Trevor's Reviews > Thinking, Fast and Slow
Thinking, Fast and Slow
This is a fascinating book. Reading this book means not having to read so many others. For example, you could avoid having to read, Sway, Blink, Nudge and probably a dozen or so other books on Behavioural Economics. And the best part of it is that this is the guy (or, at least one half of the two guys) who came up with these ideas in the first place.
I was thinking that perhaps the best way to explain those other books would be to compare them to Monty Python. I want you to imagine something - say you had spent your entire life and never actually seen an episode of Monty Python's Flying Circus. That wouldn't mean you wouldn't know anything about Monty Python. It is impossible to have lived at any time since the late 60s and not have had some socially dysfunctional male reprise the entire Parrot sketch or Spanish Inquisition sketch at you at some stage in your life. I suspect, although there is no way to prove this now, obviously, that Osama bin Laden could do the Silly Walk like a natural. Well, if you had never seen an episode of Monty Python and your entire experience of their work was via the interpretation of men of a certain age down the pub - then finally getting to see an episode of the original would be much the same effect as reading this book. Hundreds of people have already told all this guy's best stories in their own books - but all the same it is a pleasure to hear them again by the guy that first said, 'this parrot is dead' or rather, 'framing effects make fools of us all'.
You need to read this book - but what is particularly good about it is that you come away from it knowing we really are remarkably easy to fool. It's because we think we know stuff that this comes as a constant surprise to us. Years ago I was talking to a guy who liked to bet. Everyone needs a hobby and that was his. Anyway, he told me he was playing two-up - an Australian betting game - and he realised something like tails hadn't come up frequently enough and so he started betting on tails and sure enough he made money. I told him that coins don't remember the last throw and so the odds of getting a tail was still 50%, as it had previously been. But I had no credibility - I'd already told him I never bet - so, how would I possibly know anything if I wasn't even brave enough to put my own money on the outcome? And didn't I understand the point of this story was he had already WON?
Still, when faced with a series of coin flips that run - H, H, H, H, H, T, H, H, H - it does feel like tails are 'due'. This is the sort of mistake we are all too prone to make. The thing to remember is that while there is a law of large numbers - toss a coin often enough and in the very long run there will be as many heads turn up as tails - that isn't the case in the short run - where just about anything is possible.
We (that is, we humans) are remarkably bad at mental statistics. And what makes it worse is that we are predictably bad at statistics. And this brings me to Bourdieu and him saying that Sociology is kind of martial art. He means that Sociology allows you to defend yourself from those who would manipulate you. Well, this book is the Bruce Lee book of advanced self-defence. Learning just how we fool ourselves might not make you feel terribly great about what it means to be human - but at least you will know why you hav stuffed up next time you do stuff up. I'm not sure it will stop you stuffing up - but that would be asking for an awful lot from one book.
If you want the short version of this book, he has provided the two papers that probably got him the Nobel Prize - and they are remarkably clear, easy to understand and comprehensive. But look, read this book - it will do you good.
I was thinking that perhaps the best way to explain those other books would be to compare them to Monty Python. I want you to imagine something - say you had spent your entire life and never actually seen an episode of Monty Python's Flying Circus. That wouldn't mean you wouldn't know anything about Monty Python. It is impossible to have lived at any time since the late 60s and not have had some socially dysfunctional male reprise the entire Parrot sketch or Spanish Inquisition sketch at you at some stage in your life. I suspect, although there is no way to prove this now, obviously, that Osama bin Laden could do the Silly Walk like a natural. Well, if you had never seen an episode of Monty Python and your entire experience of their work was via the interpretation of men of a certain age down the pub - then finally getting to see an episode of the original would be much the same effect as reading this book. Hundreds of people have already told all this guy's best stories in their own books - but all the same it is a pleasure to hear them again by the guy that first said, 'this parrot is dead' or rather, 'framing effects make fools of us all'.
You need to read this book - but what is particularly good about it is that you come away from it knowing we really are remarkably easy to fool. It's because we think we know stuff that this comes as a constant surprise to us. Years ago I was talking to a guy who liked to bet. Everyone needs a hobby and that was his. Anyway, he told me he was playing two-up - an Australian betting game - and he realised something like tails hadn't come up frequently enough and so he started betting on tails and sure enough he made money. I told him that coins don't remember the last throw and so the odds of getting a tail was still 50%, as it had previously been. But I had no credibility - I'd already told him I never bet - so, how would I possibly know anything if I wasn't even brave enough to put my own money on the outcome? And didn't I understand the point of this story was he had already WON?
