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The Purpose Driven Life: What on Earth Am I Here for?

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This book will help you understand why you are alive and God's amazing plan for you - both the here and now, and for eternity. Rick Warren will guide you through a personal 40 day spiritual journey that will transform your answers to life's most important What on earth am I here for?

336 pages, Paperback

First published January 1, 2002

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About the author

Rick Warren

494 books1,814 followers
Richard Duane Warren is an American Baptist evangelical Christian pastor and author.He is the founder of Saddleback Church, an evangelical Baptist megachurch in Lake Forest, California. Since 2022, he is director of the Finishing the Task mission coalition.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 4,060 reviews
Profile Image for Natalie Vellacott.
Author 17 books937 followers
January 14, 2018
Simply put....there is no worldly method to achieving a closer walk with God. It will take time reading God's Word and praying. There is no short-cut to spirituality. The Purpose Driven Life and other similar series attempt to provide a short-cut and may encourage new believers to think that once they have achieved the twelve steps they can cease striving after God. I gave up on this book half way through and threw it away as I felt as if it was a deception. I have since read many concerning things about the author and his links with ecumenism and new-age....I'm not surprised this book was and is a best seller as it provides an easy Christianity and broad is the road that leads to destruction.

I am concerned that some churches are abandoning Bibles for their studies and studying this book instead. Any book that causes people to take their eyes off God and onto a man made method is a danger. Challies expresses my concerns clearly in this post


I don't recommend this book.
3 reviews
July 17, 2023
At its best, this book is filled with porous theology that is modestly helpful to someone who has no knowledge of Christianity whatsoever. At its worst, Warren mangles scripture to fit his own agenda (40 days to find purpose in your life) and promotes personal experience over the truth found in scripture.

This book is symptomatic of feel-good consumerized Christianity so prevalent in America today. Finding your purpose in life takes far longer than 40 days and it cannot be easily summarized (besides the obvious - to love and worship God). "The Purpose Driven Life" offers nothing new and while not quite heretical, it is very unsound and I cannot recommend this book to anyone. The fact that Warren makes references to the other "Purpose Driven"-branded items in his book that one can purchase pretty much sums it up.

I was given a free copy of this book by a friend at my church a few years ago. I finished reading the book simply to say that I had read it in its entirety. If you want good, thoughtful Christian writers, check out -

Links (for the lazy):
J.I. Packer ("Knowing God")
Augustine of Hippo ("Confessions" translated by Garry Wills (2006), "City of God")
C.S. Lewis ("Mere Christianity", "The Screwtape Letters", "The Problem of Pain")
G.K. Chesterson ("Orthodoxy", "The Everlasting Man")
John Piper ("Desiring God", "Don't Waste Your Life")
A.W. Pink ("The Attributes of God")
A.W. Tozer (no relations haha) ("The Pursuit of God")
Ravi Zacharias (Note: A investigation following Zacharias' death in 2020 found credible evidence of sexual misconduct spanning many years. This was not known at the time of my review in 2007. I cannot recommend his books based on this new information.)

I spent way too much time on this. Hope it helps.

Edited 07/16/2023: Updated/fixed URLs, added additional information about Ravi Zacharias.
Profile Image for Ron.
Author 1 book153 followers
April 7, 2015
"It's not about you."

Changed my life.

I took Warren's challenge and found that I was not where I should have been. Paradoxically, I was at that time employed by a Christian ministry highly regarded by many (and vilified by some), but I knew--I knew--that wasn't where I was supposed to be. So, I quit my job and sought a new direction.

Not there yet by a long shot, but thanks to Rick Warren I'm on my way.
Profile Image for BookOfCinz.
1,515 reviews3,300 followers
March 31, 2024
Reviewed March 31, 2024
Read it for Easter and it was amazing.

Reviewed April 30, 2022
Reminder on my purpose.

Review on April 11, 2021
This is my 6th time re-reading THE PURPOSE DRIVEN LIFE. I try to read this book every year during lent as a reminder of what my purpose in Christ should be, according to Rick Warren there are five purposes to your life:
To love God
To be a part of His family
To become like Him
To Serve Him
To tell others about Him

I love how he reinforces this with scriptures and other materials. I highly recommend this to anyone who is wondering about their purpose here on earth.

