Gwen's Reviews > Traffic: Why We Drive the Way We Do and What It Says About Us

Traffic by Tom Vanderbilt
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bookshelves: non-fiction

I actually listened to the audiobook in the car, which made "reading" this quite ironic. Half of the time, I was in the process of doing exactly what the author was talking about. Overall, I found this book pretty fascinating -- the statistics and logic surrounding safety and danger in the car and on the road seemed so backward (like how freeways and open roadways that appear safe are actually more dangerous than busy city streets with lots of action) -- until they were explained. One of the most interesting parts for me was that there are more pedestrians in NYC, but the streets are still designed for the driver.

The last chapter summarized a lot of everything else in the book, and started to get kindof dull -- since it didn't pack the same punch without all the stats and dramatic information.
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Reading Progress

November 13, 2008 – Shelved
November 13, 2008 – Shelved as: non-fiction
Started Reading
December 1, 2008 – Finished Reading

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message 1: by Kara (new)

Kara So funny -- I was just reading the Holiday Booklist and saw this title and thought BORRRRR-ING. Your review has made me reconsider.

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