Still, when faced with a series of coin flips that run - H, H, H, H, H, T, H, H, H - it does feel like tails are 'due'. This is the sort of mistake we are all too prone to make. The thing to remember is that while there is a law of large numbers - toss a coin often enough and in the very long run there will be as many heads turn up as tails - that isn't the case in the short run - where just about anything is possible.
We (that is, we humans) are remarkably bad at mental statistics. And what makes it worse is that we are predictably bad at statistics. And this brings me to Bourdieu and him saying that Sociology is kind of martial art. He means that Sociology allows you to defend yourself from those who would manipulate you. Well, this book is the Bruce Lee book of advanced self-defence. Learning just how we fool ourselves might not make you feel terribly great about what it means to be human - but at least you will know why you hav stuffed up next time you do stuff up. I'm not sure it will stop you stuffing up - but that would be asking for an awful lot from one book.
If you want the short version of this book, he has provided the two papers that probably got him the Nobel Prize - and they are remarkably clear, easy to understand and comprehensive. But look, read this book - it will do you good.
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Quotes Trevor Liked
“I have always believed that scientific research is another domain where a form of optimism is essential to success: I have yet to meet a successful scientist who lacks the ability to exaggerate the importance of what he or she is doing, and I believe that someone who lacks a delusional sense of significance will wilt in the face of repeated experiences of multiple small failures and rare successes, the fate of most researchers.”
― Thinking, Fast and Slow
― Thinking, Fast and Slow
“The psychologist, Paul Rozin, an expert on disgust, observed that a single cockroach will completely wreck the appeal of a bowl of cherries, but a cherry will do nothing at all for a bowl of cockroaches.”
― Thinking, Fast and Slow
― Thinking, Fast and Slow
“A reliable way to make people believe in falsehoods is frequent repetition, because familiarity is not easily distinguished from truth. Authoritarian institutions and marketers have always known this fact.”
― Thinking, Fast and Slow
― Thinking, Fast and Slow
Reading Progress
April 19, 2012
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Comments Showing 1-50 of 68 (68 new)
message 1:
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Apr 19, 2012 04:27PM
Looking forward to your review on this, Trevor!
It's bloody brilliant - but so long and so comprehensive I've no idea where I'm going to start.
Thanks Preeti
Thanks Preeti
Awesome, I have the book and haven't read the others! And I recall as a kid hearing certain Python sketches and quotes from my neighbors, so you're right about that. Bonus, I learned a new phrase- stuffed up - guess I'll be using that as I read and discover... Thanks
Nice review, Trevor! Will definitely have to check this one out.
Learning just how we fool ourselves might not make you feel terribly great about what it means to be human - but at least you will know why you hav stuffed up next time you do stuff up.
The only problem I see with this is that we're also prone to forgetting, so I wonder how long these lessons would stay with us (me!) even if we (I) read the book.
Learning just how we fool ourselves might not make you feel terribly great about what it means to be human - but at least you will know why you hav stuffed up next time you do stuff up.
The only problem I see with this is that we're also prone to forgetting, so I wonder how long these lessons would stay with us (me!) even if we (I) read the book.
Preeti, that's exactly what I was thinking as I was reading it. It's fine me quoting Bourdieu and the whole sociological Kung Fu guff, but I'm just as likely to stuff up (I'd no idea that was even likely to be a new phrase by the way - we are divided by a common language...) the next time. Which is Daniel's point. He shows those optical illusions where something looks smaller than something else even though it is the same size, but points out that even when you KNOW it is the same size, it still looks smaller. He hopes that you will be able to get your (our - everyone's) lazy rational brain to stop and say "but McCandless, we know that is the same length, now, don't we?" The smartarse side of my brain does tend to be rather formal with me. But I think cognitive illusions are much more difficult to recognise than optical ones because we are always SO certain.
Thanks everyone
Thanks everyone
Splendid — now I don't have to write a review. Eventually Trevor will get around to reading any important book that I've read and do a better job, so why should I jump the gun?
