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Sapiens: A Graphic History #3

Sapiens: A Graphic History, Volume 3—The Masters of History

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This third volume of the illustrated adaptation of the internationally bestselling phenomenon, Sapiens: A Graphic History—The Masters of History, tackles the question of the driving force of humanity’s fate: is it empire, money, religion—or something else entirely—that unites us?

Sometimes history seems like a laundry list of malevolent monarchs, pompous presidents and dastardly dictators. But are they really the ones in the driving seat? Sapiens: A Graphic History—The Masters of History takes us on an immersive and hilarious ride through the human past to discover the forces that change our world, bring us together, and just as often... tear us apart.

Grab a front-row seat to the greatest show on earth, and explore the rise of money, religion and empire. Join our fabulous host Heroda Tush, as she wonders: Which historical superhero will display the power to make civilizations rise and fall? Will Mr. Random prove that luck and circumstance prevail? Will Lady Empire convince us of the irrefutable shaping force of conquerors? Or will Clashwoman beat them all to greatness by reminding us of the endless confrontations that seem to forever plague our species?

In this next volume of the bestselling graphic series, Yuval Noah Harari, David Vandermeulen and Daniel Casanave continue to present the complicated story of humankind with wit, empathy and originality. Alongside the unlikely cast of new characters, we are rejoined by the familiar faces of Yuval, Zoe, Professor Saraswati, Bill and Cindy (now Romans), Skyman and Captain Dollar. As they travel through time, space and human drama in search of truth, it's impossible not to wonder: why can’t we all just get along?

This third installment in the Sapiens: A Graphic History series is an engaging, insightful, and colorful retelling of the story of humankind for curious minds of all ages, and can be browsed through on its own or read in sequence with Volumes One and Two.

288 pages, Paperback

First published October 29, 2024

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About the author

Yuval Noah Harari

66 books36.1k followers
Professor Yuval Noah Harari is a historian, philosopher, and the bestselling author of Sapiens: A Brief History of Humankind, Homo Deus: A Brief History of Tomorrow, 21 Lessons for the 21st Century, and the series Sapiens: A Graphic History and Unstoppable Us. He is considered one of the world’s most influential public intellectuals working today. Born in Israel in 1976, Harari received his Ph.D. from the University of Oxford in 2002. He is currently a lecturer at the Department of History at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, and a Distinguished Research Fellow at the University of Cambridge’s Centre for the Study of Existential Risk. Harari co-founded the social impact company Sapienship, focused on education and storytelling, with his husband, Itzik Yahav.

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Profile Image for Kelly-Ann McFern.
337 reviews16 followers
March 24, 2024
Encore une fois, une merveilleuse synthèse! On y parle de beaucoup de concepts abstraits. La vulgarisation est un peu moins facile, du coup, on se perd parfois dans les élaborations de théorie (puisque la question dans cette BD nous demande qui a unifié les humains), mais le tout reste quand même super accessible. On y parle de religion, du capitalisme, du côté cyclique de l'histoire, des empires et de leurs héritage. La BD englobe, encore une fois, une multitude de sujets et de thèmes tous très intéressants.

J'ai hâte de lire la suite avec impatience!
Profile Image for McKenna Deem.
135 reviews1 follower
November 7, 2024

Sapiens is back and just as wonderful as the first graphic novel with this third installation.

After the agricultural revolution, who takes control? Is it us as humans, or something bigger? Harrari, Vandermeulen, and Casanave’s adaptation attempts to answer these questions in a balanced, engaging read that discusses the nuances of warfare, economy, and religion.

Excited for the 4th!!
Profile Image for M.
4 reviews
November 11, 2024
Hariri writes with remarkable precision and clarity.
Profile Image for Steven.
13 reviews
April 6, 2024
Sapiens lezen voor het slapen gaan bleek een hele opgave. Na twee pagina’s viel ik in slaap en de avond erop kon ik opnieuw beginnen, omdat ik was vergeten wat ik de dag ervoor gelezen had. Ik denk dat dit voor meer non-fictie geldt die je in bed leest, en dus niet per se voor Sapiens. Gelukkig was er nu het derde deel van de verstripte versie van Sapiens. Leuke verteltechnieken zijn gebruikt om de geschiedenis van de mens uiteen te zetten en ook dit derde deel boeide me tot het eind.
En ja, met plaatjes kan een slaperige geest het wat beter bijhouden.
Profile Image for Lê Tuyền ICHI.
493 reviews146 followers
October 6, 2024
Yuval Noah Harari đã nói gì?

