Fergus, Quondam Happy Face's Reviews > Thinking, Fast and Slow

Thinking, Fast and Slow by Daniel Kahneman
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it was amazing

Daniel Kahneman is a Genius. But if you know his work, you know that already.

A Nobel Prize winner, his work is weighty and a bit recondite into the bargain.

But hasn't he ignored the CHRISTIAN worldview, the world of good and evil? For isn't this book SPIRITUALLY rather trite, being addressed only to those sharpies who only wanna learn how to PLAY THE GAME?

Even if that ends in emotional bankruptcy?

I think so. So here's my own, Christian take on it:

We all live in a postmodernist, secular world now. When we come of age into that scenario, many of us learn a bit of caution. Unless this brutal coming of age makes us hip and glib.

So there are two ways of thinking now. One is thinking fast (hip and glib) and the other is thinking slow (religiously cautious). Thinking fast, in this book, is Optimal.

But here’s a point Kahneman neglects...

The hip and glib guys get hurt by those postmodernistic sharp edges more easily than the cautious guys. So the hip side becomes cautious, and, of course as they age, the hard knocks confuse them. They end up more confused and conflicted than the cautious ones most of the time.

Such is the Moral Levelling of Age.

The cautious folks believe in true love, and often eternal verities, though. We’ll call them the sheep, cause they follow their hip friends as only sheep serve. The hip guys, the planners, believe in basically nothing - they’re all fast talk and action. We’ll call them the goats: they love to butt heads with you.

As I say, this sheep/goat take on Thinking Fast is my own. Kahneman never goes there. Where he DOES go is to the value of experience in thinking fast:

To think fast, he says, experience is key. Experience gives us heuristic benchmarks.

The more experienced folks think faster. And because they’re so sure of the facts, we often ill-advisedly trust them.

But now back to my own take: hip guys HAVE some of this experience, because they are hip. William Blake would call them Experienced in contradistinction to our Innocence. It’s an Experience that can’t discern. It has no wisdom.

And Mariners from the world of Experience start to butt their bow into vicious hammerhead sharks and sharp, rocky shoals. Agressive Experience runs out of motivation early, unlike the restful boat of Innocence. Innocence isn’t conflictual. It BENDS rather than confronts.

It lives longer and healthier. And learns discernment.

Remember Aesop’s fable of the Tortoise and the Hare? The lowly rabbit wins the race.

Just so, the meek inherit the Earth...

And a state of peaceful contentment.

Daniel Kahneman has his Nobel-winning theories -

But I have my own happy and elderly Discernment -

My Slow Thinking -

And my Peace of Mind.

Doesn't that count, too?
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Comments Showing 1-24 of 24 (24 new)

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message 1: by Luvtoread (new)

Luvtoread Terrific, terrific, Terrific explanations, Fergus!💖. I wish I could read and absorb reading material as quickly and efficiently as you seem to always do! Thank you, friend!!😊

Fergus, Quondam Happy Face But know what, Luv? I’m sticking with my Slow Thinking because that’s the only thing I can usefully do now. Therefore: by gerrymandering his fine arguments, I’ve obviated the purpose of his excellent book. But many thanks for your very kind words!

message 3: by Luvtoread (new)

Luvtoread Lol! Gerrymander along my friend, because if you're slow thinking right now then we could use a boost of whatever it is you're doing!!🤔😄

Fergus, Quondam Happy Face Thx so much for your nice shot in the arm, Luv. My problem is that whether fast or slow, I never thought Right enough for my educators! All I’ve done on GR has been to parlay that Not-Rightness into acceptability - cause though my Faith’s passé, it makes general sense.

message 5: by Ingerlisa (new)

Ingerlisa Absolutely loved this review, I read this book at university and it remains one of my favourites. ☺️

Fergus, Quondam Happy Face So nice of you to say it, Ingerlisa! Though my comments are lighthearted, I have great respect for this man. He’s simplified the way to success for so many young people!

Michael Perkins I've read this book 3x. It seems clear to me that you didn't actually read it, at least beyond part one, but are pontificating about philosophy. That's not what this book is about. It's about strategies for clear thinking and making good decisions.