Review on May 8, 2020
This is my 5th time re-reading The Purpose Drive Life and I think this time is when it really connected for me. Maybe because I read it out loud, or maybe because while I was re-reading this book I recommitted my life to God, it can be a combination of the two but I was really impacted by this book is a strong way.

In Rick Warren's The Purpose Driven Life: What on Earth Am I here For? he outlines the five purposes of our life, what we were created by God to do:
To worship Him
To Fellowship with His Family/Church
To grow like Christ in Character
To Serve
To be on mission with God in the world, this Great Commission

I loved that it was broken down in an easy to follow way. I have been listening to Rick Warren for over 5 years, I start my day listening to his Daily Hope podcast so it was great reading this.

If you are wondering about your purpose, if you are searching for reason, if you want to know why you are on earth, I highly recommend reading this book.

Review on April 24th, 2019
This is my fourth time reading this book. I generally read this book during Easter because of the 40 chapters and 40 days during Lent. It is a great reminder on how to find purpose in life. How to make your life not about you and create some form of impact.

Review on March 30th 2018
This is my third time reading this book. I usually read this book at the start of the year or at the start of lent. I think reading a book one chapter a day for forty days requires not only dedication but it forces you to be in the Word of God.

Everyone wants to know their purpose- why am I here on earth? What is my purpose? These are questions that plague me sometimes when I feel so purposeless. I love how easy this book is to read, how we are given various call to actions and questions to ponder on.

You get from this book what you take. Rick Warren doesn't promise you purpose after this book, you need to really work and seek it.

A great read- one of my favorites.
Profile Image for Jack.
35 reviews1 follower
November 20, 2021
EDIT (2021): Wrote this back in 09', at the peak of my goofy and hyperbolic New Atheist phase.

This is a disgusting book. The goal of this book is to make you a slave. Don't take my word for it I'll just read straight from the book: "Worship isn't for you. It's for God p.66, God smiles when we obey him wholeheartedly, You have no right to argue with your Creator. You are merely a clay pot shaped by a potter p.75 " Or the chapters titles "Thinking like a Servant " and "How Real Servants Act".

For me, the most revolting thing about the book came on p.80 and this theme was repeated throughout the book "Surrendered people obey God's word even if it doesn't make sense." A few sentences before that Warren says "God would not waste the mind he gave you. God doesn't want a lot of mindless robots following him." Anyone who doesn't see the clear contradiction between those two sentences is a fool. And Warren put them on the same page.

Warren says it over and over and over again, the purpose of life isn't to learn, or to teach or even to just enjoy life, but to OBEY God. It doesn't matter what your own thoughts are or what you think of yourself, it only matters what the Great Self Appointed Tyrant in the Sky thinks of you and your life. According to this book, your only goal in life is to be forever groveling and praising this God and doing your damnedest to get others to do likewise.

There are some decent lessons in the book but all of them are corrupted by the awful dogma of Warren and his twisted theology. The book is designed to get around your intellect, it even says at some points that thinking and doubting are bad things, and go straight for your weakness and insecurities with an open attempt to try and convince you that you and everything you value are worthless without the Dictator's permission. Only a fool, only someone who WANTS TO BE A SLAVE would get anything out of this book.

