Producervan's Reviews > Next of Kin: My Conversations with Chimpanzees
Next of Kin: My Conversations with Chimpanzees
Next of Kin, My Conversations with Chimpanzees by Roger Fouts with Stephen Tukel Mills. Introduction by Jane Goodall. Published by Harper. Copyright 2003 (1997). Paperback. 420 pages.
A very enjoyable, thought-provoking read about communicating with our nearest genetic cousins, the chimps. This book will provide a bounty of laughs and tears while adeptly defogging what it is to be a lab animal, both then and today. These intelligent chimpanzees communicate with humans via learned sign language—and they need our protection. I hope you’ll find them as amazing as I have. This book was a birthday gift. It deserves way more than 5 stars.
A very enjoyable, thought-provoking read about communicating with our nearest genetic cousins, the chimps. This book will provide a bounty of laughs and tears while adeptly defogging what it is to be a lab animal, both then and today. These intelligent chimpanzees communicate with humans via learned sign language—and they need our protection. I hope you’ll find them as amazing as I have. This book was a birthday gift. It deserves way more than 5 stars.
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