jo's Reviews > The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time

The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time by Mark Haddon
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's review

it was amazing
bookshelves: psychic-pain, great-britain, disability, kids

this book rocked my world, and i've been trying for weeks to understand why. here it is:

* because the plot is flawless

* because the voice is flawless

* because it's amazingly tender without being cute

* because there's a christopher boone in me, and a christopher boone in everyone i love or at least try to get along with

* because the christopher boone in me loves to see itself written about lovingly, like it's the coolest kid, if not on the block (it will never be the coolest kid on the block), at least in the annals of literature

* because the christopher boone in those i love or at least try to get along with is telling me, "be patient; please, be patient; i'm doing the best i can"

* because i understand this plea, since it's a plea i issue myself like 230 times a day
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Reading Progress

Started Reading
January 5, 2009 – Shelved
January 5, 2009 – Shelved as: psychic-pain
January 5, 2009 – Shelved as: great-britain
January 5, 2009 – Finished Reading
July 17, 2010 – Shelved as: disability
July 17, 2010 – Shelved as: kids

Comments Showing 1-22 of 22 (22 new)

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Jennifer (formerly Eccentric Muse) jo, for me ... there's something of Christopher Boone in Oscar Wao.


message 2: by jo (new) - rated it 5 stars

jo really?????????????? the whole world is conspiring in sending me back to that damn book! :-)

message 3: by Jennifer (formerly Eccentric Muse) (last edited Jun 04, 2010 03:06PM) (new) - rated it 4 stars

Jennifer (formerly Eccentric Muse) would I lie to you?!?

message 4: by Jessica (new)

Jessica i thought this book was great! and ive been wanting to read oscar wao. if im not totally encumbered this semester, its gonna happen. :)

message 5: by Christian (new) - added it

Christian I completely agree with all your points.

The voice is flawless. The audiobook rocked my world. It made my drives to and from work tolerable.

You better get used to Oscar. I hear the movie will be out in a couple years. They may even adapt it to the stage. Look what they've done to Fight Club and Coraline.

message 6: by jo (new) - rated it 5 stars

jo did you like oscar, christian?

message 7: by Christian (new) - added it

Christian I did. I liked it's narration. I enjoyed the comic book/video game/ 80's/90's references, and most of the obscurities laced throughout. I enjoyed the struggle of the footnotes. It got to me on a bunch of levels. But, and I don't know why, when I think of the total experience of the novel it's not "OH I LOVED IT!" It's more, "Damn, he did a great job on that. Can't wait to read that novel he's writing about werewolves."

message 8: by jo (new) - rated it 5 stars

jo hahahahaha.

are you working on a novel on werewolves, christian?

message 9: by Christian (new) - added it

Christian I wish! If I do, look out Oscar Wao!

Cecily Avoiding cuteness is a good point that I hadn't consciously registered, but you're absolutely right. It could easily have been ruined by being too sentimental.

Michael your review made me cry. what a beautiful way of explaining it.

message 12: by jo (new) - rated it 5 stars

jo awww. thank you so much, michael.

message 13: by Kaziar (new) - added it

Kaziar Rawls Your review is the one that sent me over the edge of wanting to read it. I got chills and all it is is a list of reasons! Great convincing review!

message 14: by jo (new) - rated it 5 stars

jo that's a great compliment, kaziar. thank you so much. hope you enjoy it as much as i did.

Delia what a beautiful and smart review.

message 16: by jo (new) - rated it 5 stars

jo Delia wrote: "what a beautiful and smart review."
thank you!

Louise Culmer personally didn't find fhe plot flawless. couldn't see how the father could hope to get away with it. what was to stop the mother phoing Christopher for instance? or visiting? or C hristopher gettig to the post first one day? all most unlikely I thought.

HjalmarK I couldn’t disagree with you more,and i could go on for ages explaining it,for example that you think the plot is flawless for example, i think the plot was way to predictable and wasn’t very stunning and impactful either.The important thing is that you don’t explain why you feel this way about the book. You say this and that is flawless without pointing out why. For someone that haven’t read this book how would it help them? Firstly You would have to explain who Christopher is for everyone to understand. You don’t at all get an in depth feeling on how to book is going to be for the reader. This doesn’t either tell you anything about the book, so you could basically write this on any book and just switch Christopher's name.

georgia (thomas shelby’s version) I’m almost finished this book and you’ve summed up a lot of my feelings about it. It’s just wonderful.

message 20: by Jim (new) - rated it 5 stars

Jim Now THIS is a perfect review

message 21: by jo (new) - rated it 5 stars

jo Jim wrote: "Now THIS is a perfect review"

lol thank you!

Louise Culmer HjalmarK wrote: "I couldn’t disagree with you more,and i could go on for ages explaining it,for example that you think the plot is flawless for example, i think the plot was way to predictable and wasn’t very stunn..."

I found the plot quite absurd - I simply didn’t believe that the mother would not try and contact Christopher when she didn’t hear from him - and how on Earth did the father manage to get to the post first every single time a letter came from her? And why keep the letter as anyway?

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