C's Reviews > Nudge: Improving Decisions About Health, Wealth, and Happiness

Nudge by Richard H. Thaler
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it was amazing
bookshelves: non-fiction

This book opened my eyes to how humans make decisions, and how easily they can be influenced by their peers and by the way choices are presented to them. Through engaging research and entertaining anecdotes, it shows how to “architect” choices to nudge people towards certain decisions. The authors call this “libertarian paternalism”, because it uses incentives to motivate desired behavior rather than using command and control measures like laws and bans. I highly recommend this book for its practical insight into behavioral psychology and behavioral economics.

In an ideal world, people would have the time, knowledge, and motivation to make the perfect choices. In reality, humans are irrational, emotional, ignorant, apathetic, or downright lazy, so simply providing as many choices as possible rarely works. Libertarian paternalism strikes a balance between freedom of choice and incentivizing behavior.

I read this book because it was listed in .net Magazine’s The top 25 books for web designers and developers.

The authors explain that humans have “automatic” and “reactive” systems; the automatic system is the subconscious, emotional “gut instinct”, while the reactive system is the intellectual conscious. Nudges help the reactive system overpower the automatic system.

The authors use libertarian paternalism to advocate specific policies for public and private institutions, dealing with topics in personal finance (saving, retirement, debt, mortgages), health care, education, and politics. They also address the ethical issues of choice architecture.

I love personal finance, so I especially liked seeing how nudges can lead to better retirement saving and investing. The authors show how something as simple as automatic enrollment in retirement plans results in a significant increase in participation.

I liked the RECAP (Record, Evaluate, and Compare Alternative Prices) concept, which says vendors and service providers should give consumers a statement of the costs associated with different hypothetical patterns of service usage to help them make informed choices about things like electricity and gas consumption.

I liked the authors’ idea that people should be able to waive the right to sue for medical malpractice, in exchange for lower medical costs. I’m not sure how I feel about their proposal to privatize marriage; they say this would give religious organizations the freedom to set rules about homosexuality, divorce, etc., while allowing the government to honor civil unions with benefits.

6 principles of good choice architecture
• iNcentives: motivate behavior with incentives
• Understand mappings: show the outcomes that will result from the choices
• Defaults: provide default options
• Give feedback: show people the effect their choices are having
• Expect error: make choices foolproof
• Structure complex choices: present complex choices in easily understood ways

Miscellaneous notes
• The more you ask for, the more you get.
• People hate losses twice as much as they like gains.
• People like to do what they believe most people think is right. They also like to do what most people actually do.
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Reading Progress

Started Reading
December 19, 2011 – Finished Reading
December 20, 2011 – Shelved
December 20, 2011 – Shelved as: non-fiction

Comments Showing 1-3 of 3 (3 new)

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message 1: by Carisa (new)

Carisa Great review

message 2: by Monique (new) - added it

Monique Chad, I always enjoy your reviews. This is one book I wish I enjoyed as much as you did! I thought the points could have delivered just as effectively in half the content. To be fair, I listened to the audiobook book and did not read it. Perhaps that explains the difference in our experience.

message 3: by C (new) - rated it 5 stars

C Monique wrote: "Chad, I always enjoy your reviews. This is one book I wish I enjoyed as much as you did! I thought the points could have delivered just as effectively in half the content. To be fair, I listened to..."

Monique, I feel that most nonfiction books could be just as effective, if not more effective, if they were shorter. It's been years since I read this book so I can no longer comment specifically on the length of this one, but it's safe to assume I shared your feeling that it could've been briefer.

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