Profile Image for Tucker.
Author 28 books213 followers
March 19, 2021
I read this in 2007 because the book happened to be on the shelf of a nonprofit and I was sitting there overnight waiting for the phone to ring. The author, Rick Warren, has used his power and influence to say things that are unhelpful to groups to which I belong; also, I don't share his theology; therefore, I was not disposed to like his book. Anyway, I took notes in 2007 and I used to have a review here on Goodreads, but I decided to rewrite it and move it to Medium when I learned that The Purpose-Driven Life has sold FIFTY. MILLION. COPIES. And the book does not even make sense to me! If Warren is monetizing, I feel that my review can also be monetized. Also on the subject of monetization, Amazon bought Goodreads in 2013 and so my words on Goodreads might be indirectly boosting Warren and/or Bezos when really I'd like to have that nickel. Regarding my old review that used to be here, I noticed that I may have misinterpreted one passage in the book; I still believe the passage is wrong, but now I think it's wrong for a different reason, so I adjusted my argument when I rewrote the review for Medium. Also, the review that used to be here had generated a comment thread in 2015 which I have finally deleted now in 2021 because the content was personal and did not discuss Warren's book anyway. The "lesson learned" from that exchange became another post on Medium! (in Booxify) There is another lesson that I am always heartened to relearn — maybe this, too, will become another article — is that it's OK to change and delete stuff online. The beauty of the Internet is that the information can change (as a Wise Old Person once told me back when AOL was still sending out CDs). If we have "lessons learned," we can share the better version of our knowledge and not leave our corner of the Internet looking like a screenshot from 2007 or 2015. That's my 2 cents on what it could mean to live a purpose-driven life.
Profile Image for John Jeffcoat iii.
23 reviews2 followers
October 21, 2012
Rick Warren was a customer of mine (Greatsite.com - The Bible Museum) before he released this best-selling and now extremely famous book. I find it curious that so many of my Christian friends are quick to criticize this book as being a "primer" of "Christianity 101" or an introduction to the Christian Faith and Life... and they feel it does not go deep enough theologically. That is not a valid criticism of this book in my opinion, because this book does not represent itself to be a seminary-level text of a theologically comprehensive nature. It is precisely and unashamedly what they criticize it for being: an introduction to Christianity. It is an excellent introduction to Christianity, and I see why it is so well-received. It is no substitute for the Bible, nor does it claim to be, but for those who may be intimidated by the Bible... this book has offered many millions a path toward putting aside that intimidation and encouraging them to read their Bible and fellowship with a local body of believers.
Profile Image for Benjamin Kittleson.
16 reviews4 followers
October 6, 2008
I don't even know where to begin with this book... It has been suggested that the information provided within is "Christian" in its delivery... Though, I would suggest to you that everything in this world that refers to itself as Christian is not necessarily so...

Simply because a book includes Bible verses does not mean that those verses have anything to do with what the Word of God is commanding of those who would follow Him... Marilyn Manson's song lyrics contain scripture, however, no one in their right mind would ever even suggest that his music has anything to do with "God's Plan."

Based upon the idea that 40 days is some sort of spiritually significant span of time in God's Daytimer, this book encourages it's readers to embark on a sort of 40-day study into what God's plan is for you...

What's dangerous about this book, in my opinion, is that it professes to hold some sort of secret about God and His desire for mankind, that perhaps He has not clearly revealed in His Word... The scripture that Rick Warren uses to make his points, and state his case that we should be a "purpose driven" people, seeking out a more "church driven" life, is simply mis-used as many of the books of Mr. Warren's contemporaries, such as Joel Osteen and T.D. Jakes. Both "megachurch" pastors publishing works that encourage their readers and followers to seek out their "divine purpose" so that they can "do more and be more" for Jesus...

We are to repent of our sins, and trust in Christ - love God with all of our heart, mind, soul and strength - and love our neighbor as ourselves... And go into the whole world, and preach the gospel to all of creation... That is our purpose, plain and simple... If anyone calling themselves a follower of Christ wants to know what more is required of them as a believer, they merely need open the Word of God, not the next Prayer of Jabez.
Profile Image for Jalyn.
208 reviews34 followers
March 30, 2015
Dear Mr. R.W,
Thank you for writing such a wonderful book.
For years, I’ve been battling loneliness within me, always reading some help books that didn’t really help at all. Actually, I’d read your book when I was in high school and maybe I’m too young at that time or not interested at all that’s why I didn’t took it seriously. And then, one day, I just woke up and decided that I don’t want to live my life like this anymore; a life with no purpose, a life full of regrets, worry, mediocrity and anxiety. I stopped. I felt this hunger within me, a hunger for peace and contentment and I start reading your book again, slowly.

