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Saga #3

Saga, Volume 3

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The Eisner, Harvey, and Hugo Award-winning phenomenon continues, as new parents Marko and Alana travel to an alien world to visit their hero, while the family's pursuers finally close in on their targets.

Collects: Saga #13-18.

144 pages, Paperback

First published March 19, 2014

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About the author

Brian K. Vaughan

1,006 books13.8k followers
Brian K. Vaughan is the writer and co-creator of comic-book series including SAGA, PAPER GIRLS, Y THE LAST MAN, RUNAWAYS, and most recently, BARRIER, a digital comic with artist Marcos Martin about immigration, available from their pay-what-you-want site www.PanelSyndicate.com

BKV's work has been recognized at the Eisner, Harvey, Hugo, Shuster, Eagle, and British Fantasy Awards. He sometimes writes for film and television in Los Angeles, where he lives with his family and their dogs Hamburger and Milkshake.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 6,113 reviews
Profile Image for Patrick.
Author 71 books239k followers
April 7, 2014
This comic is so good it's starting to piss me off.

Dear Mr. Vaughan,

You should not be able to make me cry five times in the same fucking comic. Seriously. Twice in two pages? This will not do. It is neither seemly nor fair.

Please knock that shit off.

Fondly yours,


P.S. Please don't knock it off.
Profile Image for Zoë.
328 reviews64.7k followers
January 9, 2019
This seemed like a small step down from the last volume. I appreciated how our cast of characters are developing and coming into their own, especially Sophie, Gwendolyn, and Marko's mother.
However, most of the story felt like filler as the plot wasn't moved that much further. Additionally, the illustrations weren't as detailed or vibrant as before, which was my favorite part of the subsequent volumes.
I think the next volume will have a lot in store, though, and I'm excited to dive in!
Profile Image for Federico DN.
811 reviews2,920 followers
September 11, 2023
It's when all the cards are on the table that you realize how everything is going to play out.

Showdown time. Fugitives and pursuers get together for a nice little talk. Alana, Marko, The Will, Gwendolyn and Prince Robot IV finally meet on the peaceful lands of Quietus, and you can guess it, not everyone is walking out of it in one piece.

Starts somewhat slow, at least in comparison to the previous volumes, but it sure ends with a couple of bangs. Entertaining, thrilling... and sad.

[2014] [144p] [Comics] [Not Recommendable]

★★★☆☆ Saga, Volume 1
★★★★☆ Saga, Volume 2
★★★☆☆ Saga, Volume 3
★★★☆☆ Saga, Volume 4
★★☆☆☆ Saga, Volume 5
★★☆☆☆ Saga, Volume 6


Es cuando todas las cartas están sobre la mesa cuando te das cuenta de cómo todo se va a desarrollar.

Tiempo de confrontación. Fugitivos y perseguidores se reunen para una pequeña y amena charla. Alana, Marko, The Will, Gwendolyn y Prince Robot IV finalmente se encuentran en las pacíficas tierras de Quietus, y lo podés adivinar, no todos van a salir de eso en una sola pieza.

Empieza algo lento, al menos en comparación con los volúmenes previos, pero sí que termina con varias sorpresas. Entretenido, emocionante... y triste.

[2014] [144p] [Comics] [No Recomendable]
Profile Image for karen.
4,006 reviews172k followers
July 15, 2018
only little about sharks, but still worth floating for SHAAARRKK WEEEK!

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another great volume in what is shaping up to be an outstanding series. there were even some sharks in it this time!

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don't worry - i will be very careful here.

what i liked most about this installment was how meta it was - there was so much time devoted to talking about books, the process of bringing books into the world, the joy of being confronted with stacks and stacks of new books, and there were some funny little jabs at authors:

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but even more so, this:

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it's true, authors are the worst!! i can't even count the number of times this has happened to me:

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i forget nothing, philip roth!!*

and is this a confession?

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is brian k. vaughan afraid of fiona staples?? who could be afraid of this sweet smiling face?

although maybe she's different when she's working….

in any event, there's a lot of wisdom in this volume, about the subtext of children's stories

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and the quiet pleasures of family reading time

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although i did NOT like this. books are not seats!

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so it's only fair that she should be punished with the sight no mother wants to see involving her son

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"that's what you get for putting your butt on us," say the books!

this rule does not apply to cats because no rule applies to cats.

