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What Goes with What: 100 Recipes, 20 Charts, Endless Possibilities

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From bestselling cookbook author Julia Turshen comes an original, inspired, and interactive approach to cooking that takes the guesswork out of everyday meals.Julia Turshen is a home cook’s best friend. Known for her simple, no-frills, yet utterly satisfying recipes—as well as her authentic, relatable, problem-solving approach—hers are the cookbooks we all turn to when we want to know what else we can make with some ground turkey, or if we can pull off dessert with a few basic pantry ingredients. In essence, we look to Julia when we want to know What Goes with to understand how we can transform the seemingly boring contents of our fridge into an exciting meal.Now, in her latest book, Julia offers readers a new way to think about cooking, one that focuses on mastering the alchemy of a meal—and then offers endless iterations. Organized into six sections (salads and sandwiches; soups, stews and braises; rice, more grains, and pasta; vegetables; mains; and baked goods), Julia arms readers with 20 charts and 100 recipes that teach them how to build a successful dish, while making ample room for creativity and personal preference.For readers of tried and true cookbooks like Melissa Clark’s Dinner and Deb Perelman’s Smitten Kitchen series, as well as fans of Molly Baz and Alison Roman’s breezy yet craveable recipes, What Goes with What will become an instant classic and find its place as a foundational cookbook for a new generation of home cooks.

320 pages, Hardcover

First published October 15, 2024

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About the author

Julia Turshen

20 books100 followers
Julia Turshen is the bestselling author of Now & Again, a Goodreads Choice Awards 2018 semi-finalist (vote for her here), as well as Feed the Resistance, named the Best Cookbook of 2017 by Eater, and Small Victories, named one of the Best Cookbooks of 2016 by the New York Times and NPR.

Epicurious has called her one of the 100 Greatest Home Cooks of All Time. She is the founder of Equity At The Table (EATT), an inclusive digital directory of women and non-binary individuals in food. Julia lives in the Hudson Valley with her wife and pets.

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Displaying 1 - 7 of 7 reviews
Profile Image for Alessa.
122 reviews2 followers
October 19, 2024
Lovely cookbook that made me feel like maybe I could actually make dinner!
Profile Image for Kris Springer.
1,016 reviews17 followers
November 16, 2024
Can’t wait to make some of these great foods for family and friends! I could eat out of this book for at least 6 months. Great tips and energy—very encouraging. Yum!
Profile Image for Roxane.
Author 124 books166k followers
August 13, 2024
Julia Turshen makes cooking seem like a beautiful thing anyone can do and in her latest cookbook, What Goes With What: 100 Recipes, 20 Charts, Endless Possibilities, she offers up her characteristic warmth and wisdom and a wonderful new set of culinary adventures. Fans of her newsletter Keep Calm & Cook On will recognize the whimsical charts she often shares, demonstrating how versatile a cook we can be with just a handful of simple ingredients. And then she puts all that theory into practice with an incredible range of dishes all of which can be adapted to our individual palates and preferences. This is a cookbook that should be a staple in every home cook's kitchen.
Profile Image for Penny.
875 reviews5 followers
November 8, 2024
I liked her charts but found many ingredients were either unfamiliar to me or not ones that I would ever have on hand. I think I’m not enough of a cook to bother with this although many recipes sounded great.
Profile Image for Kirsti.
2,735 reviews122 followers
November 20, 2024
I've enjoyed all of Julia Turshen's books. This one is so friendly and approachable and beautifully photographed. Can't wait to try some of these recipes. I'm not sure why she isn't using whole wheat flour anymore, but I'll go where she goes.
Profile Image for Cherie.
3,647 reviews34 followers
November 17, 2024
What an excellent cookbook. It's not vegetarian, but full of so many great ideas and recipes that I can't wait to try. I love her tone!
Profile Image for Leona.
770 reviews8 followers
November 17, 2024
This is formatted in a fun approachable way, I viewed it as an ebook loan from my library. Didn’t see anything new, but this might be a good shower gift for a novice.
Displaying 1 - 7 of 7 reviews

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