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Beneath The Trees Where Nobody Sees #1 (0.1-0.6)

Beneath the Trees Where Nobody Sees

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Live, laugh, shed blood. Dexter meets Richard Scarry’s Busy, Busy Town in this twisted debut graphic novel.

Don’t murder the locals—this is small-town serial killer, upstanding citizen, and adorable brown bear Samantha Strong’s cardinal rule. A sea of potential victims is in the city just beyond the forest, but when you’ve worked as hard as Sam to build a cozy life and a thriving business in a community surrounded by friendly fellow animal folk, warm decor, and the aroma of cedar trees and freshly baked apple pie, the last thing you want is to disturb the peace. So imagine Sam's indignation when one of Woodbrook’s own meets a grisly, mysterious demise. You wouldn’t blame her for doing anything it takes to hunt down her rival before the town self-destructs and Sheriff Patterson starts barking up the wrong tree.

152 pages, Paperback

First published September 17, 2024

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Patrick Horvath

10 books45 followers

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Profile Image for Rosh.
2,000 reviews3,545 followers
August 30, 2024
In a Nutshell: A horror graphic novel filled with anthropomorphic animals and questionable moral compasses. (More ‘Dexter’ than ‘Zootopia’!) Gripping, chilling, creepy! Definitely not for the faint-hearted. Loved the plot and the character development. Appreciated the complex exploration of ethics. Recommended but not to all.


Plot Preview:
Samantha Strong is a brown bear who has spent most of her life in the small town of Woodbrook, where everyone knows everyone else and everything about them. At least, that’s what the townsfolk think. But Samantha has a dark secret. Though she is a law-abiding hardware-store owner, she is also a serial killer with one golden rule: Don’t murder the locals. She chooses her target from a big city just beyond the forest. After all, the city is full of potential victims and no one will miss one person in the crowd. All these years, her modus operandi has worked perfectly. But now, there’s a problem.
A Woodbrook local has been murdered brutally. Samantha is wild at the thought of some other killer upsetting the status quo. With Sheriff Patterson (literally) barking up the wrong tree, Samantha knows that it is up to her to hunt her rival before she is caught for the murders she didn’t commit, or even for the ones she did.

This graphic novel is a compilation of the six comics of ‘Beneath the Trees’, the critically acclaimed indie series. This edition has the complete story, no cliffhangers. (Thank heavens!)

It is strange to read a book filled with animals, most of them drawn in a cutesy art style and in lovely light pastels, and then to realise that this isn’t a sweet animal fable but the story of a psychopath (Or two!) My mind is still reeling from the aftereffects of this bizarre juxtaposition.

The core plot is brilliant. The story does exactly what a horror-thriller should, keeping us glued to the pages and horrified at the psyche of the murderers, which allows them to commit brutality without any qualms. There is no justification provided for why Samantha kills; she just wants to. This was the toughest part for me to accept - casual killings done just for the sake of it. Very disturbing!

The murders are as brutal as you can imagine, and a bit more. Think Dexter, but with a bear. The strange part is that when the second killer comes into the picture, the proceedings become more brutal, thereby ending up making Samantha look saner. While reading, we know we can’t support Samantha but nor can we support the other killer. Imagine reading a plot where you don’t know whom to root for – the protagonist (who is more of an antihero) or the antagonist (who is working against the antihero but still isn’t a hero.) Mindboggling!

The setting adds to the eerie vibes, with its messed-up lifestyle more like organised chaos. Anthropomorphic bears interacting with actual bears in the forest as if they were two separate species? A butchery where there are slaughtered pig heads on offer though there are pig citizens as well? Humanised animals having ordinary animal pets? Curiouser and curiouser!

All the characters are anthropomorphic animals of various species, so seeing them with human features and human flaws is utterly weird. I also loved the depiction of the townspeople’s fear and apprehension when they hear of a killer on the loose. The change in the town’s atmosphere is palpable through the graphics. The writing captures the small-town pulse excellently.