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i am proud to be a brand-new saga superfan. keep 'em coming!

* philip roth has never actually puked on me. but i'm sure he would.

come to my blog!
Profile Image for Baba.
3,850 reviews1,301 followers
September 18, 2021
Third time reading, and I still can't get over so much of this - Klara's friendship with Heist; the non-linear narration which is yet pitch perfect; the kick-ass-ness of Gwendolyn and how her character and actions just can't be guessed - such a genuine and multi-faceted character. And of course, the damn fine cup of artwork! Volume three and still gong extremely strong and on top of all that Fiona Staples' art is, in case I forgot to mention it before, is peerless. 10 out of 12. Five Star Read.
Profile Image for emma.
2,294 reviews76.4k followers
August 15, 2023
well i'm behind on my reading challenge so you know what that means.

welcome to graphic novel city.

these books are the best of that: just so fun. pretty art. fast to read but feel almost like real actual books with lots of pages and words.

what more could you want.

besides more, i guess.

bottom line: i don't love graphic novels but i do like these!

Profile Image for Richard (on hiatus).
160 reviews207 followers
February 18, 2021
The Saga series is created by Hugo Award winners Brian K. Vaughan (writer) and Fiona Staples (artwork)

Three books in and I’m still loving this series of graphic novels. These glossy tomes are sharp, funny and madly inventive, and they brighten up a lockdown coffee break (and my bookshelves)
I’m beginning to get quite attached to the central characters, Elana and Marko, our star crossed lovers and their baby, Hazel (sometime narrator) as they flee assassins, reporters and ex partners.
As explained in the previous instalment they are accompanied by Marko’s acid tongued mother and floating Izabel, the sweet, teenaged ghost as she trails entrails and babysits Hazel.
The union between Elana and Marko, between the winged and horned ones, is seen as an affront to decency and high treason by their respective warring worlds. Nobody wants the family acknowledged or even found alive.
Along the way we visit some new, colourful planets, meet a one eyed author who lives in a cosmic lighthouse, witness a blood fest as characters eat psychosis inducing fruit, duck as a deeply untrustworthy special agent flies in (literally) and panic a little as King IV (the screen head) gets a little too close to our unlikely ragtag family.
Great fun, quite adult and a must for anybody who wants to intersperse their serious reading with something a little less serious.

My reviews for the earlier books:
Saga, Vol.1
Saga, Vol.2
Profile Image for Melissa ♥ Dog/Wolf Lover ♥ Martin.
3,610 reviews11.1k followers
March 20, 2016
MY BLOG: Melissa Martin's Reading List

In this volume Alana and Marko decide they are going to go looking for the author of the romance book they read. I just love that there is a book and author in these graphic novels. CLASSIC!

Grandma Klara decides she's going too! They will not leave her behind.


Of course things don't go so well when they first get there as Klara gets one of her ears ate off by some bugs. Joyful! But after they find their author, he's drunk at first, they all get a long and I was hoping good things could start happening for everyone.


That never happens does it....

Meanwhile, The Will, Gwen, the little girl and lying cat are trapped on a planet that if you eat the fruit you will have hallucinations that make you want to stay there. Yeah, that all sucked pretty bad.


The Will almost dies during these hallucinations so Gwen hurries them off to find Marko to see if he can heal The Will as she has feelings for him. <---she's just not showing it.

So all of these peeps show up at the author's pad and havoc is reeked! Oh and this guy/tv head. ↓


He gets his clock ticked for a bit.

You have a show down with Marko, Gwen and Alana. Crap goes all to hell and everyone runs off on different missions. I can't say any more.

I can't wait to see what all kinds of cray cray is going to go on in the next one. I'm trying to read them slowly as I have the newest one on pre-order :-D Yay!

The little picture at the end where it shows Hazel walking is precious!

Profile Image for saania jamal ✧.
268 reviews662 followers
October 20, 2016

*obliviates brain for next three weeks until the rest of the books arrive*

Profile Image for Shelby *trains flying monkeys*.
1,709 reviews6,423 followers
December 16, 2014
These books are like Prozac..I just want to eat them up by the dozen.
I think this one is even better than Volume 2. (Yes, I still haven't gotten vol. 1 yet)

Our heroes Marco and Alana have gone to find their literary hero so that they can ask him questions about the book that caused them to become a couple.

