Michael's Reviews > Traffic: Why We Drive the Way We Do and What It Says About Us

Traffic by Tom Vanderbilt
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it was amazing

Vanderbilt gets 5 stars for scaring the hell out of me every time I sit in the driver's seat. TRAFFIC is a compelling, curious read that makes you feel like you shouldn't be sitting in a car, much less driving one. You'll learn that there's such a thing as a "traffic archeologist," find out what was killing all the pedestrians in New York before cars, learn about the illusions that plague you as a driver, and hopefully a few things that will change your driving style. Most importantly, you'll learn who is right: the late merger or the early one.
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April 22, 2008 – Shelved

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message 1: by frankies (new)

frankies Travel times and congestion are reduced by using adaptive traffic signal control because of the dynamic modifications performed in response to changing traffic conditions. Programs for Traffic Control Darwin employ a multimodal approach to increase traffic safety. the purpose of traffic management Darwin's goal is to construct a road network that prioritizes road safety, aids in the modernization of infrastructure, and employs state-of-the-art technology to produce an effective, secure, and safe system for all users. Every service we provide is meant to guarantee that nobody will be in danger or at risk while we're working, including clients, contractors, traffic controllers, and members of the public.
For More Information :- keegangroup.com.au

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