I read this along with my elder daughter, and both of us were somewhat grossed out by the proceedings, albeit for different reasons. She was more affected by the lack of morality while I was more predictably affected by the butchery. In fact, both of us were feeling so claustrophobic that we took a break after the fourth comic just to start breathing a bit easier. This just shows how successful the book was in its *execution*. [Pun intended.] There were some scenes that caused us to burst into laughter as well, but a part of me thinks it was more hysterical laughter out of nervousness than a genuine fun guffaw.

The ending might generate different reactions among different readers, but considering the inherent contradiction in the storyline, I was prepared for it and satisfied with it. Don’t look for closure, though. You will be confused about whether to heave a sigh of relief or continue to bite your fingernails.

The two main reasons I am not going higher in my rating are:
1. It was a bit too discomposing for my taste.
2. I’d had loved to see more clarity on the rationale of the second killer. The whys aren’t so convincing.

The illustrations complement the plot well, though it’s somewhat unsettling to see light pastels for such a dark story. The anthropomorphic animals are drawn with somewhat human expressions while the actual animals are sketched more true-to-type. This creates a neat distinction between the townspeople and the ‘animals’. The murder scenes are quite grisly – I watched them from between my fingers. (I think it is the killing of and by animals that affected me so much. I have never had any problem reading graphic novels with brutal human murders.) Many panels contain hidden clues in the background, so make sure you don’t race through just the text bubbles. I loved the font style, with Samantha’s inner thoughts coming in a different typeface.

All in all, the graphic novel has a screwed-up yet captivating storyline with excellent illustrations and many points to ponder upon. This is a debut series, so I am mighty impressed at how streamlined the plot development is. I am definitely going to keep an eye out for the future works by this author, even if it means that I’ll be reading his comics with my hands over my eyes.

Much recommended to horror/thriller lovers who are also graphic novel aficionados. This is one of those brilliant books that I’ll promote enthusiastically to all the right readers, but will never read it myself again.

4.25 stars.

My thanks to IDW Publishing for providing the DRC of “Beneath the Trees Where Nobody Sees” via Edelweiss+. This review is voluntary and contains my honest opinion about the book.

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Profile Image for s.penkevich.
1,367 reviews11.2k followers
November 21, 2024
When violence shocks a cozy and cute community its up to…*checks notes* the local serial killer to set things right. And in Patrick Hovarth’s delightfully dark and murderous Beneath the Trees Where Nobody Sees comic series this serial killer also happens to be an adorable cuddly looking bear. Let me back up, I need you to understand when I say “cozy and cute community” I mean the literal coziest and cutest community this side of Richard Scarry’s Busytown (forget zodiac signs and enneagrams [Gemini, 7w6], would you drive the apple, the banana, or the pencil car through Busytown?). Set your eyes on this fine sight:
I love how the narration boxes looks like they are written on the sort of wide ruled lined paper for learning handwriting in grade school and how soft the color are. Surely a ghastly string of horrifically violent murders couldn’t happen here, right?

Screenshot 2024-01-16 105515

Imagine if you played Dexter with Calico Critters and you’ve got Beneath the Trees Where Nobody Sees—an outstanding title, I must say—where we have cute cuddly bear serial killer desperately seeking the identity of another serial killer before the blame lands on her because cozy Woodbrook ain’t big enough for the two of them. And the serial killer is onto her.
This is a WILD ride. With wild animals. Not just anthropomorphic wild animals but also regular wild animals which doesn’t always make much sense but theres sort of a purpose beyond seeing a good bear fight:
Screenshot 2024-06-04 141627

Dripping in dread and a whole lot of blood, this is an intense good time that turns up the tension with every flip of the page. A bizarre little book that sometimes takes you out into the wilderness and gets trippy as hell and I’m thrilled to have read even if the ending is a bit predictable, Beneath the Trees Where Nobody Sees is a good time full of cute cozy carnage. Which is a line I didn’t think I would ever write. Check it out!


Profile Image for Anne.
4,437 reviews70.3k followers
November 19, 2024
If a Richard Scarry book featured a furry serial killer.