Then--stuff happens

I wants all these books!!
Profile Image for Ahmad Sharabiani.
9,563 reviews488 followers
March 17, 2021
Saga, Volume 3 (Saga (Collected Editions) #3), Brian K. Vaughan (Writer), Fiona Staples (Artist)

The third trade paperback collection, Saga, Vol. 3, which collects issues #13–18, was released March 19, 2014.

Chapter Thirteen: In flashback, the family, weeks after Barr's death, arrive on Quietus and meet Heist, whom Alana hopes can advise them on their future. Upsher and Doff, a tabloid journalist and photographer, interview one of the Landfallian soldiers injured by Marko during the unsuccessful attempt to capture the family in Chapter Five. Meanwhile, The Will, Gwendolyn and Slave Girl are stranded on a planet awaiting repairs to their ship. The Will must deal with the sexual tension between himself and Gwendolyn, and decides to name Slave Girl Sophie.

Chapter Fourteen: Upsher and Doff interview Alana's stepmother, Even. On Quietus, the family and Heist get to know one another. The Will decides to quit his pursuit of the family, but tells Gwendolyn that he will pass along any leads that his informants give to him to her. When he tries to kiss Gwendolyn, she rebuffs him, but the image of the Stalk tells him that she is not entirely uninterested in him. The Will is contacted by an informant at a refueling station who informs him that Prince Robot IV is refueling his ship there and asked for directions to Quietus.

Chapter Fifteen: Continuing their investigation on the planet Mota, Upsher and Doff are targeted by a sniper. On Quietus, Marko and Alana clash over plans for their future. Meanwhile, the Will's spaceship is repaired, but he is seriously wounded by a hallucinating Sophie.

Chapter Sixteen: Upsher and Doff question Special Agent Gale about Alana and Marko, but Gale attempts to dissuade them from continuing their investigation by telling them that Alana is a deep cover agent, and later contacts the Brio Talent Agency to have them assassinated. Gwendolyn discovers the hallucinogenic nature of the flora and fauna of the planet on which The Will set down his ship, and manages to prevent Sophie from killing him, but to save him, she takes him to Quietus, arriving at the same time that Prince Robot IV does.

Chapter Seventeen: Upsher and Doff are poisoned by a Freelancer named The Brand, with a substance that will kill them if they report their findings about Alana and her family to anyone else. On Quietus, The Will's vital signs fade as Prince Robot IV threatens to kill Heist, and their talk of the Prince's near-death experiences provides insight into Heist's next novel and his views on war. Klara and Gwendolyn then intervene, and as a result, the Prince is rendered unconscious and Heist is killed.

Chapter Eighteen: As Izabel uses her illusions and a malfunctioning Prince Robot IV to save Klara, Gwendolyn confronts Alana and Marko, who escape her, in part with help from Alana's newly discovered power of flight. Upsher and Doff find a way to continue their investigation without triggering the poison in their system. After Gwendolyn takes The Will (about whom she reveals her feelings) to a hospital mentioned by Alana, he is visited by The Brand, who is revealed to be his sister, Sophie. The story jumps ahead to Hazel taking her first steps as the rocketship touches down on the family's newest refuge.

تاریخ نخستین خوانش روز بیست و هشتم ماه فوریه سال 2017 میلادی

عنوان: ساگا سه؛ نویسنده: برایان کی وان؛ موضوع داستانهای نویسندگان ایالات متحده آمریکا - سده 21م

حماسه یا «ساگا» (افسانه ها، و اسطوره های سرزمینها، و زمانهای بگذشته، و آینده، به زبان امروز) یک حماسه ی «اپرای فضایی»؛ «فانتزی»، و یک سری از کتابهای مصور هستند، که توسط «برایان ک وان» نگاشته شده، و با تصویرگری «فیونا استپلس» به تصویر کشیده شده اند؛