About that, Trevor — I finished Steven Pinker's The Better Angels of Our Nature: Why Violence Has Declined some time ago, so you're running a bit late. If anything, it is more important than this one. I'm now on Coming Apart: The State Of White America, 1960-2010, which I think is a bit more troublesome, and I'm concerned you might very well skip. So I guess I'd better take notes.
About that, Trevor — I finished Steven Pinker's The Better Angels of Our Nature: Why Violence Has Declined some time ago, so you're running a bit late. If anything, it is more important than this one. I'm now on Coming Apart: The State Of White America, 1960-2010, which I think is a bit more troublesome, and I'm concerned you might very well skip. So I guess I'd better take notes.
I want to get to the Pinker - but the PhD has my reading strictly confined to stuff on space and stuff on categories and stuff on pedagogy. I'm reading Women, Fire, and Dangerous Things when I get the chance at the moment (it is in the categories bucket) and it is really incredibly good. He's a surprisingly clear writer - you know, for he's a linguist. I'd always thought it was the first qualification of being a linguist that you must not be able to be read in any native language.
Nice job, as usual, Trevor.
Trevor wrote: "Well, this book is the Bruce Lee book of advanced self-defence."
On the other hand, we could learn to use it on other people. LOL!
Trevor wrote: "Well, this book is the Bruce Lee book of advanced self-defence."
On the other hand, we could learn to use it on other people. LOL!
Thanks a lot for this review Trevor!
I bought this book and your review makes me feel so good about it.
I have read much stuff in behavioral science but it's good that you mentioned, this is the mother of them all :)
I bought this book and your review makes me feel so good about it.
I have read much stuff in behavioral science but it's good that you mentioned, this is the mother of them all :)
Whitaker - years ago at work we had to do a personality test. It was called the Herrmann Brain Dominance Instrument. Essentially, what I was expecting was a kind of black box with handles and buttons I could use to dominate the brains of all those within a certain radius. I can't begin to tell you how disappointed I was when I got a laminated graph. The other day I found out that our banks - bless them - are digging through their data to identify people who are about to have kids or about to retire so they can offer them 'financial services' - which means, increase their credit limits on their credit cards. This is basically throwing drowning people an anvil. But clearly some people are learning from the lessons outlined here.
Prashant - yes, this is a very strange book, as it is very new, but still the source of so many other books. If you have read some of the other books on BE then you'll be surprised that this guy came up with so many of the really interesting experiments. I'm sure you'll enjoy this one.
Prashant - yes, this is a very strange book, as it is very new, but still the source of so many other books. If you have read some of the other books on BE then you'll be surprised that this guy came up with so many of the really interesting experiments. I'm sure you'll enjoy this one.
Trevor wrote: "I'm reading Women, Fire, and Dangerous Things when I get the chance at the moment (it is in the categories bucket) and it is really incredibly good. He's a surprisingly clear writer - you know, for he's a linguist."
Strange. I love the title Women, Fire, and Dangerous Things and I've had it on the list for a long time, but I got so irritated with Lakoff when I read his Moral Politics: How Liberals and Conservatives Think, both on his repetitive pedantic style, and the fact that instead of following it up with more research (cross-cultural, for example, or historical/longitudinal) he decided to become a hack for the Democratic party. Women, Fire has since somehow sunk to the 600s in my TBR shelf.
But, honestly, Pinker's will make you wet your pants with excitement.
Strange. I love the title Women, Fire, and Dangerous Things and I've had it on the list for a long time, but I got so irritated with Lakoff when I read his Moral Politics: How Liberals and Conservatives Think, both on his repetitive pedantic style, and the fact that instead of following it up with more research (cross-cultural, for example, or historical/longitudinal) he decided to become a hack for the Democratic party. Women, Fire has since somehow sunk to the 600s in my TBR shelf.
But, honestly, Pinker's will make you wet your pants with excitement.
Trevor wrote: "The other day I found out that our banks - bless them - are digging through their data to identify people who are about to have kids or about to retire so they can offer them 'financial services' - which means, increase their credit limits on their credit cards."
{shakes head} Honestly, I wonder what it will take for them to learn better. Sigh.
Idle thought: There's some research that apparently shows that people who take economics become less compassionate after doing so. I wonder if that's the ultimate framing device: primes your mind in a certain way, you see.
{shakes head} Honestly, I wonder what it will take for them to learn better. Sigh.
Idle thought: There's some research that apparently shows that people who take economics become less compassionate after doing so. I wonder if that's the ultimate framing device: primes your mind in a certain way, you see.
