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ダンダダン [Dan Da Dan] #3

ダンダダン 3 [Dan Da Dan 3]

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ターボババアとの戦いの時に失った男の大切なタマを探すオカルンとモモ。一方、タマを拾ったことで、霊力に目覚めた美少女・愛羅は、超能力者モモを悪魔と勘違いしモモを呼び出す。しかしその場に、赤いワンピースの女・アクロバティックさらさらが現れ二人を強襲!? モモと駆け付けたターボババアの力を宿すオカルンが応戦するが、その最中に愛羅に危機が!? 果たしてアクロバティックさらさらの正体と愛羅との関係は? 錯綜する愛と不可思議現象のコラボーレーション第三巻!!

210 pages, Paperback

First published December 3, 2021

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About the author

Yukinobu Tatsu

37 books125 followers
aka 龍幸伸. (Tatsu Yukinobu), mangaka author of Dan Da Dan, Fire Ball! and Seigi no Rokugou.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 205 reviews
Profile Image for Hilary.
459 reviews5 followers
June 2, 2022
I've never gone from Emotional Damage to LMFAO so quickly. Plus the artwork is top tier!
Profile Image for Štěpán.
417 reviews37 followers
August 4, 2022
The more I read, the more I appreciate the art. It is dynamic and visually striking with really great details and attention to the emotions of the characters. I am stunned, at how some panels look great. Some are cramped with details and others are simply focusing on a single element, yet the overall flow is incredible.

The story is really "basic" and straightforward, however, the dynamics between the characters are what drive the plot forward. Building love and affections are something, which in most shonen manga is usually pretty cringe, but here it works and I hope that it all ends well with some satisfying result. I am really glad that tropes are being broken this early in the story and that there were already changes and some progress.
Profile Image for Anna  Quilter.
858 reviews38 followers
July 14, 2023
I can't believe the main theme of this manga centres around Okarun's genitals..
However saying that it's still an awesome series..loving it!
Profile Image for Momo .
490 reviews1 follower
October 23, 2024
Going to your enemy’s house and calling her grandma a hottie is WILDDDD.
Profile Image for aamna.
278 reviews
September 13, 2024
Yukinobu and Fujimoto be def smoking the same joint cuz what kinda fever dream-typa read is this ????
Profile Image for Sophia Paul.
222 reviews1 follower
June 17, 2024
how in the world did we get stupid balls shit and then in between a genuine story that had me crying. that's what i love so far about this is that there is some WILD WERID plots about balls and aliens and shit but then you have this beautiful and tragic story of a single mother trying her best to provide for her daughter. its so tragic - again i cried - and its in between this ball shit. UGH ITS SO GOOD
Profile Image for Jenny Clark.
3,176 reviews118 followers
November 10, 2024
This is still a wtf am I reading moment, but the art is good, as are the fights. I enjoy Momo and Okarun's friendship as well. Seeing the new antagonists is pretty cool as well, and we get a bit more info on why the Serpoians are so obsessed with our characters.
Also have an absolutely devastating chapter in the middle of this. I'm definitely seeing the Chainsaw Man inspiration in this.

Check out my YouTube channel for bookish videos and monthly wrap ups!
Profile Image for María.
10 reviews
October 31, 2024
te hace llorar y acto seguido te saca el pit0 mecánico de un extraterrestre…uao
Profile Image for Liz (Quirky Cat).
4,746 reviews76 followers
March 11, 2024

It all started as a little bet. Each wanted to prove the existence of the supernatural to their new friend, and neither was willing to listen. This quickly turns to chaos as a haunted tunnel and horny aliens get thrown into the mix.

Okarun may not be cursed anymore (technically?), but he does still have a specific problem. Mainly because a certain part of his anatomy is still missing, and he will need Momo's help to get them back. Awkward.


The chaos! Dandadan Vol. 3 is even more chaotic (and fun) than the previous two volumes. That's saying something. Then again, I'm binging the series pretty hard, so I might be biased.

This third volume has a lot going on. There's the continuation of Okarun's plot (trying to get everything, ahem, back in order), the will they/won't they romantic subplot, a return of a few early characters, and now a new character!

Like I said, it's a lot. But in a good way. You can already see the potential dynamics between the three – but I'm assuming Aira will stick around. I could be wrong (will have to keep reading to confirm). While I can see the dynamic getting old, it's a new burst of energy in an already vibrant series for now.

