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ダンダダン [Dan Da Dan] #2

ダンダダン 2 [Dan Da Dan 2]

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心霊スポットでターボババアに呪われた、怪奇現象オタクのオカルンは、超能力者の女子校生・綾瀬桃と共に、呪いを解くためターボババアに鬼ごっこ勝負を挑む! 逃げ切れば勝ちのこの勝負、だがターボババアの刺客・巨大カニ化した地縛霊が邪魔をしてきて!? 怪異とバトルと恋が暴走中の第二巻!!

202 pages, Paperback

First published October 4, 2021

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About the author

Yukinobu Tatsu

37 books125 followers
aka 龍幸伸. (Tatsu Yukinobu), mangaka author of Dan Da Dan, Fire Ball! and Seigi no Rokugou.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 272 reviews
Profile Image for Štěpán.
417 reviews37 followers
August 4, 2022
Instead of missing dick, now we are missing balls and somehow it all makes sense.
Profile Image for Des Fox.
1,021 reviews18 followers
February 14, 2023
I wasn't thinking much of this volume until suddenly everything clicked with me. Okarun's power, the new girl, the neko doll, I can see where Dandadan is headed and I think it's going to be a really great and unique take on the shonen formula. I'm really happy with this, and stoked for a new series which features cryptids and aliens alongside yokai. The art is brilliant and a high point for sure, but I see the foundations of a great series and will be on board for the rest.
Profile Image for may ➹.
516 reviews2,434 followers
January 19, 2024
this is one of those series that you have to read with someone else because if i read this by myself i would have trouble convincing myself that any of what i read was actually real


// buddy read with breana
Profile Image for Anna  Quilter.
858 reviews38 followers
May 26, 2023
Okarun has his "pencil" (euphemism) back...but now has lost his balls (not a euphemism)..
Profile Image for Lost in Book Land.
771 reviews164 followers
October 17, 2023
Hello Again,

I read DanDaDan Volume One not all that long ago (the review should still be live here and on Goodreads), I picked it up after hearing about it from a video and seeing it around my local bookstore. After reading volume one, I knew I was going to want to keep going with this series, so the next time I went to my local bookstore I looked for volume two. I was able to find the last copy they had in stock and I immediately picked it up, and made the purchase!


Okarun is so close to being done with this entire crazy mess but what happens when it is all done? Does he go back to living his mostly solitary high school life or will he still have his kind of friend? Once Turbo Granny is slain things can calm down again and Okarun can maybe figure out that whole friendship situation. But what if Turbo Granny is not fully dead? What if she takes something else and it falls into someone else’s hands?

I am really glad I picked up this second volume and I intend to grab volumes 3 and 4 the next time I am in the bookstore. I particularly enjoyed getting to see some of Okarun’s new normal and see how things would move throughout the story post-Tubro Granny (who is my favorite new old character for this issue). I also really love the art in this manga, the monsters are all super unique and stand out in my mind for a long time after reading. I hope to make a bookstore trip in the near future so I can continue my read of DanDaDan.

Goodreads Rating: 5 Stars
Profile Image for b. ♡.
376 reviews1,463 followers
January 23, 2024
a well-illustrated fever dream that is equal parts 1) horrifyingly goosebumps-inducing and 2) completely silly

(buddy read w/may! 🫶🏼)
Profile Image for aamna.
278 reviews
September 13, 2024
You have to have the right mindset while reading this because-😭
Profile Image for charly.
68 reviews
November 4, 2024
This manga just gets crazier🤣 I lived the slower paced chapters though where they really focused on the budding relationship between okarun and ayase. It was so sweet and the unexpected KISS SCENE. It was accidental but whatever it was totally adorable. The toilet scene had me cracking up when he noticed his balls were gone and then turbo granny in the cat figurine was just the cherry on top. It was so funny. Aira reminds me of teruhashi in the way they are both so conceited and think they are the chosen one💀. The fact that she had one of okaruns balls🤣🤣🤣🤣 Too funny. I can’t wait to read the next one
Profile Image for Yaroslav Chernovol.
142 reviews3 followers
January 17, 2024
Другий том Дандадану все такий же нестримний, феєричний, драйвовий та кумедний. 

Сюжетно продовжуються арка боротьби турбобабці. Шалені перегони на випередження з йокаєм та крабом. 

Навіть після цього пригоди продовжуються. Турбобабця втратила тілесну форму. Але забрала тестикули Окаруна. А вони, наділені силою бабці притягують йокаїв.

Також вводять нового персонажа - Айра Шираторі, яка після певних обставин вважає що має вигнати демона з Аясе.

