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ダンダダン [Dan Da Dan] #4

ダンダダン 4 [Dan Da Dan 4]

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校内に現れたセルポ星人に虚空に閉じ込められ、再び男のシンボルを狙われるオカルン。だが絶対絶命のその時、恋する乙女・愛羅は、その身に宿るアクさらの炎の力を覚醒させた。モモとも合流し激戦を繰り広げるなか、セルポ星人は手ごまのドーバーデーモンとネッシーと合体する!? 度重なる危機に立ち向かい、力を合わせるオカルンたちは、セルポ星人を撃退できるか!? 不可思議バトルに甘酸っぱい恋模様の第四巻!!

210 pages, Paperback

First published March 4, 2022

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About the author

Yukinobu Tatsu

37 books125 followers
aka 龍幸伸. (Tatsu Yukinobu), mangaka author of Dan Da Dan, Fire Ball! and Seigi no Rokugou.

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5 stars
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953 (39%)
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2 (<1%)
Displaying 1 - 30 of 133 reviews
July 6, 2024
I still do not know if I hate or love this manga, and I have now read 4 volumes (that's a first).
It is really not that interesting: a classic shōnen manga whose plot is (a) a monster (spirit or alien) appears; (b) MCs fight it; (c) MCs have some banter; (d) repeat 🔁. It's pretty dumb. Seriously.
Not to mention the whole attempted sexual assault ordeal (which keeps on repeating) ...

⬆️ PROS:
However, the absolute chaos of each panel is ridiculously intriguing. I love it.
The illustrations are also fantastic, and the mangaka is legit one of the best at drawing backgrounds.

So, yeah, still undecided...
Profile Image for Jay (taylor's version).
422 reviews23 followers
January 14, 2023
C'è poco da fare, a me questo manga fa morire dal ridere, sarò banale probabilmente, però mi intrattiene con i suoi disegni, la sua storia e la sua leggerezza.
Profile Image for Štěpán.
417 reviews37 followers
August 5, 2022
The appeal of Dandadan is in the fact that something is always happening. It is a constant rollercoaster. When there are no ghosts, there are aliens. When there are no jokes, there is a sad and tragic backstory. When there are no fighting scenes, there are genuine moments of love, attraction and jealousy. Plus, there are always dick or ball jokes.

In this volume, the previous arc ends, there is some falling action and repercussions and a new character is introduced to us, and a new story arc begins. It is a crazy ride and so far I am enjoying it way more than I thought.
Profile Image for Teresa Sporrer.
Author 40 books220 followers
June 12, 2022
Dandadan ist, als wäre Riverdale gut: Aliens, Geister, Großmütter, die wie Anfang 20 aussehen, halbnackte Kerle in Unterhose (wobei das hier mehr Sinn ergibt), Metal-Exorzisten, Telekinese, besessene Glückskatzen, Highschool, usw.
Es ist nicht mein liebster Manga, aber ich freu mich auf jedes Kapitel und bin immer neugierig, welche Absurdität jetzt wieder abgeht.
Profile Image for fonz.
385 reviews7 followers
December 27, 2022
"Dan Da Dan" es un manga que entraría de lleno en el género del "shonen majadero", una mezcla entre "Chainsaw Man", las comedias de Rumiko Takahashi y el tokusatsu (las películas y series de superhéroes japoneses tipo Ultraman o las de kaijus). En el fondo es el típico manga para los chavales de toda la vida; un tebeo de tremebundas ostias insertadas en una estructura de comedia romántica coral plagada de humor chorra al estilo Takahashi (incluso hay un par de guiños, uno a Ranma y otro a Lamu) que le da calidez al conjunto; el protagonista es muy tímido y muy mono y el resto del elenco resulta muy simpático. El resultado es una historia lanzada a velocidad absurda: una vez superado el planteamiento en el primer tomo, el relato se convierte en un no parar de chorradas divertidísimas y espectaculares enfrentamientos con los delirantes antagonistas, extraterrestres y espíritus, que parecen salidos de una versión tokusatsu de la "Doom Patrol" de Morrison y Case (aunque conociendo a Morrison probablemente le vino la "inspiración" tras pegarse un atracón de Ultraman a altas horas de la madrugada). Enfrentamientos que se alternan con tramos de comedia y romance, incluso con toques emotivos, que permiten un respiro al lector, pero en los que se introduce siempre una sorpresa, una situación cómica, un girito desconcertante o gracioso para hacer avanzar la historia.

Mención aparte el tremendísimo dibujo de Yukinobu Tatsu y su equipo, que se lucen en los diseños de los antagonistas, los apabullantes combates, entre la acción desenfrenada y el slapstick, las fantásticas dobles splash pages y la fluidísima narrativa, redondeando el conjunto con un acabado extraordinariamente detallado y pulido. Pues eso, que es la hostia.
Profile Image for Anna  Quilter.
858 reviews38 followers
March 20, 2024
There is seriously something wrong with the new 'childhood friend/first love' introduced.