Horror/Science Fiction Manga
Sci-fi versus Fantasy

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Profile Image for Daniel Rivera.
245 reviews42 followers
October 3, 2022
Reseña Manga: Dan da dan, de Yukinobu Tatsu! (Tomo 3)

👻Hoy os traigo la reseña del tercer tomo de esta gran serie, pero no os preocupéis que no habrá Spoilers de los tomos anteriores!

👽Para quienes no conozcáis Dan da dan, os estáis perdiendo una de las novedades más cañeras del mundo manga!

👻Su temática mezcla espíritus, extraterrestres, acción, humor y una pizca de romance, todo muy bien mezclado para dar lugar a esta joya super divertida!
(Tenéis reseña del tomo 1-2 en mi perfil, podéis buscarla rápidamente desde el menú de guías, en el icono al lado de los reels)

👽Ahora bien, el tomo tres ha sido toda una sorpresa. Después de ver el nivel de los dos primeros tomos, tenía seguro que aquí la cosa flojearía, era imposible mantener ese ritmo pero que va, no solo se mantiene sino que mejora añadiendo una parte más profunda, un toque más nostálgico y un nuevo personaje muy complejo!

👻Al igual que en los tomos anteriores los personajes son lo más, amo a los protagonistas e incluso pensé que odiaría al nuevo personaje pero nada que ver, es genial también!

👽Por cierto, el dibujo me encanta, es 100% el estilo que me gusta, y una vez más, me reí a carcajadas con las escenas tan disparatadas que tienen lugar!

👻Por mi parte estoy deseando leer más de Dan da dan y saber por dónde van a ir los tiros en cuanto a trama, aún así, se ha convertido en una de mis series favoritas!

👽Os la recomiendo totalmente, sin condiciones, si os gusta el manga tenéis que leerla y si no, esta es una gran serie por la que iniciarse!!!

👻Contadme si os llama la atención o si la habéis leído!

Para más reseñas como estas seguidme en mis redes sociales:
IG: @dani_rivera13
Twitter: @daniriv13
Profile Image for Artemissia G.
1,156 reviews26 followers
January 12, 2023
Si j’ai bien aimé les deux premiers tomes, j’avais peur que ce troisième tome ne soit qu’une suite d’action et de bastons. Alors, certes, il y a en a, mais comme pour toutes les bonnes histoires d’exorcisme, on sait aussi pourquoi les monstres que nos héros combattent sont devenus ce qu’ils sont. J’ai adoré découvrir les flashbacks qui expliquent pourquoi ils sont devenus si sombres et effrayants !Du coup, en lisant le passé de l’esprit acrobate, ça m’a de nouveau accroché.

Et puis, je trouve également que l’humour est bien dosé. Entre ce pauvre Okarun qui cherche désespérément ses « boules » (et pas de cristal), la jolie Aira qui pense qu’elle est l’élue parce qu’elle est belle et qui se place comme une rivale de Momo qui veut nier son attachement à Okarun. Un trio qui se forme et qui le plaît bien. On retrouve ici, les aliens qui en ont après l’appareil reproducteur du jeune homme et il y a des moments tout à fait tordants.

Dans l’ensemble, ce troisième tome fut tout aussi fun à lire que les deux premiers. L’humour, les moments de tension, et les combats sont bien dosés. On ne s’ennuie pas et on n’est pas non plus débordé d’informations. De plus, j’avoue avoir un gros faible pour les dessins que j’aime énormément. Bon, bien sûr, ceci est un avis très personnel.

Dandadan combine un peu tout ce qui sait me tenir en haleine avec des personnages au caractère bien trempé et des situations aussi casse-gueule qu’épiques ! Parfois même complètement tirée par les cheveux, mais c’est ce que j’aime et qui fait le charme, à mon sens, de ce manga.

