Brian's Reviews > Some We Love, Some We Hate, Some We Eat: Why It's So Hard to Think Straight About Animals

Some We Love, Some We Hate, Some We Eat by Hal Herzog
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it was ok

Meh. This book has a good title, but it's misleading. Well, the part after the colon is misleading. Some more accurate titles for the book would be:

Some We Love, Some We Hate, Some We Eat: It's Hard to Think Straight About Animals (omitted the "Why" because he doesn't really pretend to answer that.)

Some We Love, Some We Hate, Some We Eat: It's Complicated (Yep)

Some We Love, Some We Hate, Some We Eat (Enough said. Oh, and the book would be blank to save on a lot of redundancy.)

The author has over 20 years of experience in the Anthrozoology field. He feels the field is not very well-known, but because he loves it so much, he wants everyone to know about it, so he did the indulgent thing and wrote a book saying "look how cool Anthrozoology is" without really giving anything very substantial about what the field has really learned about people. I kid you not that the last sentence of the book is (along the lines of) "Our relationships with animals are more complicated than you might initially think." I could have seen that coming though, after the third chapter, which felt like a complete rehash of the second chapter, which itself felt like a complete rehash of the first chapter. After that there was a little more variety in the chapters, but there was still a lot of redundancy of ideas, and big chunks of every chapter that felt like a literature review as he recounted this study done by these people at this place, and then this study done by these people at this place, which amounted to what felt like a lot of rambling. (Kind of like this review). There were some interesting studies mentioned, but they usually just amounted to "oh, that's interesting" or "oh, that's inconclusive," and after reading that over and over it was pretty dissatisfying. The chapter on chickens was probably the strongest one. There were some good anecdotes throughout, and some interesting people were introduced, but I didn't come to any greater appreciation for the human-animal relationship through reading this book. Just that, hey, it's complicated, which I already knew.
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December 27, 2012 – Shelved
October 9, 2013 – Started Reading
October 19, 2013 – Finished Reading

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