That's much the effect the dangerous women book is having. For example, he mentions that thing Pinker also mentions in one of his books (The Language Instinct maybe) that although cultures have different categories for colours, they invariably have the same types of colours - if they only have only two words for colours they are hot and cold and if they have five words you can be sure black, white, green, red and blue are the words (at least, I think that's the order maybe yellow instead of green, I would need to check) Anyway, this is based on colour receptors in our eyes and in how our brains process data as it works with light frequencies. All good - but what is interesting is that we have separate receptors for blue and green, but the same receptors for green and red. So, we have words that describe blue-green, like turquoise, but only 'murky brown' to describe a colour halfway between green and red.
I've meant to read his Moral Politics, but I found his Don't Think of an Elephant: Know Your Values and Frame the Debate: The Essential Guide for Progressives so disappointing I haven't started yet.
I've meant to read his Moral Politics, but I found his Don't Think of an Elephant: Know Your Values and Frame the Debate: The Essential Guide for Progressives so disappointing I haven't started yet.
Yes - I can't remember where I read that research, but I think it is true. It was on the game where they give you $10 and you have to split it between you and someone else. You get to decide how much you keep and how much the other person gets - but the trick is they get to reject the offer and then no one gets anything. The economic rationalist view is that any offer at all should be accepted, even one cent, as you are better off with that than with nothing. But that is not what happens. Most people virtually split it 50-50. Those who offer 20-80 are almost always rejected. The only people who are surprised by this are people with autism and people with an undergrad degree in economics.
This was my first serious encounter with Behavioral economics, and what an an encounter!Probably the most insightful and life-altering piece of knowledge since reading about natural selection, i loved it.I found and selected this in particular because of your review, so thanks (again!) Trevor!
"Reading this book means not having to read so many others"
So what would you consider a good next step/read related to the subject with complementary matterial? Dan Ariely has an introductory course on coursera and he seems like a cool guy, is Predictably Irrational worth reading?
"Reading this book means not having to read so many others"
So what would you consider a good next step/read related to the subject with complementary matterial? Dan Ariely has an introductory course on coursera and he seems like a cool guy, is Predictably Irrational worth reading?
Predictably Irrational is one of my all-time favourite books, I saw he had a course, but I just don't have time. I've actually bought it for some people twice by mistake - serves them right for not raving about it in the first place. His others aren't nearly as good, but the credit from his first goes a long way to forgiving that and they aren't crap, just not nearly as good. All the same, The Upside of Irrationality has a really interesting first chapter - which Dan Pink makes a lot of in Drive (the only Pink book you should even consider reading - the others are hopeless) and Pink probably does a better job in drawing out the implications of.
If you can get your hands on it - and it is hard to - The Psychology of Judgment and Decision Making is mind blowing. He gets you to do a quiz thing at the start and then explains why you made all the mistakes you did, mmm.... but less annoying than it sounds.
A must read is also How We Know What Isn't So: The Fallibility of Human Reason in Everyday Life (which I am always certain is called how we know what just ain't so and it is never called that for some reason. He was the man who proved the 'hot hand' in sports was crap and no one believed him. A god. The last couple of chapters aren't nearly as good, but most of the first half is essential reading.
Mistakes Were Made (But Not by Me): Why We Justify Foolish Beliefs, Bad Decisions, and Hurtful Acts - is also wonderful, but I think I might remember it more because of its title. Made to Stick: Why Some Ideas Survive and Others Die is a brilliant book, especially to help you think through how to go about making what you have to say have some kind of impact on other people - I think every teacher should be forced to read it, but then, there are so many books teachers need to be forced to read. It is the much better version of Gladwell's Tipping Point.
The other book that I would seriously recommend - that I think about a lot and think I really learnt something very basic from - is Fooled by Randomness: The Hidden Role of Chance in Life and in the Markets. I think the big lesson here is the idea that we live our lives forwards, but actually understand them backwards (I'm nearly certain he doesn't say anything like that in the book - but that's the take away message for me anyway). We need the world to make sense so we make up stories to make it make sense. Then we believe our own bullshit. It's the road to perdition.
I feel like I've done a very good thing starting someone off on an encounter with behavioural economics - your telling me that will make me happy all day.