It is painful for me to read that book. Every chapter is like a slap. Every paragraph had given me heartaches. But it’s okay because your book deserves to be read.

Your book taught me a lot. I learned that it’s okay to stumble, you just have to stand up again and never ever forget the faith you have in Christ. I learned that if we center our lives on Him, everything would fall into their right places.

“Earth is not heaven.” ~ This is one of the quotes that I really like in your book. We are experiencing pain because we are not home yet. God’s ultimate goal for our lives on earth is not comfort, but character development. Pain is vital because God uses it so we can mature and grow like Christ. God allows us to feel a significant amount of discontent and dissatisfaction in life- longings that will never be fulfilled on this side of eternity. We’re not completely happy here because we are not supposed to be. Earth is not our final home and we were created for something much better.

Thank you for reminding me that God has emotions too. He can feel our pain and sufferings. He feels angry too. And He smiles and laughs whenever we did something that is pleasing for Him. Thank you for also pointing out that we shouldn’t focus on ourselves, sulking in self-pity but rather, we should start helping other people by our God-given abilities and pleasing God.

Reading your book made me realize that I’ve been living my life so wrong, always starting on the wrong line, always running and always focusing on my own ambitions. I learned that I cannot fulfill God’s purposes in my life while focusing on my own plans.

For years, I’m the type of person that has her doubts in God. And now, I realized that we cannot measure the greatness of God because He is infinite and we are only finite human beings.
I hope a lot of people would read your book. Imagine the world if only all the people living in it know their purpose. It would make a great difference.

Thank you for reaching out to people like me. It means a lot.


Profile Image for Dean Ryan Martin.
292 reviews39 followers
June 10, 2021
"The way you think determines the way you feel. The way you feel influences the way you act." This was the unforgettable lesson I learned in the book. Sadly, for a reason I don't want to remember, I have DNF'd it.
Profile Image for Lauren.
414 reviews20 followers
December 27, 2007
I suppose this book can be genuinely helpful to some people (Scott Peterson, Brian Nichols, Fidel Castro, for example have all apparently benefited from this book), but it was uninteresting to me from the get-go. I went into it with an open mind, and hoped to gain some spiritual insight from it. However, when the book immediately recommended The Purpose-Driving Journal, The Purpose-Driven Calendar, Daily Inspiration for the Purpose-Driven Life, not to mention The Purpose Driven Life DVD Study Guide and The Purpose-Driven Life - Commuter Edition, I began to sense that despite the authors' good intentions the book has become a commercial monster of (dare I say) Biblical proportions, and I couldn't bear to be a part of it. Maybe someday I will calm down and be able to finish it. But I'll have to remember to get myself a leather-bound $15.00 Purpose-Driven Life Deluxe Journal beforehand!!
Profile Image for James Scholz.
116 reviews3,627 followers
June 10, 2024
heard about this from a manny pacquaio article (https://religionunplugged.com/news/20...)

I've been trying to explore my spirituality more and therefore read this book—some parts landed some didn't. a few parts were actually quite enlightening and helped me figure some stuff out. other parts didn't really fit with my understanding of the bible and felt like the author inserting his own ideas as opposed to explaining the bible. anyways i'm glad I read it
Profile Image for K.D. Absolutely.
1,820 reviews
July 7, 2013
This book teaches its reader God's five purposes for his or her life on earth: He makes you a member of His family, a model of His character, a magnifier of His glory, a minister of His grace, and a messenger of His Good News to others.

Among those five purposes, at this stage in my life, the only engaging read for me was the first one. There was nothing new about it really as I basically studied at several Catholic universities during my younger years. However, there were some bible passages and pointers that Warren reminded me of and the book had the usual positive impact to me so I still liked it. It's just that pages after pages of it sounded like some of the religion teachers that I had in the past. Maybe when I am in the twilight years, I will read this book again and its the impact will be greater than it has on me now.