Fergus, Quondam Happy Face Yes, I know. Due to my meds I'm quite incapable of clear thinking. Then again, I've said that all along throughout my reviews, and in spite of this serious disability I try to radiate good cheer in my writing.

Listen, Michael - I'm not trying to prove anything - my credibility is too low. If I can truly say I've made folks smile - and see the big picture - that's all I want. My disability thereby becomes a Crown!

Michael Perkins Thanks, Fergus.

Here's where I'm coming from. I have published several books, including a bestseller. Writing a book, especially well, is super hard. So I tend to side with authors. My main thing is that they get a fair shake. There' s definitely room for fair criticism. And we all have different tastes. But I don't like to see folks easily dismiss a book and give it low ratings if it hasn't been given a chance.

Terence M - [Quot libros, quam breve tempus!] Fergus wrote:"Due to my meds I'm quite incapable of clear thinking."
Hah! I take 17 different prescription meds each day, a few of them twice a day, and I use the "Due to my meds ..." excuse for pretty much everything, Fergus! This includes "listening or not listening" to my audiobooks, "writing or not writing" my reviews and "dnf'ing books on a whim or at will"! My Beloved of 53 years assures me the "meds" excuse will wear thin one day, but she is hanging in there ...😄.

Fergus, Quondam Happy Face All kinds of folks come to the party, Michael, including those like me who are two or three sandwiches short of a picnic. I too concede to authors their duly elevated status, and though my comments may be logically skewed, I try to keep 'em sotto voce!

Fergus, Quondam Happy Face Isn't it great having such a tried and true fullback position, Terry? The kids are much smarter - but we're infinitely more human.

message 13: by Luvtoread (new)

Luvtoread Fergus, I applaud you for your patience and your undeniable beautiful and uplifting sense of humor. I cannot pass up reading your reviews even if I haven't any interest in the book. Differences in opinions is a spice of life but some seem to go a little heavy on the cayenne pepper at times!!🤔📚😅

Michael Perkins Last I checked, fairness is supposed to be a Christian virtue.

Fergus, Quondam Happy Face And I admit, Luvtoread and Michael, that I erred in the midst of accusation by breaching propriety! And I apologize.

message 16: by Luvtoread (new)

Luvtoread Maybe, I was a little confused by some comments because Fergus, you were very fair (imo) by giving the book a 5 star rating even though you didn't agree with everything written. How is fairness evaluated when there are differences of opinions yet in this case you gave mucho respect to the author! 😯🔰

Fergus, Quondam Happy Face One of my biggest discoveries in old age, Luv, is that it's never easy walking the straight & narrow path. Indeed, the complications sometimes totally obscure that path, like weeds! I guess we're all only doing our best with bad situations.

message 18: by Luvtoread (new)

Luvtoread Very well said, my friend!!😉

message 20: by Tg (new) - rated it 5 stars

Tg I am in the process of rereading this now--- " Wait the Science of Delay" by Dan Partnay peaked my interest

message 21: by Tg (new) - rated it 5 stars

Tg Fergus you have every right to apply critical thinking to a book and not believe everything some authority says on a subject, as humans we are allowed to "think" and reflect on subjects--I am like you at this stage of life--I prefer to map things out --rather than jump to emotional conclusions based on "thin-slicing".

"Man is timid and apologetic he does not dare say "I think " but depends on the advice of some Saint or Sage--Trust thyself...speak your latent convictions in words as hard as cannonballs ..all hearts vibrate to this iron string.. "the Heroic cannot be common, nor the common Heroic " Emerson's Essays

"Your Hero is flawed, Congratulations so are you, for every Achilles there is an Achilles heel; Now go out and make your life Heroic in your own way " Greitens Resilience

Fergus, Quondam Happy Face You're a real friend to come to my rescue, Tg. I loved your Greitens quotation, and because of you have just bought Resilience - I truly dig your kinda motivation! Thanks.

message 23: by Tg (new) - rated it 5 stars

Tg Thanks Fergus--It is a pleasure knowing you and reading your moving reviews.....

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