Sam (Samantha) is not Dexter. She doesn't just kill killers and therefore makes herself somewhat palatable.
She has a dark passenger but it just grabs randomly strangers off the street in the big city, drugs them, bleeds them out, and then buries chunks of them into neat little holes inside of paint cans.
Oh yeah.
This fuzzy bear bitch is your worst nightmare.


But her unbreakable rule is that she doesn't shit where she eats.
So she keeps up the facade of a friendly, small-town hardware store owner and just pops off to the closest urban hellscape every now and then to get her rocks off.
She has a method to her madness and she likes to see everything neat and tidy.
So when someone starts killing the inhabitants of her small town in ever more gruesome ways and riling up her neighbors, Samantha starts to freak out just a bit.


Now she's in the unnerving and unique position of being forced to suss out someone just like she, is and bring her own brand of justice to the situation.
You know, before the sheriff digs too deep and discovers own little hobby.


The whole thing is so disquieting because it looks like every children's story ever written for the 5-9 crowd, and reads like some kind of A24 nightmare fuel.
It's good.
I think this would make a nice Christmas gift for any horror comic aficionado.
Highly Recommended.
Profile Image for Chantaal.
1,183 reviews180 followers
September 18, 2024
If you're looking for a delightfully fucked up little story to read, Beneath the Trees Where Nobody Sees is for you!

Set in a world full of anthropomorphized animals, it gives off Berenstain Bears or Richard Scarry vibes, especially with the setting of a very close knit small town. Samantha is the local hardware store owner, beloved by the town and has many friends. She just so happens to need to go to the nearby Big City every few months to kidnap a random person, take their body into the woods, and murder and dismember them. Just to quiet her brain, of course. When a local man is murdered and his body found in a gruesome fashion, Samantha realizes there's another serial killer in town and she needs to stop them before the cops accidentally stumble upon her.

The juxtaposition of the animal characters, the warmth of the small town and the soft color of the artwork vs the unhinged gore of the murders taking place is what really works here and elevated it from Yet Another Serial Killer Story to something special for me. The growing dread of the town's inhabitants as more bodies pile up, the focus on some of the townsfolk as more bodies drop, exploring Samantha's relationships with others - it all makes for a great good time.

I would say the only negative for me here is how things are wrapped up in the end. The discovery and climax seem to happen in one single issue and it blows by so fast that it was almost unsatisfying.

Still, I had a good time with this comic - at least, as much of a good time as one can have when see-sawing between cozy small town vibes and gory murder. Very much recommend this if it's up your alley.

Content warning: I'm not kidding about the gore. There's some gruesome shit in here, but it works so well in contrast to the overall artwork choice.

4.5 stars rounded up. Many thanks to NetGalley and IDW Publishing for an eARC. The trade paperback is now available!
Profile Image for Sadie Hartmann.
Author 24 books6,543 followers
July 12, 2024
Are you kidding me? This is like playing "Serial Killer" with Calico Critters. I'm obsessed. LOVE IT--does not hold back so if you don't think you can handle Richard Scary "cartoonish) animals--as actually SCARY and victims of heinous violence, this isn't for you--but if you want to see the sweetness of Animal Crossing splashed in red...this is totally for you.
Profile Image for Bookishrealm.
2,853 reviews6,079 followers
August 17, 2024
Yoooo wtf did I just read?!?

What an interesting start to a new series that definitely has a feel of Richard Scarry and Dexter. I don’t know that this was what I was expecting from the series, but I’m glad I decided to dive in. Please be mindful of picking this one up if it bothers you to see animals harmed. Granted, it’s the animals harming each but still….it gets gruesome.
Profile Image for Jim Ef.
370 reviews94 followers
October 3, 2024
I got intrigued by the cover and decided to give this one a go. Boy am i glad that i did.

The story follows Samantha, who lives in a small town. People like Samantha, she is helpful and kind. She also happens to be a serial killer, but they don't know that so..shhhh.

Samantha never kills close to where she lives. She goes to the big city and chooses a random person. One day however, a gruesome murder takes place in her own town. Now Sam has to find the killer before trouble finds her.

