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The Emperor's New Nudity: The Return of Authoritarianism and the Digital Obscene

Not yet published
Expected 10 Dec 24

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An analysis of contemporary authoritarianism and the medium in which it flourishes, the internet, and what lies at the complex intersection of authority and technology.In recent decades, a new style of authoritarian politics has taken hold throughout the liberal-democratic world. The new style of authority figures is characterized by obscene, transgressive, behavior, reminiscent of the “crowd” leader as theorized by Freud, only far less transient. In Unwritten No More, Yuval Kremnitzer considers the fraught intersection of authority and technology—the internet being the medium that has allowed contemporary authoritarianism to thrive—asking foundational questions, such How can we think of the network as a social phenomenon? What can social and political phenomena teach us about the nature of the new technology? And, how does technology reshape the very fabric of social and political life? Technology leads us towards an impersonal and hyper-rational world, to such an extent that it renders human subjectivity outmoded, Kremnitzer writes. Authority, on the other hand, anchors our subjective identifications to certain figures and seems to be hopelessly primitive and irrational. What is required, then, is a dialectics of the primal—a study of the way in which what strikes us as essential enters into the dynamics of historical change. From this perspective, authority and technology can be said to be divided by a common object—the unwritten law, and the special knowledge that pertains to a knowledge without knowers.

288 pages, Paperback

Expected publication December 10, 2024

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Yuval Kremnitzer

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