da AL's Reviews > Nudge: Improving Decisions About Health, Wealth, and Happiness

Nudge by Richard H. Thaler
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bookshelves: non-fiction

The book has some value, but the title led me to pick it up under the belief that it might help me to understand myself better and learn better ways to navigate my choices. It turned out to be more of a laundry list of examples how businesses try to manipulate us, a list that was nudged into book-length...
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August 3, 2018 – Shelved
August 3, 2018 – Shelved as: non-fiction

Comments Showing 1-10 of 10 (10 new)

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message 1: by Priscilla (new)

Priscilla Paton I believe Thaler and Sunstein (who worked with the Obama administration) see themselves as influencing policy formation on a grand scale.

message 2: by da (new) - rated it 3 stars

da AL that makes sense -- the book reads that way, but the title doesn't

Fred I guess the whole point is to understand that deception comes in many forms. More importantly it is essential to see examples to recognize when you see it!

message 4: by da (new) - rated it 3 stars

da AL Fred wrote: "I guess the whole point is to understand that deception comes in many forms. More importantly it is essential to see examples to recognize when you see it!"

an excellent point, Fred

message 5: by Susanne (new)

Susanne Nice review da Al! Sorry this one deceived you! Hope you love your next read!

message 6: by da (new) - rated it 3 stars

da AL Susanne wrote: "Nice review da Al! Sorry this one deceived you! Hope you love your next read!"

many tx, Susanne :-)

message 7: by Cassandra (new)

Cassandra Thank you! I picked up the book expecting the same thing you did - more personal understanding. I read the first few pages and immediately suspected the book may not be what I was hoping for. I'm going to return it to the library and move on to something else.

message 8: by da (new) - rated it 3 stars

da AL Cassandra wrote: "Thank you! I picked up the book expecting the same thing you did - more personal understanding. I read the first few pages and immediately suspected the book may not be what I was hoping for. I'm g..."

my pleasure, Cassandra - so many books, too little time, right?

message 9: by Cassandra (new)

Cassandra da wrote: "my pleasure, Cassandra - so many books, too little time, right?"

Exactly! There are SO many books out there that I would love to read. On to the next!

Satyajit Lele Apt review, I should have read your review before reading the book.

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