I really liked this. I like how cynical it is, how short and on point. My favourite thing is the antithesis between the art style and what it depicts. The art style is very sweet and seems as if it came out of the pages of a children's book.The story and therefore what you see in the pages very much isn't out of a kids book.

Profile Image for Steph.
699 reviews418 followers
August 9, 2024
i LOVED this antihero serial killer graphic novel about a butch bear and her cute lil animal town, suddenly facing the prospect of MURDER!

if you like the animal element of bojack horseman or tuca and bertie, this might be right up your alley. somehow a cast of characters is infinitely more interesting when they're all cute critters, many of whom have a dark side.

there is both a level of ironic humor and a tension when anthropomorphized animals and non-anthropomorphized animals coexist. the humanoid german shepherd cop walks his fully-animal police dog on a leash. the friendly teddy bear local business owner secretly brutally murders and dismembers cityfolk now and then. the art is warm and soft, yet extremely gory. and all the contrast is gives me dopamine!

even aside from the animal characters and juicy premise, this story shines. small town vibes are matched with intense suspense and mystery as our big bear protagonist realizes she's not the only killer in town.

i think the pacing is a bit inconsistent across volumes, but the shocking moments and murderous drama make it all worthwhile. i loved this, and would be thrilled to read more stories set in the same universe.

Thank you to NetGalley and IDW Publishing for providing me with a copy of this book in return for an honest review.
Profile Image for Denise.
172 reviews93 followers
February 12, 2024
Well, this was a horse of a different color as they say. I went into this as a complete blank slate. Haven't heard anyone talking about it or seen it anywhere, just scrolling through hoopla's selection. Wow. I had no idea it would be as graphic as it was - not to be too on the nose. It's Gilmore Girls meets Dexter - animal version. The color scheme and introduction to the town sort of lulls you into a false sense of cozy cottage core. It's a small town, everbody knows everybody - there's even a hardware store and the coffe/tea shop. I can't reveal more without spoiling the entire thing but I will be reading Issue #2! A disturbingly entertaining read (fast too).
Profile Image for Francisco Cesar.
57 reviews
October 20, 2023
Fuck it, 5 stars. One of the best debut comics I've read in recent memory. Bought this based on the cover art alone, went in completely blind and just LOVED it.

Idk how it manages to pull off the art style with the mature content of the story but it never feels gimmicky and it totally works. Can't wait for issue 2.
Profile Image for Krystal.
2,035 reviews443 followers
November 13, 2024
This was fantastic!!

I'm a big fan of horror stories in a fairytale setting, so these homicidal anthropomorphic animals are exactly my cup of tea.

Samatha is a serial killer, who never does her dirty work in her small town. So when bodies start turning up, she's determined to find the killer before her own crimes are discovered.

The artwork is gorgeous - sweet lil animals contrasting with horrific crime scenes. It's jarring and PERFECT.

Really loved it. Perfect length, but I'd be happy to discover a sequel.

Highly recommend to those who love their horror with a side of cute.
Profile Image for Matthew Ward.
987 reviews17 followers
September 22, 2024
This series has been hyped up to me for months now and it actually paid off beautifully! Lived up to the expectations I had for it. Great read!
Profile Image for Mitticus.
1,096 reviews230 followers
May 13, 2024
one sick cookie

I don't know why I read this graphic novel, I rarely read about horror even less murder but this was the proverbial car - gore- wreck-can't stop to watch.

Samantha is model citizen in a small town, Woodbrook , and has her hobbies like hunting in the city because you never dirt where you eat innit, so she is pissed off when somebody commit murder in her town. The last thing you want is to attract the attention of the police.

The most difficult thing to swallow in the story, since here they compare it with Dexter, is that there is no motive or reason for the crimes. .. there is some mumbling subtext about loneliness and invisibility but....

not my jam.

Profile Image for Allen Richard.
102 reviews5 followers
June 14, 2024
An adorable and disturbing graphic novel about a small town serial killer who finds herself having to hunt down a new killer in town after a dead body is gruesomely displayed in town. A Dexter-like story of a sort of anti-hero in a quaint town of anthropomorphic animals. This cute and quaint charm juxtaposed with gory scenes of murder and dismemberment. A truly unique reading experience and art style that I absolutely loved. If this becomes a series, I will absolutely read more.

