Benjamin Rogers's Reviews > Next of Kin: What Chimpanzees Have Taught Me About Who We Are
Next of Kin: What Chimpanzees Have Taught Me About Who We Are
Have you ever felt or suspected that people are just as animal as any other species? This book will solidify that opinion and change the way you view all living creatures. This is a story of compassion, love, family, pain, suffering, torment, injustice, prejudice, science, psychology, sociology, evolutionary theory. It discusses the stiff moral boundaries that science has implemented/utilized to enslave emotional self aware beings and neglect our moral duties. Through his perspective we can change those views to cohabit the planet with those we have used as springboards for our gain only, leading to their suffering. Most importantly it's not told by a cold outsider unfamiliar with the realities of our kin. Roger Fouts shares true stories with a saintly unfiltered love that transcends his thesis from an argument to a beautiful tale/adventure that overrides bullshit and cuts straight to the capability of human love by sharing his insights that lead to a very clear understanding of the capacity of chimpanzees and just how alike we really are. This book is a 10/10 masterpiece. I cried, laughed, felt sorrow, peeked into beautiful windows, and felt so much for everyone involved in the tale that I felt that my own feelings were constantly on the line to be dismantled by the chaos of these poor (very adorable and loving)chimpanzees experiences. I recommend this to every single person. It's a very important lesson in compassion and a larger than life story that could only be told by someone involved.
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