Yuval Noah Harari từng nói rằng chỉ vài năm trước, ông vẫn chỉ là một giáo sư lịch sử ẩn danh chuyên về lịch sử thời trung cổ, và có lẽ chỉ khoảng 5 người trên thế giới đọc các bài báo của ông. Nhưng hiện tại, có đến HÀNG TRIỆU ĐỘC GIẢ của ông trên thế giới. Vì vậy, ông khá sốc với vị trí của mình hiện tại.

Nhìn vào việc Nexus chỉ mới phát hành (tại Việt Nam) sau 1-2 ngày mà Omega đã phải tái bản và trên thị trường có hẳn bản sách giả, ai cũng phải gật đầu công nhận trước sức hút khủng khiếp của ông.
"21 Bài Học Của Thế Kỷ 21", "Homo Deus: Lược Sử Tương Lai" có lẽ chỉ mang tính củng cố, "Sapiens: Lược Sử Loài Người" mới là tác phẩm ra mắt và có tính oanh tạc thực sự của ông - một quyển sách khó cưỡng và khó tin!

Hơn 600 trang sách (bản Việt), với lượng nội dung dàn trải và hàm súc, dù cho tác giả Harari có lối diễn đạt lôi cuốn và dễ hiểu, không phải ai cũng tiếp cận được Sapiens, một cách đầy đủ trọn vẹn. Đó là lý do mà "Sapiens: Lược Sử Loài Người bằng tranh" ra đời. Lần lượt, từng tập 1.

Vậy tập 3 này có gì?
Ngẫu Nhiên, Xung Đột, Chu Kỳ, Đế Chế, Tiền Tệ, Tôn Giáo - đó là toàn bộ nội dung của tập 3, được trình bày bằng một cách rất sáng tạo và độc đáo: một cuộc thi với câu hỏi lớn "Ai đã chi phối lịch sử?". Từ đó, Harari cho phép các thí sinh trình bày các luận điểm, hay chính xác là cách các yếu tố Quy Luật, Tôn Giáo, Tiền Tệ,... này ảnh hưởng đến lịch sử như thế nào. Và các giám khảo đóng vai trò phản biện, để giúp người đọc nhìn nhận đa chiều và sâu sát hơn.
Một điều khá hay ở tác giả Harari là cách ông đưa đẩy dẫn dắt, khi bạn vẫn còn đang chìm đắm vào một phần nào đó, ông đã biết cách khơi mào và mang tới một điều tiếp theo một cách cực kỳ mượt mà thuyết phục, giống như cách bạn nhấm nháp một món ăn ngon rồi ngay sau đó là một món ăn ngon khác - liên tục nhưng kích thích, và bạn có thể chìm đắm vào bữa tiệc ấy không ngơi ngán.

Đối với ai đã từng đọc bản Sapiens bằng chữ, quyển sách sẽ mang tính chắt lọc, giúp bạn nhặt nhạnh những kiến cốt lõi nhanh hơn. Đối với ai chưa đọc qua bản Sapiens bằng chữ, quyển sách là bài tóm tắt tuyệt vời, bạn sẽ ngỡ ngàng với nhừng gì đọc được (lần đầu đọc Sapiens, tôi đã cực kỳ choáng váng).

Với cá nhân tôi, "Sapiens: Lược Sử Loài Người" hay từ đầu đến cuối, nhưng phần mà tôi cảm thấy tinh hoa và bùng nổ nhất (cũng thích nhất) chính là những chương áp cuối - phần nói về Hạnh Phúc ấy.
Tôi sẽ đọc được phần này trong tập mấy của bộ "Sapiens: Lược Sử Loài Người bằng tranh" nhỉ? Tập 5 hay tập 6 hay hơn nữa? Không hề quan trọng, vì tôi sẽ rinh về toàn bộ sách đặt lên trên kệ của mình, đó là điều chắc chắn!

(06.10.24 - Lê Tuyền ICHI)
Profile Image for Phyllis | Mocha Drop.
415 reviews2 followers
October 26, 2024
I am vested in Sapiens and have looked forward to the release of each installment, as I know I will learn so much in an entertaining medium. The concepts are not always straightforward (veering into complex or controversial topics), but the structure and presentation of the material, along with the familiar characters, make consumption and absorption of the ideas and context digestible and relatable.  

Each volume can be read as a standalone, but I have read them sequentially.  I’ll add that a minimal amount of information from previous editions is referenced throughout, but nothing to distract the reader.  Volume 3 delves into the influences that shape and influence humanity and ponders the path we’re on – is it toward destruction or unification?  Are we evolving or devolving?  Are we allowing the lessons of history to inform our future?   What is done here is the examination of various phenomena or influences that have shaped human history – based on fact and logic.  It starts with randomness and evaluates if luck and timing have merit.  It then explores cycles such as weather patterns, natural disasters, etc.  It gains momentum and gravitas when the influence of empires, religion, and currency/global trade mechanisms are discussed (separately) in detail.  I loved how the pros, cons, good, bad, and ugly were argued – balanced and unbiased.