If you can get your hands on it - and it is hard to - The Psychology of Judgment and Decision Making is mind blowing. He gets you to do a quiz thing at the start and then explains why you made all the mistakes you did, mmm.... but less annoying than it sounds.
A must read is also How We Know What Isn't So: The Fallibility of Human Reason in Everyday Life (which I am always certain is called how we know what just ain't so and it is never called that for some reason. He was the man who proved the 'hot hand' in sports was crap and no one believed him. A god. The last couple of chapters aren't nearly as good, but most of the first half is essential reading.
Mistakes Were Made (But Not by Me): Why We Justify Foolish Beliefs, Bad Decisions, and Hurtful Acts - is also wonderful, but I think I might remember it more because of its title. Made to Stick: Why Some Ideas Survive and Others Die is a brilliant book, especially to help you think through how to go about making what you have to say have some kind of impact on other people - I think every teacher should be forced to read it, but then, there are so many books teachers need to be forced to read. It is the much better version of Gladwell's Tipping Point.
The other book that I would seriously recommend - that I think about a lot and think I really learnt something very basic from - is Fooled by Randomness: The Hidden Role of Chance in Life and in the Markets. I think the big lesson here is the idea that we live our lives forwards, but actually understand them backwards (I'm nearly certain he doesn't say anything like that in the book - but that's the take away message for me anyway). We need the world to make sense so we make up stories to make it make sense. Then we believe our own bullshit. It's the road to perdition.
I feel like I've done a very good thing starting someone off on an encounter with behavioural economics - your telling me that will make me happy all day.
Very helpful, i really appreciate your answer.A lot of reading has to be done, probably some writing as well, i was thinking something like "The error-haunted world:Trevor as a Candle in the Dark" 'll see how it goes. Thanks!
Well this has certainly caught my attention. I had several books on my 'to read' list that match your 'read this instead' list. So I think I'll start here now and perhaps check out the others at a later date.
And now for something completely different :)
I don't think I've ever read such an entertaining review! It was fun and enjoyable and felt like a story of its own. I'm intrigued to check out more on your list and your reviews.
Cheers :)
And now for something completely different :)
I don't think I've ever read such an entertaining review! It was fun and enjoyable and felt like a story of its own. I'm intrigued to check out more on your list and your reviews.
Cheers :)
I loved the book and recommend everyone read it. Any more psychology books you would recommend that would build on it?
I would still argue in favor of reading the other books. They will both expand your knowledge of the topic by getting different views on it as well as increase retention and understanding by making the concepts more connected in your brain.
Hello Mr Trevor,
Thank you for your post. Really helpful.
On the top review last paragraph you mentioned about the two papers which he submitted, easy to understand, comprehensive. How to get those?
Thank you for your post. Really helpful.
On the top review last paragraph you mentioned about the two papers which he submitted, easy to understand, comprehensive. How to get those?
Ariely’s Predictably Irrational is a gem. I enjoyed reading it and bought several friends the book. I loved it.
It might be a little more fun, a little thinner, and a little less meaty than Fast and Slow. I’d read them both. No question. Because whichever you read first you will say that was fascinating- is there another book to read? Yes, there is.
Nudge and Black Swan are not as comparable.
It might be a little more fun, a little thinner, and a little less meaty than Fast and Slow. I’d read them both. No question. Because whichever you read first you will say that was fascinating- is there another book to read? Yes, there is.
Nudge and Black Swan are not as comparable.
Very nice review! I'm reading it too (Croatian version), and I really really like it because it is full of experiments and real life examples.
I’m sorry everyone, I haven’t been notified of comments here since 2014. This is becoming a joke.
I agree with Charles, Predictably Irrational is one of my favourite books in this genre and like him I’ve bought it for multiple people. In fact, I bought it twice for one person… to be sure…
Marcus, not really. Basically, economics views us as rational choosing agents who maximise our own utility. This book explains why that isn’t the case.
Sameer, they are both included in the book as an appendix. I’m not sure if they are freely available online.
I agree with Charles, Predictably Irrational is one of my favourite books in this genre and like him I’ve bought it for multiple people. In fact, I bought it twice for one person… to be sure…
Marcus, not really. Basically, economics views us as rational choosing agents who maximise our own utility. This book explains why that isn’t the case.
Sameer, they are both included in the book as an appendix. I’m not sure if they are freely available online.
Per usual, your review arouses many likely responses - but I'll hold it down to one trivial one.