Je serai au rendez-vous avec la suite, et ce, avec plaisir.
Profile Image for frau.meln.
593 reviews10 followers
April 28, 2023
Auch Band drei von Dandadan hat mich wieder gekriegt. Ich lieb einfach, wie abgedreht alle sind. Und trotzdem gibt es hin und wieder ein bisschen Ernsthaftigkeit.
Ich weiß, viele haben sich zu Beginn über diese Szene ausgesprochen, in der Momo von den Serporianern entkleidet wird, da dadurch das Frauenbild unnötig sexualisiert würde. Dem kann ich mich tatsächlich nicht anschließen… ich meine, ja, es wird viel sexualisiert, aber eben auf beiden Seiten, weswegen mir das absolut nicht aufstößt. „Gib mir deine Bananas!“ fordern die Serporianer schließlich gegenüber allen Geschlechtern 😂👌🏼.

Bisher ist die Story vorwiegend actionreich und auf (humorvolle) Unterhaltung angelegt, was mir gut gefällt. Die Charaktere sind dennoch greifbar und zeigen viele Emotionen. Sprachlich ist es etwas derber, was für mich ein weiterer Pluspunkt ist.

Bin gespannt, was da noch auf mich wartet, immerhin hat Japan bereits 10 Bände 😏. Meinen Geschmack trifft es bisher komplett und ich freu mich jetzt schon im Juli weiterlesen zu können!
Profile Image for Ashley (Red-Haired Ash Reads).
3,020 reviews170 followers
August 6, 2024
Series: Dandadan Ch. 15-23
Rating: 4 stars - It was really good

This picks up right where the previous volume left off. Momo and Okarun fight the Acrobatic Silky spirit and rescue Aira. This fight was interesting and sad. The way this spirit was created was heartbreaking and I like that we are seeing why spirits are created now.

After that we have another battle with the aliens and another cryptid. So far this battle has been very interesting because of the environment and Aira being included in the battle. It will be interesting to see how the group deals with the aliens and cryptids. Also the romance elements of this series is starting to ramp up and I am still really enjoying the will they/won’t they dynamic going on.

TW: suicide; sex work; child abduction;
Profile Image for Paula Rodríguez.
256 reviews
November 29, 2023
Vaaale, me retracto. Este tomo también está muy bien, y en un par de ocasiones la traducción al español es muy buena porque está actualizada.
Me gusta el nuevo personaje y cómo es con los otros dos. Al final me ha acabado gustando, aunque sigue habiendo algo que me escama.
Solo quiero saber cómo continúa la situación entre ciertos personajes, así que ojalá sigan trayendo los tomos a la biblioteca.
Profile Image for J.
233 reviews3 followers
November 8, 2024
I may or may not have shed a tear reading about Acro-Silky’s backstory.

The translation has a lot of Japanese-isms, like “protect the peace of the world” and “you’d better accept responsibility for this” which I would not have done if I were translating this. That being said, these aren’t wrong, just not very creative or natural in English. But otherwise, I didn't find any glaring errors and the translation read very smoothly!
Profile Image for Des Fox.
1,021 reviews18 followers
May 24, 2023
Absolutely loved this one. The art is so good, and this volume finds a great pace that really sets the stage for exactly how unique this title is while still hitting a lot of traditional shonen notes. Aira is a fantastic addition to the cast and her backstory with the Acrobatic Silky was beautiful. There's a lot to love here and it was a ton of fun the whole way. Can't wait for more.
Profile Image for charly.
68 reviews
November 5, 2024
PERIOD. Ayase is honestly becoming one of my favourite fmc. She is so smart and funny. I love the banter between her and okarun while in the fight with the serpoians. And ayase getting jealous😏😏. I felt bad for acrosilky woman. Her story was so sad😭😭😭 I am glad her aura lives on in aira. Her transformation was so cool. Hopefully they beat these weirdo aliens
Profile Image for Andrea.
501 reviews22 followers
January 19, 2024
Nunca antes recuperar un testículo fue tan emotivo y épico 😎
La segunda parte del tomo, con el monstruo del lago Ness y los aliens-roba-órganos-banana, aunque sean divertidos, no me gusta la participación de Aira.
Profile Image for Chris Orme.
469 reviews3 followers
March 26, 2024
I like a series that can go from making want to cry in one scene to the next making me smile at the goofiness 🙂
Profile Image for Jo R.
14 reviews
October 3, 2024
Weird as fuck but I’m intrigued so I’ll keep going haha
Profile Image for Matt-hue Loose.
25 reviews
October 13, 2024
Still quite good!

The melodrama is all familiar stuff, but simple does not mean bad! Those same, worn building blocks can still create something special in a different shape or context!
Displaying 1 - 30 of 205 reviews

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