Outstanding work is done here! I captured many notes for further research in each section and am looking forward to Volume 4.

Thanks to the publisher, Harper Perennial, and NetGalley for the opportunity to review.
Profile Image for CadmanReads.
302 reviews18 followers
November 3, 2024
Thanks to Netgalley and Harper Perennial and Paperbacks for the ARC

Having Sapiens: A Graphic History volumes 1 and 2 on my shelf, I was excited to dive into the third volume, and once again, Yuval Noah Harari and his team have crafted something truly exceptional. Harari's ability to distill complex themes into engaging, thought-provoking narratives shines through, and this graphic format feels like a natural extension of his work.

Volume 3 continues to make the vast expanse of human history feel personal, relevant, and fascinating. What I especially love about this series is how it democratizes knowledge. The graphic novel format isn’t just visually stunning; it makes the information accessible to a wider audience, from younger readers to those who may find traditional academic texts daunting. This approach breathes life into concepts that might otherwise seem dense or abstract, making Harari’s insights feel both digestible and impactful.

If you’re a fan of Harari’s work and you’ve enjoyed volumes 1 and 2, Volume 3 is a must-have. It’s informative, beautifully illustrated, and as thought-provoking as ever.
Profile Image for Marie-Eve.
147 reviews2 followers
January 11, 2024

J’aime beaucoup les romans graphiques inspirés des livres de Yuval Noah Harari. C’est riche en contenu, mais très facile à lire, grâce à l’aspect ludique introduit de multiples manières (jeu quiz, grands concepts incarnés par des personnages, bandes dessinées dans la bande dessinée, etc.) et aux riches dessins.

Dans ce tome, on s’intéresse aux grandes forces qui ont permis d’unifier les humains, des petits villages au monde global actuel. On étudie l’importance du hasard, des empires, de l’argent, de la religion, et on nous laisse en plan avec les sciences.

Seul aspect un tantinet rébarbatif à mon sens : la répétition. Je sais que c’est important pour apprendre, mais j’ai souvent l’impression de patauger dans la même notion, répétée plusieurs fois presque mot pour mot sur quelques pages pages.
Profile Image for gaby.readsbooks.
218 reviews2 followers
October 27, 2024
This was a great continuation to this nonfiction graphic novel series. While I still think the first volume is my favorite, this volume had so much interesting information and theories as to what is the driving force to humanity's fate. The answers presented were all very well researched and explained in an easily understandable way. I think the graphic novel format lends well to nonfiction writing as it makes it, at least for me, more easy to grasp the concepts. I like that the ideas are a bit more condensed in this format with easy examples in history that go well with the art. It just makes for a fun reading experience.

Thank you to Netgalley and Harper Perennial for granting me access in exchange for an honest review.
Profile Image for Cassandre Lit.
114 reviews
December 28, 2023
Un tome tout aussi magistral que ses précédents. Comme toujours la réflexion est poussée, argumentée. On nous pousse a envisager l'humanité dans son ensemble avec ses points positifs et négatifs. Des empires, a l'argent ou les religions tout est présenté de maniere approfondie et complexe, sans jamais tomber dans les clichés faciles.
Une pépite comme les 2 tomes précédents, vivement le tome 4 !
176 reviews1 follower
November 18, 2024
Tarihi kim yönetiyor, insanlığı dağınık halde yaşayan kabilelerden bugünkü birleşik yaşam şekline taşıyan evrimin ipleri kimin elinde sorusuna yanıt arayan bölüm o kadar akıcıydı ki; kıyamasam da çabuk bitti. Tesadüfler, imparatorluklar, para ya da din? Hangisi tarihe yön verdi/veriyor? Harari’nin anlatımı ve enfes çizimlerle sıradaki cildi beklemeye değecek kadar doyurucu bir okuma deneyimiydi.
Profile Image for mikeyandherbooks.
125 reviews1 follower
November 2, 2024
e-arc provided by Netgalley