There are also many quotable quotes that were able to inspire me there past few weeks. The book is designed to be read one chapter a day for the reader to "digest" and ponder the point that the chapter wants to convey. I recently had a couple of misunderstandings with someone close to me and this book became my companion in threshing out what could be done to fix things. Warren actually helped me in seeing things at that someone's points of view so saying sorry, forgetting and granting forgiveness were not really that difficult.

We have three copies of this book at home. The first was a Christmas gift from an office mate. The second was a retirement gift to my wife by another office mate. The third was the book my daughter bought for herself. I am not sure which one I read but since this book was first published in 2002, it has sold 25 million copies worldwide. I was in a bookstore last week and the latest copy proudly bears 30 million mark. Why did I not read this right away say when we received the first copy of the book at home? I dunno. Just browsing the book gave me then an impression that it was saccharine sweet and was unrealistically all positive that means falsely deceptive.

That impression is not true. The book is realistic and Warren presents the challenges that every Christian should work for. From the first declaration of "this is not about you" to "living with purpose is the only way to really live," the book is peppered with heartfelt applications of bible passages as Warren presents the five purposes that I mentioned above. My eyes did not get blurred not my heart pounded with sadness or inspiration but I felt that my spirit flew and soured while reading some of its pages.

A dear friend mentioned that the youngest child of Warren committed suicide this year, April 5, 2013 after struggling with mental illness that caused severe depression. In my life, I've seen several similar cases like this: a successful parent losing a child possibly because the celebrity parent got too focused with fame and in the process neglected his o her own family. But I do not know Warren's complete story so I'd rather keep my comments to myself.

At some point in your life you should read this book.
Profile Image for ☆Brittany☆.
184 reviews
April 4, 2009
I am reading the hard cover copy but I couldn't find it on GoodReads.

I am starting this book today. I am also going to do what it suggests - only read one chapter a day for 40 days. So that means, I will finish this book in a little over a month.

The whole point of the book is to supposedly show you *why* you are on this Earth.

I've been doing a lot of soul-searching lately & I am hoping to gain some knowledge from reading this book.

"Self-help books often suggest that you try to discover the meaning & purpose of your life by looking within yourself, but Rick Warren says that is the *wrong* place to start. You *must* begin with God, your Creator, & His reasons for creating you. You were made *by* God & *for* God, & until you understand that, life will never make sense." (Quoted from the book)

So far I *really* enjoy this book! It is very inspiring & a real "wake up" call to me.
I am a Christian but I haven't exactly been living like one for years. I sort of "back slid" & just lived day to day like everyone else.
I really hope to make some permanent spiritual changes from reading this book!
Profile Image for Khim.
1 review6 followers
June 21, 2011
I believe, this book was written to change the life of the reader, it gives answers to every questions you're asking to GOD, telling you your purpose and that is to live for GOD. It clarifies everything. This is really an amazing book. Life-changing! :)
Profile Image for Drew J.
17 reviews6 followers
March 3, 2008
I think I'm the only one in the world who hated this book. It annoyed the crap out of me. It lays out a canned formula to live. Turn-off for me.
Profile Image for Yana Vargas (Editor).
715 reviews415 followers
November 4, 2016
First I must say that I am a Christian. I think me being a Christian will affect how I rate this book. Not that I am gonna be bias and give it a five star. As you guys can see, there's only three and according to my profile where I included how I rate my reads, three stars really isn't that good.

The book is supposed to be read for forty days, one chapter each day. And I tried doing that so many times before. I tried reading it as my devotion but so many times, i never get to finish. So this time I read it in just two days, actually just five hours. The book isn't that long anyway, especially that its font is kinda bigger than usual. Not the novel-type fonts. I would've read it in two hours.

So anyway, maybe I know now why I couldn't finish it before. It's a little boring. I AM SORRY. Maybe Christians will raise their eyebrow to me for what I'm gonna say. It's all Scriptures. Okay, nothing is wrong with all scriptures. Hello??? I am a Christian and Scriptures are food to me and believe me ladies and gentlemen, my fellow readers, I am filled and satisfied every time I read a scripture.