It is impossible to have lived at any time since the late 60s and not have had some socially dysfunctional male reprise the entire Parrot sketch or Spanish Inquisition sketch at you at some stage in your life.
I regret to say I have NOT experienced this - YET I know the Spanish Inquisition sketch (involving a "comfy chair"??). On further reflection I think I KNOW such a male - can't get away from him.
HMMMM - now I really regret it!!
It is impossible to have lived at any time since the late 60s and not have had some socially dysfunctional male reprise the entire Parrot sketch or Spanish Inquisition sketch at you at some stage in your life.
I regret to say I have NOT experienced this - YET I know the Spanish Inquisition sketch (involving a "comfy chair"??). On further reflection I think I KNOW such a male - can't get away from him.
HMMMM - now I really regret it!!
Don't feel bad, Jim - this is part of the tragedy of our age. There is no escaping it. I don't watch many films, but the John Hannah character in Sliding Doors is this guy affectionately drawn. I've very dear friends who do this to me whenever I see them. I don't pretend to understand how or why this happens to men, but I don't think I've ever seen a woman do it, and I don't think I've ever seen a woman use a leaf blower either. Now, if I were an evolutionary biologist, I would be looking for the part of the y-chromosome ... but that will have to wait until my next lifetime.
Hello Trevor,
Thanks for the great review.
Woukd you have similar books, about behavioral science, to recommend?
Thanks for the great review.
Woukd you have similar books, about behavioral science, to recommend?
I’ve a shelf of books on BE, but the ones I would most highly recommend are Predictably Irrational: The Hidden Forces That Shape Our Decisions, not least since it is laugh out loud funny. Why We Make Mistakes: How We Look Without Seeing, Forget Things in Seconds, and Are All Pretty Sure We Are Way Above Average. But probably the best if you can find it is The Psychology of Judgment and Decision Making. Another I really liked was How We Know What Isn't So: The Fallibility of Human Reason in Everyday Life. I’ve reviewed all these if that’s any help.
Thanks for the recommendations! I just went and ordered 'the Psychology of Judgement...'
I really want to be able to manipulate people so I can take over the world (joke of course Pinkey), but wondering if you have any recommendations to persuade people of the opposite political party? Most of the time they won't deviate from what they have been told and facts are insulting to them, but sometimes fun to try...
I really want to be able to manipulate people so I can take over the world (joke of course Pinkey), but wondering if you have any recommendations to persuade people of the opposite political party? Most of the time they won't deviate from what they have been told and facts are insulting to them, but sometimes fun to try...
Psychology of Judgment is the best of these since it is short and gives all the evidence and none of the fluff - the fluff mostly being related examples from US sports, plane crashes, that sort of thing.
The book you are after, though, is Don't Think of an Elephant! Know Your Values and Frame the Debate: The Essential Guide for Progressives. World domination is now within your grasp. Use your new powers wisely.
The book you are after, though, is Don't Think of an Elephant! Know Your Values and Frame the Debate: The Essential Guide for Progressives. World domination is now within your grasp. Use your new powers wisely.
Trevor, have you been made aware of the problems surrounding much research Kahneman uses in this book? Try searching for the ‘replication crisis’ in psychology combined with Kahneman as search terms.
I loved this book back when I first read it and still think some of the insights are useful but as a whole the field of behavioral economics has sort of put me off due to these scientific methodology problems in the underlying academic papers.
I’m gonna go and read that Psychology of Judgment book though as I’ve never heard of it before I think. Thanks for that tip!
I loved this book back when I first read it and still think some of the insights are useful but as a whole the field of behavioral economics has sort of put me off due to these scientific methodology problems in the underlying academic papers.
I’m gonna go and read that Psychology of Judgment book though as I’ve never heard of it before I think. Thanks for that tip!
I haven’t really kept up with the field. I find too much of psychology too centred on the individual for my tastes and therefore something of a dead end street. I’ve been more worried lately by how this stuff is used to sell us stuff and to create ‘practice architectures’ to make us do what we would otherwise not. Think the dark side of Nudge: Improving Decisions About Health, Wealth, and Happiness, I guess.
I’ll have a look and see what I can find, John. Thank you.
I’ll have a look and see what I can find, John. Thank you.
True start, i did it the other way around...already read much about his theories or books mentioning the same work. But this one...all in one package!