGIC nature of the spirit haunting him. once again - it is wild and stupid things going on but then you have this tragic news. the spirit is just a little boy locked away wanting to play and i love how jiji wanted to help him. love you king
Profile Image for vini.
25 reviews
October 12, 2023
MASTERPIECE ☝️☝️☝️☝️☝️☝️☝️
Profile Image for R. A. Strich.
258 reviews15 followers
June 2, 2024
This series is legit amazing!
Missing more true long-term plotlines or hooks/hints for those yet, but everything else blows me away on every front.
And I'm sure it will go there - though even if it won't, I'm there for the characters, vibes, laughs, romance, action, horrors, ... and these fucking Ghost-Backstories...
Holy crap, every one of these truly hit me in the feels within only a couple of pages each!
Profile Image for Danielle.
233 reviews
October 17, 2024
Still enjoying the series and like the new characters we seem to be adding to the group.
Profile Image for Pranta Dastider.
Author 18 books319 followers
December 23, 2023
It is crazy as ever. The panels were so dynamic. Turn of events were really shocking and over the top. For me, this is the best newly made manga currently. Perhaps it is not for everyone. But, for those who likes these kind of stories, this is a real gem.
Profile Image for Alyssa.
1,184 reviews2 followers
November 10, 2023
This series has some genuinely eerie moments but nothing is more disturbing than the constant sexualization of the female lead.
Profile Image for Jeremy Martin.
Author 3 books53 followers
January 23, 2024
if these ghosts keep having sad ass back stories, idk if I can make it
Profile Image for charly.
68 reviews
November 6, 2024
OH HELL NO. THIS VOLUME WAS SO WEIRD. That kito family are so vile and creepy. Oh and stupid. The yokai backstory this volume was so sad😭😭😭 He just wanted to play with others and was misunderstood 😭😭😭. Also jiji is becoming one of my favourite characters. He’s so COOL. I hope he doesn’t turn evil😭😭😭
Profile Image for MargReadsManga.
419 reviews72 followers
January 12, 2024
This is my FAVORITE Shonen Jump series by far. It’s absolutely bonkers. This is probably the best volume yet! So crazy and fun. I loved the mystery and monster in this one. I’ll be grabbing the next one to read right now!
Profile Image for James DeSantis.
Author 17 books1,181 followers
November 5, 2024
As bonkers as ever. Basically the guys try to have some bonding time but old ladies come and try to kill them while poor Momo has to deal with creepy old guys at the bath. Overall stupid as ever, fun as ever, over the top as ever, and it's something you'll love if you don't take it too serious.
Profile Image for Jay.
107 reviews
November 9, 2024
euhghhh this volume gave me the shivers
the fact that that family was sacrificing people and then covering their house with concrete, CREATING A WHOLE ASS MOUNTAIN...