So the all scripture thing is not really the problem, besides it is a Christian Inspirational/educational/instructional book, of course there will be scriptures. Lots of it. But The delivery of those scriptures aren't actually that overwhelming. I think it would've been better if the scriptures were delivered in more appreciative, pleasurable way. Like if a non-christian will read it, he will be glad that he picked this book because he will be overwhelmed by love.

But the book and the instructions there just seemed so commanding. Christianity isn't like that. God isn't manipulative. He is a loving God. In this book, I felt like God was so killjoy and he just want us to do the things that He wants and that will please Him. That if we follow our will, there will be doom and gloom.

But in fairness to Rick Warren, he is very convincing but I am a Christian too. I know my God. It would've been better if he accentuate God's loving nature and how fun it is to follow HIM.

Again I want to apologise to Christians. all my friends love this book. I don't unlike this, i'm not just hundred percent into it.
Sorry Pstr. Rick Warren.
I know... Who am I to tell Rick Warren the should and Should not when it comes to Christianity.

But aside from being a Christian, I am also a Writer and A reader. Not to mention a Book Reviewer. I should be honest to how i feel about every book.

SO there.....

Profile Image for Eliza.
603 reviews1,507 followers
August 10, 2017
3.75 Stars

In a way, I'm lying by saying I "finished reading" this. Truthfully, I was enjoying this novel and it's meaningful messages. However, silly me set it down God knows where (I mean this literally because I have no idea where it is) and it's been over a week of looking and I still can't find it. So I thought I'd write a review of how it was going up until I went and freakin' lost the book. Yay me.

Anyways, my mom recommended this book to me when I was feeling kind of down. She said it helped her during a tough time she'd gone through years back and I figured I'd give it a go. Now, I enjoyed it immensely in the beginning, because as a devoted Catholic I don't mind religious messages and such, and this novel pretty much revolves around religion. So if that isn't your thing - this probably isn't a book for you. Sorry!

Unfortunately, around chapter 7 (I think?) things started to get a little slow. Whether it was the actual book or just me getting bored, I'm not sure. And I guess I'll never know until I find the book and finish it properly.

Overall, it was a nice "pick me up" type of book. Very centered around you and how to better yourself. I also enjoyed Warren's writing. For this sort of novel, it fit quite well and flowed in a calm manner.

Now, I just have to keep looking until I find it!
Profile Image for Greyceeh Guevarra.
7 reviews4 followers
September 5, 2007
Our life now here on earth is the warm-up act - the
dress rehearsal. God wants us to practice what we will
do forever in eternity. We were made by God and for God, and until you figure that out, life isn't going to make sense. Life is a series of problems: Either we are in one
now, we're just coming out of one, or we're getting ready to go into another one.

The reason for this is that God is more interested in
our character than our comfort. God is more interested in making our life holy than He is in making our life happy. We can be reasonably happy here on earth, but that's
not the goal of life. The goal is to grow in character,
in Christ likeness.

Life being hills and valleys (you go through a dark time, then you go to the mountaintop, back and forth), no matter how good things are in our life, there is always something bad that needs to be worked on. And no matter how bad things are in our life, there is always something good we can thank God for.

We can focus on our purposes, or we can focus on our problems. If we focus on our problems, we're going into
self-centeredness,'which is my problem, my issues, my pain.' But one of the easiest ways to get rid of pain is to get our focus off yourself and ontoGod and others.

We have to learn to deal with both the good and the bad of life. Actually, sometimes learning to deal with the good is harder. We need to ask ourselves: Am I going to live for possessions? Popularity? Am I going to be driven by pressures? Guilt? Bitterness? Materialism? Or am I going to be driven by God's purposes for my life? God didn't put us on earth just to fulfill a to-do list. He's more interested in what we are than what we do.

That's why we're called human beings, not human
18 reviews6 followers
July 31, 2008
I read this book thinking it would offer something deep and real about the purpose of God and the purposes of peoples in the world. But it offered little more than a worn-out run-a-round of the phrase "God has a purpose for you." I know why this book is so popular - it, like many others, offers Christians the idea that "God's purpose" for you has something to do with getting ahead in life and having more money. It's that lame "name it and claim it" mentality.

