Honestly not quite as thrilling as I'd remembered! Certainly not when compared to book 1. But obviously a tremendous wonder all the same. Honestly not quite as thrilling as I'd remembered! Certainly not when compared to book 1. But obviously a tremendous wonder all the same. ...more
Upon a second (third? fifth?) read, I'm fairly certain this is an actual perfect book. Upon a second (third? fifth?) read, I'm fairly certain this is an actual perfect book. ...more
Whoa, I though my collection started in '89, but this volume is from 1971. Good lord! Trudeau didn't even know how to draw yet!!Whoa, I though my collection started in '89, but this volume is from 1971. Good lord! Trudeau didn't even know how to draw yet!!...more
Not only was the book amazing (I truly believe he can do no wrong), but one of my best friends and I saw an actual play of it several years ago at LinNot only was the book amazing (I truly believe he can do no wrong), but one of my best friends and I saw an actual play of it several years ago at Lincoln Center. We had seats in the very front row. The play (as required, I'm sure) was balls-out crazy, all in Japanese, with a ticker doing subtitles at the the top of the stage. My memory sucks, but I think I recall a bunch of people with static-spewing TVs for heads, and some crazy shit with sideways sleeping people. Probably I should reread the stories and much more will come back to me.
It was one of those incredible New York nights, me and Joe and Murakami madness, all dressed up because we could, and then after the play it was raining, but not too hard, and it was spring and we were only about fifty blocks and crosstown from home, and our heads were so filled with that crackly, delirious intensity you get after experiencing something purely astonishing, so we walked, him in a bit of a suit and me in as close as I get to heels, these like hemp platform sandals which I still have and are tinged with mold from how soaked we got that night, slipping into each other and going over and over everything we had just seen, eyes huge and brains sizzling and rain everywhere and bliss....more
I read this book about a billion years ago (seriously, like over a decade, which would have made me... too young to have a chance with it). All I remeI read this book about a billion years ago (seriously, like over a decade, which would have made me... too young to have a chance with it). All I remember is that it was long. And super confusing. And then I gave it to my mom, because it deals with lots of Jew-ness, which she loves. I doubt she ever finished it, because did I mention it was really freaking long?...more
If your coffee table boasts both this book and Dancing With Cats, everyone cool will want to be your friend.If your coffee table boasts both this book and Dancing With Cats, everyone cool will want to be your friend....more
Not nearly as funny as Dancing With Cats, this book is kind of stunningly awful. After the paintings, there's a section on like multimedia art? The oNot nearly as funny as Dancing With Cats, this book is kind of stunningly awful. After the paintings, there's a section on like multimedia art? The one I remember most is there's a big photo of a scratched-up sofa arm, with a blown-up section that has lines going to various oozes of stuffing and particular gashes, and actually discusses the meaning of different tear angles and feline angst and such. It goes far past unintentionally funny and turns into creepy and sad.
Unless possibly it's all a satire or a spoof? In which case, ha ha I guess, but really that's a lot of effort to go to for something not that funny....more
I read this book in college and thought it was amazing, but of course I don't remember anything about it now. Must be time to read it again!I read this book in college and thought it was amazing, but of course I don't remember anything about it now. Must be time to read it again!...more