that's so well thought out and disturbing eeeeeh
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Drew Toxclox.
71 reviews
November 9, 2024
The visuals are some of my favorite, the feelings I get are close to how it was reading the beginning of csm
Profile Image for Amber Miller.
133 reviews
October 14, 2023
Not to be dramatic but…..the Evil Eye was INCREDIBLY UNSETTLING AND HORRIFYING 😰 and I hope to never see that shit again 😂. I was literally reading the second half of this volume with my hands in front of my face like this 🫣.
Profile Image for Emily.
156 reviews
November 20, 2023
At Jiji's house, Momo searches for any weird auras, or spirits, but she can't find anything and ditches the boys to go to the Hot Springs. Jiji teaches Okarun how to play soccer, but their game in interrupted when Jiji asks Okarun if he likes Momo. They start arguing about who loves her most and when Jiji declares that he's won because he's Momo's lifelong friend, Okarun thinks of his kiss and sheepishly declares that he's won. Meanwhile, Momo wonders if the boys are getting along, but something is watching her from the changing rooms. Back at the house, the boys aren't backing down for their love for Momo. Jiji offers Okarun a friendly handshake, but as soon as he takes it Jiji puts him in a headlock to try to get Okarun to admit defeat, but their fighting actually ends when Okarun realizes that there's a mysterious room on the side of Jiji's house that doesn't have an entrance. They investigate and realize that the wall that should lead to the mysterious room is hollow, so Jiji takes a sledgehammer and busts through the wall to find a room covered in seals to ward off evil spirits. They go to tell Momo, but before they can leave the house, they're met with a flock of terrifying old ladies. Just as Momo goes to leave the Hot Springs, she's bombarded by a group of naked old men. She yells at them for invading her privacy, but they point out a barely legible sign that says it's a co-ed bath. She tries to think of a way out, but her mind is all foggy from the steam and the men are blocking the exit. Before she can get out of there, one of the men tells her about the gators that lurk in co-ed baths that go after naked women. Before she realizes the group of men start swimming towards her. They are the gators and they're coming after her. She tries using her powers to attack the men, but her mind is too foggy due to the steam and they grab her. This scene was absolutely terrifying. There have been similar themes like this in the story so far, but they've never struck this close to reality. I was genuinely terrified for Momo and this whole ordeal is even worse when you realize that these aren't supernatural creatures or aliens, but regular people as the monsters. Thankfully, one of the statues in the Hot Spring breaks and hits one of the attackers in the face, creating an opening for Momo to escape. The walls of the changing room begins to crumble on top of the attackers. As Momo escapes the pool, one of the men grabs her, but runs off when he sees the final wall of the changing room fall. When the wall falls, Momo is spared as she's directly in line with the changing room's door. It's then revealed that Turbo Granny is the one that saved Momo as she secretly followed them to Jiji's hometown. They hide from the locals while the Kito Family run away. On their way back to Jiji's house, Momo asks Turbo Granny what she thought of the house and she only replies by saying that Jiji's house is soaked in human blood. Jiji and Okarun have been trying their best to be good hosts to the old ladies that have barged into Jiji's house. It turns out these menacing old ladies are Jiji's landlords and the matriarchs of the Kito Family. These ladies seem pretty pissed off at Jiji for leaving without telling them and ask him if he plans on bringing more spirit mediums, telling him that it would sully their family name. Jiji tries to deflect by saying that he wanted to hang out with his friend, which is why he left, but they don't believe him and the head honcho of the family straight up threatens Okarun. Before anyone gets shot, then gators from the Hot Springs burst into Jiji's house and we learn that they're apart of the Kito Family as well. They also interrogate Jiji about his new friend and they ask Okarun if he really is Jiji's friend, he would know Jiji's favorite soccer team. The boys panic, silently trying to communicate, but thankfully, when the old ladies came over, Jiji covered the hole in the wall with a poster of his favorite soccer team and the boys pass the Kito Family's interrogation. Unfortunately, the head honcho asks when the girl will come back, but Jiji denies a girl even being here, but she knows for a fact that he's lying. On her walk home, Momo stumbles upon a shrine where they worship the Tsuchinoko Snake Monster. She has a pretty awkward chat with the Shrine Keeper about the legend of the Tsuchinoko and how the the townspeople used to sacrifice orphans to appease the Snake. The Shrine Keeper says that it's his job to stop people from continuing those barbaric practices to a monster that most likely doesn't exist. On her way back to Jiji's house, she thinks about taking Okarun to the shrine, but before she can even tell him about it, she's met with the Kito Family beating Okarun and Jiji to prepare them for sacrifice. Momo's powers have returned, so she immediately starts fighting the gators off, but one of them grabs