I wouldn't recommend this book to anyone.
Profile Image for Dustin.
440 reviews196 followers
December 28, 2018
Personally, this was much more than a book that I've mark off as read, even though finishing another always feels like a grand achievement. Rather, it defines to term "spiritual journey," and I feel incredibly thankful for this buddy read; for my lovely wife, Tanya, for lending me her copy; and to Rick Warren for writing it. Most of all, I'll forever be grateful to God, for setting ALL of it into motion, so that millions around the world may reap the benefits.

I'm proud of myself for completing this journey. Some of the lessons certainly weren't easy to face (nor should they be,) because they were questions I'd been running away from for a very long time; years, actually. However, the road ahead, knowing what I know about the Christian lifestyle, is quite daunting and though I believe in my heart and mind that God never gives us more than we can handle (as long as we lean on Him and let Him intervene,) I'm not so sure I'm up the tasks ahead.

I'm scared of continually screwing up, and ashamed for running from God all these years. He must be really disappointed in me. That's how I feel. I am sad, my heart is heavy with regret and shame. I feel like crying, but the tears rarely come any more. It's like I'm tapped out.
2 reviews1 follower
June 26, 2010
I read this for a book group my friend was leading. I totally hated it. Totally. Hated. It.

A. I don't like any book that purports to speak on behalf of God and/or dictate what God thinks. Unless God is sitting there in the room with us and saying, "Yup, I totally agree with Rick on that point", Rick Warren has no right to speak on God's behalf.

B. It reeks of feel-good, pop-psychology-driven Christianity. "God loves you no matter how wickedly terrible you are and how many puppies you drowned and how many houses you burned down and . . . ."

C. The book focuses on making you not feel so bad about yourself instead of focusing on God. You could have edited the message in the book to be based upon any religion or even no religion at all.

D. I felt like I was reading Rick's opinion as opposed to something biblical. I too can probably find an appropriate bible verse to illustrate many things I think and believe, particularly if I use a plethora of translations.

E. I'd rather people who consider themselves to be Christians actually sit down and read the Bible. So few Christians have read the Bible for themselves and only know the contents via what others have told them.
Profile Image for Bee With a Book.
40 reviews22 followers
December 9, 2022
The purpose driven life book is an incredibly helpful for those looking to expand their understanding of what it means to be on this earth.

If you believe in God this book will give you great insight into looking at life with different eyes and focusing on the much bigger picture that we humans so often miss.

The book is structured into 42 days of reading, easy to follow and a very quick read. The questions posed after each days reading is insightfull in helping you reframe your perspective. There are also many helpful sermons and other readings mentioned in the book if you are looking to go deeper into each days reading.

This book places God at the centre of everything challenging our self centred ways.

While I do not agree with everything pastor Rick mentions in his book the overall message of living for God and working to become more like him is confronting in a gentle manner reminding us of the fleeting time we have here on earth.
Profile Image for Mike (the Paladin).
3,148 reviews1,999 followers
September 19, 2011
Like the Shack, not bad just not great. I think all the Purpose Driven Life merchandising bothered me some to...that could be, just me though.

I am a Christian and I find that "popular" Christian books tend to have a "hard row to hoe" with me.

I'd say, know what you believe and then read this. Works flow from a person's relationship with God, they do not bring it about.

I'm not saying that this book claims they do, I'm just saying fit the contemporary read (any contemporary work)into grounded Christian belief, not the other way around.

354 reviews151 followers
March 26, 2018
This book is a good road map to success in your spiritual life. The author teaches us of God's love and His purpoese for our lives and how to walk in faith twards that purpose. I recommend this book to all who are struggling with their beliefs or attitudes twards their Lord and tward their purpose.Enjoy and Be Blessed.Diamond
Profile Image for Petula.
10 reviews
January 23, 2013
This book allows you to discover, who you are and what your purpose is.

It is a books that speaks of why, how and what. A book that has transforming pieces of ' golden nuggets. Light bulb moments, which opens your eyes to what is possible.

