rivka's Reviews > Traffic: Why We Drive the Way We Do and What It Says About Us
Traffic: Why We Drive the Way We Do and What It Says About Us
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“Human attention, in the best of circumstances, is a fluid but fragile entity. Beyond a certain threshold, the more that is asked of it, the less well it performs. When this happens in a psychological experiment, it is interesting. When it happens in traffic, it can be fatal.”
― Traffic: Why We Drive the Way We Do and What It Says About Us
― Traffic: Why We Drive the Way We Do and What It Says About Us
“'Can you imagine, 30 years ago, saying nobody will make coffee at home?' Nancy McGuckin, a travel researcher in Washington, D.C.”
― Traffic: Why We Drive the Way We Do and What It Says About Us
― Traffic: Why We Drive the Way We Do and What It Says About Us
“As Harvard University psychologist Daniel Gilbert argues, 'You can't adapt to commuting, because it's entirely unpredictable. Driving in traffic is a different kind of hell every day.'”
― Traffic: Why We Drive the Way We Do and What It Says About Us
― Traffic: Why We Drive the Way We Do and What It Says About Us
“The way humans hunt for parking and the way animals hunt for food are not as different as you might think.”
― Traffic: Why We Drive the Way We Do and What It Says About Us
― Traffic: Why We Drive the Way We Do and What It Says About Us
“The relative ease of most driving lures us into thinking we can get away with doing other things. Indeed, those other things, like listening to the radio, can help when driving itself is threatening to cause fatigue. But we buy into the myth of multitasking with little actual knowledge of how much we can really add in or, as with the television news, how much we are missing. As the inner life of the driver begins to come into focus, it is becoming clear not only that distraction is the single biggest problem on the road but that we have little concept of just how distracted we are.”
― Traffic
― Traffic
Reading Progress
April 3, 2009
– Shelved
April 24, 2010
"The difference between how good we think we are at driving and really are is frightening!"
May 8, 2010
"Traffic lights and Judaism! Mentions the intersections in L.A. that have "Sabbath timing", and the interactions with the RCC regarding them."
May 8, 2010
"Traffic and parking: many of the things we do are maladaptive, making us walk farther or travel longer."
June 5, 2010
"Does a country's level of corruption affect the number of traffic fatalities? And are female cops less likely to take bribes than male ones?"
Started Reading
June 12, 2010
Finished Reading
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Apr 03, 2009 12:42PM
This has been on my to-read list since it came out. Good to know someone who works in the field recommends it.
Rivka, You shouldn't have waited. ;-) I truly want to read it but it's one of those that's on my back burner. There's just too many other books that I'll probably read first. I have quite a few non-fiction books on my list, including this one, that I'm eager to read, but I seem to be on a fiction kick: adult, ya, children's.