جلد نخست، سرآمد است، «آلانا» و «مارکو»، دو عاشق از دو جهان متفاوت؛ «آلانا»، از ائتلاف پیشرفته «لندفال»، بزرگترین سیاره ی کهکشان، و «مارکو» از سیاره ی «تاج گل» هستند، تخریب یکی از جهانها، باعث چرخش جهان دیگر از مدار خویش میشود؛ و ...؛ در سیاره ای به نام «کلیو»، «آلانا» دختری به نام «هازل» را، به دنیا میآورد؛ در حالیکه او، و همسرش «مارکو»، از سربازان فرار میکنند؛ ادامه را در روزهای دیگر خواهم نگاشت؛ این سری از حماسه ها، بسیار شیرین و قند عسل برای نگرش، و خوانش هستند؛ خط داستانی، همانند «رومئو و ژولیت»، و از آثار هنری، با ایده های ناب است؛ چه رویدادی رخ میدهد، که زنی، از فرهنگ جنگجو، با بالهای عشق یک مرد، از سیاره ی دشمن خود، آشنا شود؟ داستان را، کودک آنها «هازل»، روایت میکند؛ خوانش و دیدنش یک لذت ناب است؛ برای همه طرفداران «علمی تخیلی» توصیه میشود

جلد دوم، نحوه ی آموزش «مارکو»، و تاریخ درگیری مردمانش، با «لندفال» را، نشانه میرود؛ اکنون «مارکو» و مادرش، «کلارا»، به جستجوی «ایزابل» میروند، در حالیکه «آلانا» با «بار»، پدر «مارکو» آشنا میشود؛ «بار» از «آلانا» میخواهد، که بیماری خود را از «کلارا»؛ و «مارکو»؛ پنهان کند؛ هنگام جستجوی «ایزابل»؛ «مارکو» و «کلارا»، با غول بزرگ روبرو میشوند، ...؛

جلد سوم: فصل سیزدهم: در فلش بک، خانواده، هفته ها پس از مرگ «بار»، به «کوینتوس» میرسند و با «هیست» ملاقات میکنند، «آلانا» امیدوار است بتواند آنها را در مورد آینده شان راهنمایی کند؛ «اوپشر» و «داف»، روزنامه نگار و عکاس «تبلویید»، در فصل پنجم با یکی از سربازان «لندفالین» که توسط «مارکو» در جریان تلاش ناموفق برای تسخیر خانواده مصدوم شد، مصاحبه کردند؛ در همین حال، «ویل»، «گوندولین» و «اسلیو گرل» در سیاره ای گیر کرده و منتظر تعمیر کشتی خود هستند؛ «ویل» باید با تنش جنسی بین خود و «گووندولین» کنار بیاید و تصمیم میگیرد «اسلیو گرل» را «سوفی» نامگذاری کند

تاریخ بهنگام رسانی 26/12/1399هجری خورشیدی؛ ا. شربیانی
Profile Image for Sean Barrs .
1,122 reviews47.1k followers
June 11, 2018
The weirdness continues in the third volume of this excellent series.

I must admit, I expected it to lose its dazzling nature after the first volume but none of its awesomeness has diminished. I have high hopes that it will remain persistently good unlike so many other comics that fluctuate in quality.

The best thing about this volume is a cyclops author who knows how to make a fucking great entrance and a lasting impression:



And from here the first few issues fall into discussions about the importance of literature (even in a war torn world full of aliens, monsters and sexual deviants like this one.)Books can change the world and one particular book by this crazy cyclops man has brought the two central characters together, which led them to his door to seek answers about what do next.


And of course even weirder shit follows them and it all ends rather quickly. As well written as the majority of the characters are in here, it’s great to see them get killed off in random ways. It bodes very well at this stage that the author is willing to kill when he needs to.

I really hope this series never loses its momentum. Bring on volume four!
Profile Image for Kemper.
1,390 reviews7,451 followers
January 13, 2016
Just your typical story about a couple from opposing species of an interstellar war falling in love and having a baby, then fleeing the governments and hired mercenaries of both sides in a wooden rocketship with their ghost babysitter...

Three volumes in and so far each one has been 5 stars. I'm pretty sure that has never happened to me before.
Profile Image for Andy Marr.
Author 4 books1,048 followers
October 7, 2022
I really love this series. It's just a shame it's so durn expensive to follow. Saving up now for Volume 4 😀
Profile Image for Melanie.
1,250 reviews102k followers
October 24, 2016
Vol. 1 ★★★★
Vol. 2 ★★★★

This graphic novel made me more emotional than any other graphic novel ever has. This third installment will really pull on your heartstrings, so be prepared to feel all the feels.