Загалом все ще на рівні. Читоглядається неймовірно швидко.

Нагадаю що аніме Dandadan має вийти осінню 2024. Манґа в свою чергу має вже 13 томів на час написання.
Profile Image for Katarzyna.
126 reviews1 follower
October 7, 2024
Dandadan is peak I love them both so much UGHHH
the ghosts kinda remind me of ghosts from Mieruko Chan (which is good I love Mieruko Chan)

The pink haired girl looks too much like the main character imo the only way I can differentiate them is by their hair LOL

Also I don't think there were enough aliens in this volume (more like there wasn't any LOL)
Profile Image for Andrea.
501 reviews22 followers
November 28, 2022
Mantiene el ritmo del primero, sigue siendo bastante divertido (me encanta la traducción) y la relación entre los protas me parece muy tierna. La única pega es el dibujo de personajes, que no me gusta que sean todos iguales, pero luego hay paneles que da gusto ver.
A por el siguiente!
Profile Image for MarinaLawliett.
471 reviews48 followers
September 10, 2024
Me encanta!!! Además este ha tenido más cositas de romance 😍😍😍😍😍🫣🫣🫣🫣🫣😳😳😳😳
Profile Image for kelly.
353 reviews22 followers
March 16, 2024
Profile Image for Jeanne.
123 reviews6 followers
October 5, 2022
Moins pire que le 1 mais pire que tout quand même
Profile Image for James DeSantis.
Author 17 books1,181 followers
April 15, 2023
Crazy ass stories stays crazy.

We finally get closure on the Granny spirit and then it settles down into the school setting a lot more. But soon we find out instead of our main hero missing his dick, his BALLS are now gone. Does that make you go "What the fuck is happening?" Good, that's the point of this book.

It's funny, over the top, kind of badass at times, and this volume made me want to read more.
Profile Image for Alejandro Del Bosque.
61 reviews2 followers
January 20, 2023
Lo mismo que el primero, pero por suerte sin violáción. Es historia de chica guapa se enamora se chico pringado que se vuelve tope powerful. Que sí, que los monstruos me gustan cómo están diseñados, pero se centra en buscar los huevos desaparecidos de uno de los protagonistas. La única escena que me ha gustado ha sido ver a la turbovieja convertida en gato de la suerte 🐱 💰.
Profile Image for Joseph.
461 reviews11 followers
April 17, 2023
Screw it, this book rules. It has its faults but it’s a real trying to frown on a roller coaster kind of thing. Also the letterer on this does a great job, especially on all the panels where people are shouting and the text is in a special shout-y font.
Profile Image for Blake the Book Eater.
1,192 reviews409 followers
January 22, 2024
Probably one of my favorite manga currently running! It’s so wild and so fun and the characters are just adorable. I could watch them fight ghosts and aliens forever.
Profile Image for Myriam.
54 reviews
September 21, 2023
I don't know if I'm going to continue this series, maybe on kindle. This volume was ok
Profile Image for Dani Wladdimiro.
842 reviews3 followers
February 11, 2024
Ya solo el hecho que Momo y Okarun tengan una química tan maravillosa hace que Dandadan valga la pena, porque no quiero que les pase nada, los quiero juntos, les doy toda mi bendición. Las interacciones son muy reales, son de dos adolescentes en el instituto, con situaciones clásicas, donde no sabes como interactuar con la amiga o amigo, y terminan pasando situaciones muy tiernas, pero incómodas para los dos. Si fue un choque de dientes o un beso, me da igual, fue el momento maravilloso entre los dos y ya está. Si en el volumen anterior ya sentía que había buena química, ahora puedo reforzarlo muchísimo más.

Ahora en la historia agregamos otro personaje más, Aira, una estudiante de la misma preparatoria que nuestres querides protas 💜, quién ha despertado el reconocimiento de los espíritus, dado haber tocado las bolas doradas. Y si bien el personaje al inicio lo odias, creo que será un gran elemento para la historia, dará más dinamismo, pero no quiero harem en torno a Okarun, porque quiero que esté solo con Momo. Amé este volumen, lo disfruté muchísimo, si bien me faltaron aliens, ya van a venir, estoy seguro.
Profile Image for Reading_seas0n .
1,004 reviews17 followers
December 1, 2022
Thank you, VIZ Media & NetGalley, for allowing me access to read and review this manga novel. All my words are my honest review!

That beginning went HARD!
The friendship is growing, and the feeling is cute.

This ridiculous story has weird-as-heck scenarios, but they are funny and have interesting supernatural moments.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 272 reviews

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