her and she starts getting dizzy again. Turbo Granny pops out of Momo's bag and scares the gators off by being a talking cat statue. Momo yells at her attackers to leave the house, but then the real fight begins. The Kito Family matriarch starts to attack and Momo can't seem to keep up with her. Momo gets hit into the wall that the boys smashed through and it's revealed that the Kito Family has continued their tradition of sacrificing children to the Tsuchinoko to keep the village safe for the past 200 years. Momo starts to sink into the blood soaked room, but before the Snake can eat her Okarun and Jiji attack the Kito's and grab onto her. Unfortunately, their rescue attempt was all in vain because the floor drops from beneath all of them and they land in a new realm. It turns out that the Tsuchinoko that the Kito's have been sacrificing children to is actually a cryptid called the Mongolian Death Worm. The Kito's try to appease their God by sacrificing our heroes, but they get completely demolished as the Worm indiscriminately eats them. Jiji, Momo and Okarun hide in one of the houses in the Worms realm, but something's wrong with Momo and Okarun. The Worm is emitting psychic waves that make people want to kill themselves and Jiji is desperately trying to stop them from succeeding. This bring back memories from them his parents tried to kill themselves. One day, Jiji found his parents hanging from the balcony of their house, but thankfully Jiji was able to cut them down before they died. They've been in the hospital ever since and Jiji is desperate to find whatever drove his parents to insanity. During all the chaos, Jiji desperately tries saving Momo and Okarun from themselves and the Worm, but they get away and try to jump from the balcony. He grabs them just before they jump, but the Worm is looking straight at them. Jiji, still holding on to his friends, braces himself for the Worm's attack, but something has stopped it. It's the spirit that Jiji kept envisioning. Turbo Granny informs him that this spirit is called the Evil Eye and if anyone looks at it, they'll become suicidal, but thankfully this spirit's powers seem to cancel out the Worm's. Momo and Okarun are brought back to reality and Okarun uses his powers to cut the Worm in half, but that doesn't stop it for long. While running away from the Worm, Jiji looks the Evil Eye head-on and we get to see the spirit's past. Originally, this spirit was just a boy that wanted to play with the other children in his village, but he was chosen as the village sacrifice to appease the Snake God. The boy was tied to a post and killed. Later on, he reappeared years later as a ghost. He drove the parents to killing themselves, leaving the child to be taken by the Kito Family and used as sacrifice. Over and over, the Kito's would kill innocent children and bury them with the houses, just to build a new one and start the cycle over again. The spirits of the children joined, creating the twisted spirit that's been haunting Jiji. After hearing his story, the Spirit leads Jiji to the place where it all began. He sympathizes with the spirit and after the Worm attacks and Jiji allows the Evil Eye to take over his body. With his newfound power, Jiji crushes the Worm and vows to kill all humans. Pretty intense, right? Well, there's an extra comic to tide us over until the next volume comes out. This comic seems to take place after Momo found Aira and Okarun behind the shed. They end up getting attacked by a Can Alien, it's pretty fun. Okarun and Momo make up and we get to see their relationship blossom a bit more. I can't freaking wait for the next volume! I'm so excited!!!
Profile Image for Jose Granados.
382 reviews3 followers
May 29, 2022
** Leído en su Version en Español de Manga Plus ** quinto numero de este manga sigue siendo super divertido y bueno, nos relata el inconveniente que vivió su antiguo amorío y empieza el enfrentamiento contra los yokais de esta historia , lo mas divertido son las ocurrencias de amoríos . aguanta seguir leyendo.... lo recomiendo mucho
Profile Image for Liz (Quirky Cat).
4,746 reviews76 followers
March 25, 2024

It all started as a little bet. Each wanted to prove the existence of the supernatural to their new friend, and neither was willing to listen. This quickly turns to chaos as a haunted tunnel and horny aliens get thrown into the mix.

Momo and Okarun haven't had a moment to catch their breath, or so it feels. Most recently, they've stepped up to help an old friend of Momo's – Jiji. His whole family is cursed, or so it feels. The house certainly has something wrong with it, which is where Momo comes in.


Another chaotic adventure! I'll admit that parts of Dandadan Vol. 5 were a bit more tense than usual (think of Momo's first encounter with the aliens, and you'll have a close enough idea). I didn't love it, but the stakes had to be set, right?

There's a lot to take in from Dandadan Vol. 5. We have spirits, different backstories, character development, potential friendships, and some antagonists that may be human? Like I said, it's a lot. But it's also a fascinating combination.

The whole backstory related to Jiji/the house is the biggest highlight thus far. It's incredibly dark – but also the sort of story you just can't look away from. I think I have an idea of how things will go from here, and I'm not complaining.

Horror/Science Fiction Manga
Sci-Fi versus Fantasy

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