I liked this one more than the last volume but I feel like this is a book that doesn't lend itself to being a graphic novel really well so there is honestly a bi too much text for me for a graphic novel but overall this was alright
Profile Image for Karine.
429 reviews11 followers
June 1, 2024
Une suite tout aussi intéressante que les deux premiers tomes, très prenant et intéressant, que l'on soit d'accord ou non avec les différentes théories proposées.
Profile Image for Thành Trần.
56 reviews
October 9, 2024
Lịch sử không phải là 1 vòng lặp mà là 1 quá trình tiến hóa không ngừng với xu hướng ngày càng gắn kết chặt chẽ hơn và cuối cùng đi đến sự thống nhất của loài người.
Profile Image for Margaux.
247 reviews8 followers
November 14, 2024
First, I'd like to extend a big thanks to the author, Yuval Noah Harari, the publisher, and NetGalley for the opportunity to be able to read Sapiens: A Graphic History, Volume 3. I'm a fan of Harari's work and his method of historical thinking, and these volumes are not an exception. This third volume focuses on certain figures or movers of history, and how they may intertwine to change the trajectory of mankind. These are really serious questions set in an interesting way, as more of a game show with a jury that is deciding the main driver of the universe. Each of the main themes or characters that is arguing for their version of historical influence is a humorous dive into what makes the gears of the historical clock turn. The layer of creativity and playfulness can appeal to just about any age, middle grade and higher, because even adults can appreciate the jokes.

I really think an impressive aspect of this series is putting such big ideas into a graphic format, which I know has to be tough. Some of these concepts were things we discussed in my master's level history courses, like how the expansion of empire and religion shape cultures, politics, economies, and the role of money and capitalism in the shaping of behavior. One of my favorite characters was Clashwoman, who shows how narrow history becomes in that more reactionary mindset. The abstract concepts are kept engaging because of the bold colors and interesting characters presented. I think a lot of the characters are really helpful, because as humans we like to think of history in a narrative format. We like to give structure that history doesn't necessarily have as it occurs, and these can be helpful for just processing and categorizing a lot of the info. All of this is to say that I think these volumes can be super helpful for getting young people to think about history in a deeper way, beyond memorization of dates or names or focusing solely on American history. I would recommend for any fan of Harari's past work or anyone who wants to dive in - I loved this book!
Profile Image for Erikka.
2,111 reviews
May 17, 2024
These books are so good, discussing the breadth of human history with a level of levity you don’t expect from the topic. This one discusses whether a quest for empire, a love of money, or the creation of religion unified humanity most and the results are surprising. As a nonbeliever, I particularly loved the way religion was handled and found it extremely insightful and balanced. After three of these graphic novels, I kinda want to read the original book now…. Very excited for book 4!
Profile Image for Els.
1,260 reviews104 followers
April 26, 2024
Sapiens: een beeldverhaal 3. Kampioenen van de geschiedenis. Auteur: Yuval Noah Harari. Coscenarist: David Vandermeulen. Illustrator: Daniel Casanave. Inkleurder: Claire Champion.

Ik zou alles van Harari willen lezen maar daar heb ik het geduld én de tijd niet voor. Gelukkig is er ondertussen ook de Sapiens: beeldverhaal-reeks. Vergis je niet: ook dit zijn ferme kleppers, deel 3 telt bijvoorbeeld 273 pagina’s. Ook geen hapklaar tussendoortje dus maar wel heel leesbaar én begrijpbaar.

Dit derde deel gaat over de vraag: wie is de kampioen van de geschiedenis? Wie/wat zorgde ervoor dat de ‘de mensheid’ voor het eerst als één groep kon worden gezien? Was het geld? Of religie? Of toch de opkomst van de wereldrijken? Deze drie fenomenen worden vertegenwoordigd door 3 kandidaten in een glamoureuze spelshow. Ze tonen hun invloed aan door ons doorheen de geschiedenis hun ontstaan en groei te laten zien. Klinkt misschien een beetje abstract maar het is heel goed gedaan.

Qua concept en uitwerking is het een geniale zet: op een toffe, flitsende manier wordt het publiek in de zaal (en wij lezers) onderwezen zonder dat het als schooltv aanvoelt. De glamour van de spelshow doet me een beetje aan De Hongerspelen denken, de scores met bordjes van de jury hinten dan weer naar de vele talentenshows waar ze ons tegenwoordig met om de oren slaan.

Als je je afvraagt wie van de drie wint kan ik alvast dit zeggen: er komt een vierde deel aan…

Is Harari onfeilbaar en alleswetend? Nee, natuurlijk niet. Dat weet ik sinds ik Eva van Cat Bohannon las en dat weet hij (gelukkig) zelf ook zoals hij in een disclaimer schrijft. Toch blijven zijn boeken één van de beste manieren om de geschiedenis en de wereld van nu beter te begrijpen. Ferme aanrader voor klein én groot!
Displaying 1 - 20 of 20 reviews

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