This graphic novel also deals with some pretty BIG themes:
- Being able to love after a loss.
- Following your dreams, no matter what.
- How important, and memorable, it is to read to young children.
- Society's views on the LGBT community, and how much it needs to change.
- And most importantly, your worth is not dependent on the abuse you have suffered. You can heal and relearn your worth after sexual, physical, and/or mental abuse.

This volume was fantastic and, hands down, my favorite so far! I love Marko and Alana so very much, yet, I love Hazel even more. Her voice is perfect, and I love seeing the journey/struggle of her childhood. Sophie is the other shining-light of this series, to me. I can't wait to follow both of these two young girls' journeys for three more volumes. Saga is very quickly becoming the best graphic novel series I've ever read.

I'm now going to break down each chapter in this bind up. There will be SPOILERS, so please use caution in continuing if you have not read this graphic-novel, Vol. 1, or Vol. 2!

Kiara, Marko's mom, is still with our main characters on their tree-ship! She's still mourning the death of her husband at the end of Vol. 2. The ship is on their way to visit Marko and Alana's favorite author, D. Oswald Heist, who lives in a lighthouse.

The Will, Gwendolyn, Sophie, and Lying Cat are still searching for Marko and Alana, but the Will is starting to have his doubts, because he is seeing the Stalk.

We are introduced to two reporters, Lipsher and Doff, who are trying to break the case on Alana's motives. They are poking their noses in anything that resembles a lead on a story, and even visit her step-mom, Even.

The tree-ship lands and everyone meets D. Oswald Heist, who ends up being a pretty great guy.

Countess Robot X, Alana's first commanding officer, is interviewed by Lipsher and Doff, and they start to realize this story about Alana might be much bigger than they originally even thought.

Sophie stabs the Will, and it doesn't look like he has long to live. The food on the island they were on was making them all hallucinate, and Sophie's hallucination made her stab the Will.

Marko and crew have officially bonded with Mr. Heist , and seeing their family fun warmed my heart to no end.

The story these reporters are piecing together is getting scary, and someone calls to have them get "taken care of". The Will is the first choice, but since he is no longer accepting clients the job gets assigned to the Brand.

Alana expresses her love for acting and theater and Marko is very supportive. Then, the Prince Robot IV confrontation we see with Mr. Heist in Vol. 2 comes into play.

The Will is still dying, so Gwen decides that Marko is her only chance at saving him, so she rushes to the lighthouse.

The Brand meets with the reporters, while Prince Robot IV deals with his sexuality.

Mr. Heist dies by the hands of Gwen, and completely broke my heart for Kiara.

Prince Robot IV is a little fried. Gwen confronts Marko and Alana like the crazy bitch that she is, but thankfully Alana and Marko's trust runs much deeper than Gwen expects.

We find out the Brand is the Will's sister, and that he named Sophie after her, and I could barely see the last panels because of all my tears.

I'm so excited for Vol. 4, because we find out that Marko, Alana, and Hazel have had a few months of calmer happiness, therefore, in the next installment Hazel will be much bigger, and walking!

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Profile Image for Natalie.
611 reviews3,846 followers
June 5, 2020
“No story’s worth dying for"

This review contains *spoilers*.

This series is going by so quickly. I want to reach the last volume, but I also don’t want this to be over (I’ll probably read it anyway).

I’m just really attached to the wonderful characters in this comic book.
The fast paced plot, the funny dialogue, and the incredible relationships all make it impossible to put down. It's a completely unputdownable story.

And so much happened in that last chapter, I’m still trying to wrap my mind around it. I can’t believe Gwendolyn killed D. Oswald Heist, we just got to know him.

I truly can’t get over how great this comic book is. I’m definitely not ready for it to end.

Also, I loved watching Hazel slowly grow.
So cute.

This review and more can be found on my blog.
Profile Image for Megan Hoffman.
183 reviews322 followers
June 3, 2016
Of the 3 volumes of SAGA I've read so far, I think this one might be my favorite. Okay, that's largely because it featured a writer and I'm a bit partial to them...but I felt that action-wise, it was just especially well done. All of the cliff hangers and plot points that were introduced in volume 2 are now coming into fruition and it's so much fun!

