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My Mother's Autobiography

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Anne Hope, daughter of German immigrants and wife to an ambitious but abrasive husband, only wants what is best for her two daughters. In a world of mid-century conformity and female oppression, this path is fraught with pitfalls, and actions often bring unintended consequences. Anne finds refuge in a summer home within the Colorado woods, but a mental-health crisis soon emerges, one that will rewrite her sense of self and her family's future.

In this stirring family saga, My Mother's Autobiography takes readers on a journey from the highs of the sweeping Colorado mountains to the lows of cold sanitariums: all written with heart-wrenching empathy from the pen of one of Anne's daughters.

288 pages, Paperback

Published October 26, 2024

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About the author

Roberta Payne

2 books15 followers
Having suffered through alcoholism, schizophrenia, and cancer, while sustaining a peripatetic career teaching college English, Latin, and Italian, Roberta Payne has firsthand experience with diseases among the deadliest of our times, bringing unique perspective to her work.
Payne has accumulated degrees from top universities -- a BA in classics from Stanford, an MA in Italian from UCLA, an MA in romance languages from Harvard, and a PhD in comparative literature from the University of Denver -- but it is from her personal life that she's gained the knowledge most pertinent to her memoir, "Speaking to My Madness: How I Searched for Myself in Schizophrenia."
Roberta makes her home in Denver, Colorado, where she serves on the board of directors of the Mental Health Center of Denver. Her published work includes literary translations from Italian, short stories, and articles on schizophrenia. Her "Outsider Art," or art of the mentally ill, has appeared on the cover of the mental health journal, Schizophrenia Bulletin.

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