Wendy's Reviews > Some We Love, Some We Hate, Some We Eat: Why It's So Hard to Think Straight About Animals

Some We Love, Some We Hate, Some We Eat by Hal Herzog
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bookshelves: nonfiction, hardcover

I picked up this book because I love animals and I couldn't find any fiction books about them that looked interesting that week. Also, I thought the cover was cool and the premise sounded interesting.

I did not expect to have my world-view challenged! I didn't know a lot of the research and things he points out (I literally shouted 'Oh my God, seriously?!' when he points out that research shows dolphin therapy does nothing. I thought it did something, although certainly nothing as extreme as the die-hard supporters claim). He made me think about some things in ways I hadn't necessarily thought about them before.

And while I have had a few squeamish, 'eww, I'm eating a cow' moments before eating a cheeseburger in the past, I've been very successful in pushing such thoughts away. I couldn't push them away anymore after reading this book. It left me in a turmoil, one I had to sort out for myself--and I felt like that was the point of the book. He wasn't trying to tell you what to do, he wasn't trying to explain each individual person's relationship with the animal world; he just wanted you to think about it, instead of sweeping it under the rug. I thought about it, and I think I'm happier with myself after thinking about it, doing some additional research, and reaching some conclusions.

Also, while he's no comedian, he has a few turns of phrase that made me chuckle throughout, providing some much-needed tension relief. Overall, I would probably recommend this for people new to these thoughts, like myself. People already knowledgeable on the subject probably already know this stuff and wouldn't enjoy it as much for that reason.
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Reading Progress

Finished Reading
October 18, 2011 – Shelved
June 13, 2013 – Shelved as: nonfiction
February 5, 2017 – Shelved as: hardcover

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message 1: by Wayne (new)

YOU !!!!
No Wonder you commented on my reason for adding an Animal Shelf !!!!
A recipient of my Animalmas Card 2013 assumed I was vegetarian and were a bit outraged when I replied:
"I'm mainly vegetarian, but not through any strong belief but through preference.I eat meat, mainly fish during the week sometimes; and kangaroo mainly because it is so lean."
When she protested I just said,"I'm still on my journey."
I don't think it's anyone's business basically, but I don't mind discussing it.I do have High Cholesterol which is a medical reason for eating less meat, but I do prefer this diet anyway.
I don't have a dog because I think they would get too lonely.I do have a garden.But like Mum I never think to pick the flowers.
I read a lot in preparation for my card and am still interested in the whole issue.
Just read where during World War Two the Humpback Whale population on the Western Australian coast were estimated at between 12,000 to 17,000 individuals, as people were too busy killing each other...(50 million plus was our hunting of the Human Trophy.)
After the war this huge increase in Humpbacks was hunted and by 1949 in the Antarctic region, after hunting by Australia,Russia,Norway,Britain and Japan,
this population had dropped to 10,000.
By 1963 this had become a mere 600 survivors out of what may have been 17,000 !!!
Ironically this is exactly why the Whaling Industry went BUST...unable to catch enough whales!!!Only then were they protected against extinction by the International Whaling Commission.The whalers rusted away and no one would buy them because no whales and then protection.
Not now. Another story.

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