It does not preach to you, but talks to you with reason. Allows you to discover ' whose you really are' Without condemnation, but touches you lovingly and wants you to listen, be still and know that God is real and is just waiting for you to open your eyes to truth.

I for one, have been transformed by this book and would suggest it to anyone, who is looking for answers. Ultimately, the Bible is the number one book on truth. However, The purpose Driven, is equally impactive, and really gets you to think about....Life, the Love of God and the relationship you could have with him, even, what your purpose could be as an individual.

There are little tasks given, which makes this book, not only readable, but encourages you to be mentally interactive. Tests your commitment, to wanting to change and learn.

I suggest this to anyone who is looking for.....' Why am I here' and ' What is my purpose'....

Petula Hippolyte
Profile Image for Rebekah Rojas.
34 reviews3 followers
August 16, 2022
This book was very annoying....I have to admit not everything in it was bad and some things were convicting and encouraging but...plenty of the book was scripture taken out of context, terrible paraphrasing, and shallow translations of scripture to back up arguments that the scripture in it's original language did not mean to back up.

Also, there was too much focus on the individual rather than on God ...initially it was all about how life isn't about you but then it proceeded to focus on looking into yourself and making decisions in life in regards to your calling based on how you feel about it rather than on scripture and prayer. Also. A bunch of jargon about self love and misplaced positions on the most important things about being a Christian.

There were many contradictions that left me confused as to what he was trying to communicate.

Also, the author came across as very egotistical in why we should listen to him and how the church that he pastors is so amazing *and* all the other resources were books that *he* wrote or someone from *his* church. Absolutely no outside resource backing up his book.

...I would definitely never recommend this to anyone. If you're looking for a book to give you purpose in your life...read the Bible! But, if you want to read another book besides that there are many others... Don't waste your time on this one.
Profile Image for Rhonda.
333 reviews57 followers
April 20, 2010
We read this in a weekly meeting at church and I was impressed with this book's simple wisdom. One can read the words easily, but taking them to heart is a different matter.
I can recall reading a handful of books in my life, only a few which were theological in nature, where I got to a certain point and I had to stop, simply because I couldn't go any farther: I could not get my head...or heart... around such a concept as was being presented and I felt that pushing through or on would have been a waste of time. I still feeel that way about really good books.
The first time I read this book, I pushed through without bringing myself to some of those hard decisions, things which would change the way I did things, should I do them. In a sense I had to push onward: there wasn't any time to stop and tell myself that I was unwilling to do something important for my relationship with God. This time I am not stopping and that makes it all the more beautiful.
Profile Image for Chriss.
Author 2 books15 followers
April 17, 2008
A friend gave me this book when I was going through a difficult time in my life and it was more than a great gift. I felt the book was very eye-opening without being overly religious. You can be a Christian and follow what the book is saying and get a very deep meaning out of it if you allow yourself to. I read it at the right time and was very open to what it had to say and therefore feel that it changed me. I still think back to that time being one of the catalysts for where I am at today and the book is a large part of that. I think we all struggle at some point of wanting to know why we are here so it's a common dilemna when nothing seems to be going right in your life to want to ask GOD. This book seems to be full of the questions you would ask and gives the answers that come from the Bible. It did get me through a rough time and very much has become the basis of my core today. I feel that I have found my purpose in life and no longer struggle with that inner pain of "what am I doing here?"
1 review1 follower
August 22, 2007
when i thought my LIFE has no perfect meaning... that i was going on with boring days of 24/7 !! " PURPOSE DRIVEN LIFE " came into my LIFE with a KICK of knowing what is GOD'S purpose in my LIFE !! i came to know that iam not a mistake but of GOD'S CHOOSEN ONE !! HE choose me from the FAREST CORNER of this world & appointed me to BEAR FRUITS.. FRUITS that will ENDURES FOREVER & EVER... AS YOU KNOW FOREVER IS A LONG TERM OF TIME !!
i would prefer you "ALL" to read "this" book to get recharged !!
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