Matthew's Reviews > The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time

The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time by Mark Haddon
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's review

it was amazing
bookshelves: 2020, completist-book-club, general-fiction, mystery, favorites

5 stars

This is the touching, raw, heart-string pulling, and sometimes frustrating story of Christopher Boone. He is the protagonist and narrator of the story while suffering from emotional and developmental disorders with some savant capabilities. The interesting thing is the whole time he tells his story, while his behavior is odd and different from others, he never seems to acknowledge the fact that he knows he is different. During his interactions with other characters he feels he is being logical and reasonable while those he is talking to are ripping their hair out in frustration. It makes for some very interesting and entertaining situations.

A character and story that this could possibly be compared to is Forrest Gump. Lots of little anecdotes mixed in with a main storyline by a narrator who really does not understand the impact of his involvement or why things are the way they are. Curious, but simple. The only major difference is that Forrest stayed fairly pleasant throughout the story while Christopher gets very violent when he gets uncomfortable.

I read this towards the end of a reading slump. I think this might be the perfect book to help get someone out of a reading slump. It is not very long, the story is not complex, and the content is very intriguing. I burned right through this because I could not wait to see what happened next while Christopher unraveled the mystery. I feel I could recommend this to almost anyone.

Disclaimer: Have you not read The Hound of the Baskervilles, but you want to? DO NOT READ THIS BOOK FIRST! Christopher ruins the book! He spends one chapter going through the entire plot and then lays out the key points and spoilers in bullet points. Between this and several books I have read recently describing the climax of Anna Karenina, I kind of don’t feel safe from spoilers!
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Reading Progress

May 18, 2020 – Started Reading
May 18, 2020 – Shelved
May 18, 2020 – Shelved as: 2020
May 18, 2020 – Shelved as: completist-book-club
May 18, 2020 – Shelved as: general-fiction
May 18, 2020 –
31.0% "Monty Hall"
May 19, 2020 –
53.0% "Letters"
May 20, 2020 –
86.0% "London"
May 21, 2020 – Shelved as: mystery
May 21, 2020 – Shelved as: favorites
May 21, 2020 – Finished Reading

Comments Showing 1-11 of 11 (11 new)

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Kandice This book touched me on so many levels. Nice review.

Matthew Kandice wrote: "This book touched me on so many levels. Nice review."

Thanks, Kandice! I can honestly say I don't I have ever had quite the same experience with another book as I had with this book.

I know we talk a lot lately about the quarantine and COVID-19 - I think with that being the case right now, Christopher's fear of crowds and being touched by others really hit home.

message 3: by Jayme (new)

Jayme Fantastic review!

Matthew Jayme wrote: "Fantastic review!"

Thank you, Jayme! :)

message 5: by Ashley (new)

Ashley Jacobson I was able to keep away from Anna Karenina spoilers my whole life. Then, as I was finally reading it a couple years ago, I read one small thing that managed to give away the ending as it relates to her and I was so sad!! I try to go into books knowing as little as possible the first time!!

Matthew Ashley wrote: "I was able to keep away from Anna Karenina spoilers my whole life. Then, as I was finally reading it a couple years ago, I read one small thing that managed to give away the ending as it relates to..."

I don't know what it is, but at least three books I have read in the last year (and at least one TV show) have mentioned the climatic scene of Anna Karenina. Guess the thought is we are all supposed to know it already? I still plan to read it someday, but I am not quite as excited to try it as I once was.

Jodell I loved this book

Matthew Jodell wrote: "I loved this book"

I just recommended it to my wife for her next audiobook this past week. I hope she likes it, too!

Jodell my husband dose all his reading on audio book. I myself have never tried an audio book.

Matthew Jodell wrote: "my husband dose all his reading on audio book. I myself have never tried an audio book."

I started with listening during my commute and during chores, but now I consume them ravenously while going on my daily walks.

Jodell i loved this book

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