Greg's Reviews > Predictably Irrational: The Hidden Forces That Shape Our Decisions

Predictably Irrational by Dan Ariely
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Here are just a few tidbit's I've learned:

-If you're ever going to a bar, trying to score a little bit of lovin', bring a friend who looks very similar to you - only a little uglier. That way you'll look like the ideal candidate, not just compared to your friend but to everyone else there.

-People are more likely to steal things once removed from cash than cash - ie. the Enron crew who stole millions of dollars from the retirement pensions of little old ladies, but would they ever have snatched 10 bucks from the purses of little old ladies?

-The 800 dollar bottle of wine is on the menu not because the restaurant ever expects to sell it, but because now you're going to buy the 799 dollar bottle of wine.

-Out of the goodness of my heart I will help you move into your new aptm for free. Tell me you're going to pay me to do the same thing, say 5 bucks, and I'm suddenly going to be busy that day.

-When given the slightest opportunity we will all cheat! On test I mean, not necessarily on people.

-A Tylenol pill that costs a penny is not as effective as a Tylenol pill that costs 50 cents, ceteris paribus.

-All rules, bets, and lessons learned are off when I have a hard on. Also animals and rape may look attractive to me.

BUT WAIT, THERE'S MORE! Only you'll have to go to your local library to pick it up.
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Reading Progress

July 4, 2008 – Shelved
Started Reading
July 13, 2008 – Finished Reading

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