I received an advance copy of this book from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.
Profile Image for Leslie Carnahan.
1,073 reviews12 followers
October 26, 2023
I can ALREADY TELL this is gonna be one of my favorite books of the year y'all. Beautiful watercolor art. Really crazy story. Anthropomorphic animals live in this small town, where everyone knows everyone. The Bear seems sweet and helpful, but when she goes to the city where she is unknown... Trouble is a foot. Serial killers meets Calico Critters. I'm obsessed.
Profile Image for Norman.
397 reviews20 followers
May 8, 2024
Good art. Good writing. Anti-hero story. A little too much empathy for serial killers though. There’s no visceral sense of morality in this story.

Feels anticlimactic at the end a bit, but I guess that’s what happens when you shove the “third act” into one issue.
Profile Image for Єлізавета Максименко.
Author 2 books172 followers
August 8, 2024
It was unusual, but still cool. Read thanks to NetGalley and the American publishing house IDW Publishing.

Я трішки вчора офігіла від цього коміксу😱

Вудбрук - миле містечко, в якому живуть такі ж милі антропоморфні тваринки. Стиль малюнку налаштовує на якусь дитячу казочку а-ля «Вінні Пух».

Але є нюанс.
Ведмедиця - серійна вбивця. Як вам таке? Головне її правило: «не вбивати місцевих». Тому вона їздить у місто, виловлює там своїх жертв, вбиває, розчленовує і закопує🤯 Спокійно повертається додому.

Тому, коли зʼявляється хтось, хто вбиває саме у Вудбруці, ця ведмедиця занепокоюється: не дай Бог, через це почнеться розслідування і якимось чином зʼясують, чим вона займається. Їй треба вийти на вбивцю першою. Отак. Вбивця ловить вбивцю😂
Profile Image for Liz (Quirky Cat).
4,746 reviews76 followers
September 7, 2024

Samantha Strong has spent her whole life in a small town. As such, she's created and perfected a certain set of rules. Rule number one is that you don't EVER murder the locals. Yeah, this means she has to commute a bit to follow her, um, dreams, but it's worth it.

Unfortunately, somebody else did not get the memo. So Samantha is going to have to step up and solve this murder before people look too closely at their fellow citizens...you never know what they might notice.


I picked up Beneath the Trees Where Nobody Sees on an impulse. The description and cover are so incongruous (intentionally so) that I knew it was worth reading. I was not disappointed. That said, don't dive into this book without understanding that you WILL be getting a woodland version of Dexter.

First, I have to say that I love this weird merger. It's so disturbingly perfect, and it gives me the chills on more than one occasion. I'll admit that the graphic elements bordered on too much for me at times (Dexter was never my cup of tea, so I anticipated this, but I was fine with the risk).

That said, I love the characters, tongue-in-cheek nature of the story, and the overall atmosphere created by the juxtaposition of elements. It made for a jarring and wholly unique experience – one I won't soon be forgetting!

Surprisingly Twist
Tongue-in-cheek artstyle
Dexter meets cute furry animals

Thanks to IDW Publishing and #NetGalley for making this book available for review. All opinions expressed are my own.

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Profile Image for James DeSantis.
Author 17 books1,181 followers
August 19, 2024
Wow, how can this be so dark and cuddly at the same time?

Samantha is a brown bear in a town filled with other loveable animals. She's kind and sweet, and also sometimes kidnaps people and murderers them in the forest. Simple life, right? But one day someone else is starting to kill, and it's in town, which starts to make people suspicious. It becomes almost a cat and mouse game, even when the killer is found out, Samantha must figure a way to outsmart them if she's gonna survive this. Overall fun and exciting, huge dexter vibes, but also adorable cute art. I really want more from this series, and hope we get a follow up of some sort.
Profile Image for Myranda.
43 reviews2 followers
August 12, 2024
I enjoyed this graphic novel. The art style and colouring is beautiful. I loved the contrast between the sweet small town and its citizens with the sinister and graphic murders happening behind the scenes.

