Anita's Reviews > Animals Make Us Human: Creating the Best Life for Animals
Animals Make Us Human: Creating the Best Life for Animals
A very interesting read. Temple explores the emotional needs of a wide variety of animals - the chapters are devoted to dogs, cats, horses, cows, pigs, chickens, wildlife, and zoos - and what humans can do to improve these animals' lives. I found it more and more interesting as the chapters progressed; as curious as I am about the emotional needs of housecats, Temples' expertise lies in the world of big animals on farms and in zoos, and she has lots of opinions regarding the treatment (or mistreatment) of these creatures by their handlers. She's extremely matter-of-fact about it all, and very persuasive.
I recommend this book to anyone interested in animal welfare - whether or not you are a meat eater, it's good to know what's going on behind the scenes in slaughterhouses, and you may also gain some insight into what the hell your cat is thinking.
I recommend this book to anyone interested in animal welfare - whether or not you are a meat eater, it's good to know what's going on behind the scenes in slaughterhouses, and you may also gain some insight into what the hell your cat is thinking.
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December 24, 2011
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