Thomas's Reviews > Thinking, Fast and Slow

Thinking, Fast and Slow by Daniel Kahneman
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bookshelves: nonfiction, own-electronic, read-on-kindle, psychology

A long book that requires real mental exertion, Thinking, Fast and Slow is a worthwhile read by Nobel laureate Daniel Kahneman. It delves into the two complex systems of the mind. System 1 is impulsive, emotional, and often led astray, while System 2 is rational, thoughtful, and takes more time to makes decisions. He analyzes how humans use (and sometimes fail to use) both systems, and the resulting implications on topics ranging from how we perceive happiness to behavioral economics.

Thinking, Fast and Slow is one of the most in-depth Psychology books I've read. I fell in love with the subject after taking AP Psychology last year as a junior in high school, and am currently craving more books and articles related to the field. Daniel Kahneman satisfied my thirst. I had a solid understanding of some concepts beforehand, like the confirmation bias and hindsight bias, but had never heard of other terms like base rate or the illusion of validity. The sheer amount of statistics and experiments referenced throughout the book proved Kahneman's thoroughness and dedication.

I recommend Thinking, Fast and Slow to anyone who wants to learn about how we think, or about psychology in general. I liked how Kahneman progressed from simple ideas like heuristics to more complex concepts, like prospect theory. Even if you have no background in psychology or economics, a mere interest in either should suffice for this book.

*review cross-posted on my blog, the quiet voice.
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Reading Progress

August 11, 2012 – Shelved
August 15, 2012 – Started Reading
August 23, 2012 – Finished Reading

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message 1: by Laura (new) - added it

Laura This sounds really interesting!

Thomas It is! I feel like I know a lot of it already because of AP Psych but it's still a fascinating read. Rather long, but worth it so far.

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