ARC provided by NetGalley
Profile Image for Victor The Reader.
1,600 reviews17 followers
October 16, 2024
In a world where anthropomorphic animals exist, we are taken to the quaint friendly town of Woodbrook where brown bear Samantha Strong coruns the town’s hardware store and is seen as a respected citizen. Unbeknownst to them though, she is also a serial killer who kills randoms from the big city near Woodbrook and discards them very neatly. However, a grisly discovery occurs during a town event quickly puts the town on edge as more bloodshed occurs. For Samantha, there’s only room for one killer in her town and she too attempts to find out who it could be. An unexpected discovery though will put Sam under immediate suspicion and have her solving her problem the hard way.

“BTT” is pretty much the most surprising comic I’ve read in ages and even one of my most surprising reads this year. Underneath its soft cozy art, you’ll find a very tense and bloody tale of murder with a unique protagonist. Once the story sets its true tone, it’s impossible to stop reading the next page. While Sam isn’t really a protag I’m rooting for, it’ll be interesting to see how long she’ll keep up her killing before her real side is revealed. Cuddly, soft and deadly 🐻 🔪 🩸. A- (91%/Excellent)
Profile Image for Paige.
165 reviews86 followers
October 28, 2024
this was so fun and so creative and so graphic i’ve never been so obsessed with a book before
Profile Image for Rick Ray.
2,931 reviews16 followers
May 14, 2024
Beyond the Trees Where Nobody Sees is a debut comic from Patrick Horvath, the latest to make the jump from television to comics. But you wouldn't believe this is a rookie outing from the sheer polish and confidence of the work here. The story is a suspenseful thriller about a serial killer living in a quaint, unassuming town which is hidden by the trappings of cute anthropomorphic characters in a picturesque setting. The juxtaposition of the narrative with the artwork is really what gives this comic its novelty, and it's crisply executed. Horvath's artwork is elegant and vibrant, with intricate details packed into the panels to add another layer to the story as written.

The comic follows Samantha, an upstanding and respected citizen of the small town of Woodbrook, who harbors a dark secret of her own - she's a ruthless serial killer who takes routine trips to the city to satiate her twisted indulgences. But when she discovers there's another active serial killer in the area, Sam fears that their actions will lead to her own transgressions to be revealed. What follows is a thrilling cat-and-mouse chase between two serial killers who seek to make Woodbrook their own permanent home.

I read this in single issues and found myself always excited to pick up each new issue as they came out which really speaks to how addicting of a read this was. Horvath masterfully paces the narrative between the issues to give just enough to appease the monthly readers without relying heavily on cliffhangers. Though I do think the ending to Beneath the Trees is a tad lackluster, it doesn't take away from the overall crafty storytelling and pacing Horvath manages for much of the run.
August 13, 2024
How delightfully morbid this was!! I grew up on horror. So to find cutesy stuff with an adult horror twist really makes me feel like a big kid again and makes me kick my feet in the air. The killings were brutal but the images aren't TOO bad. But then again when you're immersed in a cute little animal village like Animal Crossing and then you see the dark, twisted side of the murders.... well, my jaw dropped and I just loved it. There is no mercy. This comic was like if Pietro the clown from Animal Crossing decided to go on a killing spree. I love Pietro. I would love to check out more from this author.

Thank you Netgalley and IDW Publishing for providing this ARC.
Profile Image for James De León.
315 reviews8 followers
September 27, 2024
I really enjoyed this weird tale/dive into horror and weirdness. My only gripe is that I wish it had been longer. This could have easily been a 12-issue series with room to explore more potential suspects and a longer mystery. The final issue felt a bit rushed, but it was still an enjoyable read. The art is great and really gives off a Dexter-type of vibe.
Profile Image for Gab.
67 reviews
April 28, 2024
Okay I'm sorry but this is waaay to negative for me. I liked the art, it's pretty and the fact that all the characters are animals is so lovely but our main character is a serial killer?! And we're rooting for them?? And it's not Xue Yang style...maybe just a little but it's a no from me. 😅
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