Amir Tesla's Reviews > Predictably Irrational: The Hidden Forces That Shape Our Decisions
Predictably Irrational: The Hidden Forces That Shape Our Decisions
Amir Tesla's review
bookshelves: cognitive-science
Oct 02, 2017
bookshelves: cognitive-science
Read 2 times. Last read September 25, 2017 to October 3, 2017.
توي يه مبحث از يه جايي به بعد محتواي كتابا تقريبا تكراري مي شن. با اين حال خوش مزه بود.
ريويو هم اگه زمان اجازه بده به زودي.
ريويو هم اگه زمان اجازه بده به زودي.
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Predictably Irrational.
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Reading Progress
Finished Reading
September 25, 2017
Started Reading
September 25, 2017
"براي اينكه آدما رو علاقه مند به چيزي كنيم، كافيه راه رسيدن به اون رو سخت كنيم.
Tom had discovered a great law of human action, namely, that in order to make a man covet a thing, it is only necessary to make the thing difficult to attain.”
Mark Twain"
Tom had discovered a great law of human action, namely, that in order to make a man covet a thing, it is only necessary to make the thing difficult to attain.”
Mark Twain"
September 25, 2017
– Shelved
September 25, 2017
– Shelved as:
September 25, 2017
"People may be more than willing to help you out, but if you offer them money in advance, you put them into market norm mindset, hence, losing their aid.
Whenever monetary stuff engages people's minds, they lose all the good attributes of humanity are replaced with selfish, individualistic attributes of business mindset ..."
Whenever monetary stuff engages people's minds, they lose all the good attributes of humanity are replaced with selfish, individualistic attributes of business mindset ..."
October 3, 2017
Finished Reading
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added it
Mar 10, 2018 02:50PM
آقا از این به زودی ها و آندر کانتمپلیشن ها زیاد شده ها :(
Shayan wrote: "وقت کردی یکم بخواب حالا :))"
کمبود خواب که امروز رسما من و برد تو کلما .
از خواب نگو که یادم رفته چه شکلی بوده اصلا :||||
کمبود خواب که امروز رسما من و برد تو کلما .
از خواب نگو که یادم رفته چه شکلی بوده اصلا :||||