Hottest Gran I've ever seen.

Much chaos/fun.
Profile Image for charly.
68 reviews
November 6, 2024
The more I read this manga the more it gets bizarre and ludicrous 😭😭😭 but in a good way. The way they were naked when they defeated the aliens💀💀💀. I was dead man. I loved the kappa alien so much. So cute and the cow offering it took🤣 hope we see them again soon. Jiji man, i actually love him so much. He is good looking and a weirdo. The best combo. Also okarun getting jealous like how ayase was of aira last volume 😏😏😏 PARALLELS.
The mannequin monster was so weird at first but that confession he made to the other was too ROMANTIC AND THE FACT OKARUN RELATED. AHHHHH
Kinda scared for next volume but cannot wait
Profile Image for James DeSantis.
Author 17 books1,181 followers
June 15, 2024
This series never breaths, which keeps it highly entertaining.

We finish a big battle, underwater, half naked (or fully for our main hero) and all three barely survive this encounter and then show up naked in front of their classmates, great times. Then we get a new character who apparently was Momo's first love. But this was years ago, and this guy is kind of goofy and weird but then really does need help. It's high energy, funny, dumb, and looks great. This volume kicks it up a notch with the horror even.

A 4 out of 5.
Profile Image for Sophia Paul.
222 reviews1 follower
June 17, 2024
AIRA ITS SO FUN. LOVE HER ACTUALLY. this was some fun and funny plots and the OKARUN AND MOMO PLOT IS CHUGGING. please i need them MORE (even tho they literally have "kissed" and woke up basically naked) BUT I NEED THE REAL SHIT. i love it all so much tho - love the aliens and shit - Mr milk man WOOOO
Profile Image for Blake the Book Eater.
1,192 reviews409 followers
January 22, 2024
Another great volume with the introduction of a new member: Jiji! A foil for Okarun and a nice rounding out of the group, and of course their supernatural shenanigans together.
Profile Image for Kate.
1,104 reviews27 followers
May 15, 2024
Dandadan continues to be a fun and engaging manga. In this volume, we finish off the fight that left off at the end of volume 3 and then Momo's friend Jiji appears to present a new problem. Jiji's arrival also throws a wrench in how Okarun feels and he starts to think more about how he really feels about Momo. This prompts some interesting character work. The art continues to be fun and over the top in the best ways. I'm excited to see where the story goes in volume 4 as our main characters venture to Jiji's supposedly cursed house.
Profile Image for Dani Gómez.
147 reviews
November 29, 2022
⭐️4⭐️ Entretenido y gracioso, este manga esta muy bien y cada vez me gusta más.

Este tomo es algo diferente que los demás, ya que se centra un poco en la relación de los protagonistas, pero a su vez hay acción algo que hace que quieras seguir leyendo. 🛸

Si lees este manga tienes asegurado la acción con personajes de locura, y risas ya que utiliza lenguaje cómico, es decir, coloquial. Es muy bueno y a mi me hace reírme un poco. 🤣
Profile Image for Jay.
107 reviews
November 8, 2024
the story has been really funny so far, but also tucking at my heart strings at times

it keeps getting me emotional at times when i do not expect it, real nice writing!

love a good desperate romance
27 reviews2 followers
March 15, 2024
The right amount of weird to keep me reading.
Profile Image for aamna.
278 reviews
September 13, 2024
Profile Image for gab!!!!.
430 reviews7 followers
September 24, 2024
the way every new character is just so cool???? so so fun i loved it
Profile Image for Gladys Novelle.
4 reviews20 followers
October 8, 2024
Anatomical figures inlove. Infirmary Queen. Nude Gladiatorial Combat.

5 stars
Profile Image for Sheepy .
2,196 reviews14 followers
August 25, 2023
More intrueging characters are being added, and I can't wait to see how the series continues from here!!
Profile Image for Iva.
62 reviews15 followers
October 12, 2024
Yet another hilarious and beautifully drawn volume
Profile Image for Dinosauryha.
69 reviews3 followers
January 2, 2024
That lore is insane: demons protect Earth from aliens. I expect nothing more from this manga than a total masterpiece. (It's only 4 volume and my attention is gripped tightly).
How misunderstandings are treated is so amazing that I am in love with Okarun (and author) myself.
Respect for Aira is rising. I didn't hate her and she didn't even annoyed me but my admiration becomes bigger.
Omygod trio becomes quartet (YEEEEY, HAPPY FOR THEM) the more the merrier (I mean, Jiji is a dork but hot as hell)
Also I love how they help literally anyone (such a kind team)
Displaying 1 - 30 of 133 reviews

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