Can't wait to get to volume 4! I've written reviews on volumes 1 + 2 as well if you're interested in more in-depth thoughts.

Profile Image for Lauren Lanz.
817 reviews291 followers
July 22, 2020
The art style in Saga never fails to impress me. This was a really entertaining volume!

“After years of pitched battles, my father was ready for a significantly less stressful career. Unfortunately, he decided to try raising a girl.”

Marko and Alana are always fun protagonists to follow, especially when paired with intergalactic warfare and mutant creatures around every corner. In this instalment the pair are on a mission to find their idol, who may also be able to assist them greatly.

While the plot didn’t progress as much as I would have liked this volume, the characters did undergo a good amount of development. There were several twists that left me completely shocked, which made for a quick reading experience. An overall great addition to the series!
Profile Image for April (Aprilius Maximus).
1,150 reviews6,455 followers
October 14, 2022
1.) Saga Volume 1 ★★★★★
2.) Saga Volume 2 ★★★★★
3.) Saga Volume 3 ★★★★.5
4.) Saga Volume 4 ★★★★.5
5.) Saga Volume 5 ★★★★★
6.) Saga Volume 6 ★★★★★
7.) Saga Volume 7 ★★★★★
8.) Saga Volume 8 ★★★★.5
9.) Saga Volume 9 ★★★★★


First read in April 2014
Reread in September 2015
Third read in January 2018

I found myself wanting to skim read the bits with the journalists.. for some reason I found them so boring, but other than that and the lacking of action that the first two volumes had, I loved it!
Profile Image for Becca & The Books.
333 reviews8,406 followers
November 8, 2022
2018 review below
I'm so obsessed with this right now 😍 This one was a rollercoaster ride and there's a hole in my soul 😭
Profile Image for Dave Schaafsma.
Author 6 books31.9k followers
February 11, 2022
In volume three of the Saga series, we add to the mix two tabloid writers, Upsher and Doff, who aspire to dish on the outrageous story of a Wreath and Landfall coupling that has produced a LOVECHILD. By which I MEAN: A Wreath guard (our Alana) falls for her Landfall prisoner (Marko), and they run off together! And make a baby?! Wow, dear readers! So, yeah, this is more comic stuff to help balance out the pathos.

Then Our Gang (with Marko’s Mom) (chased by The Will and Lying Cat and Gwendolyn and Price Robot IV, all intent on killing M and A) heads off to see Marko and Alana’s fave author in the Multiverse, S. Oswald Heist, who wrote their fave book, A Night Time Smoke, with its steamy cover depicting what would seem to be paranormal sex between a human and a monster. Some people think this is a thinly disguised treatise advocating pacifism.

*I like it that every scene, every altercation, involves one of them holding baby Hazel. What’s the alternative?! I mean, sometimes refugees need to carry babies through war zones. I like how this centrality of Hazel underlines the dark absurdity and tragedy of subjecting children to war.

*Something made me uncomfortable about calling the six year rescued by The Will from the brothel “Slave Girl;” it objectifies her and sort of makes light of her plight. So I was glad when The Will names her Sophie. He (and Gwendolyn) are taking care of her. And you know, post-The Wraith, The Will is into Gwendolyn; could they have a life together?

*Marko is a pacifist, or intends to be, but he is constantly facing situations with his new family where he must consider violence as a way of protecting them.

*I love every scene in this volume with Heist and Marko’s mother. I also love The Wraith (the ghost babysitter!)
Profile Image for ˗ˏˋ lia ˎˊ˗.
398 reviews441 followers
March 18, 2021
“break rules as often as you can, because who the hell doesn’t want to have an adventure?”

oh, how i’ve missed saga! after loving the previous two volumes so much, however, this one fell a little flat for me plot-wise. it was still super hilarious and incredibly heart-wrenching back to back and i laughed and yelled out loud a few times, but this particular volume felt like a kind of filler for what’s to come in volume 4, i guess.

i loved the character developments in this one though, especially in regard to sophie, gwendolyn and klara! and that one scene of sophie with the lying cat in the park in which she introduces herself and he shushes her MY HEART IS SO FULL I LOVE HER SO MUCH!!!

→ 4 stars
Profile Image for J.L.   Sutton.
666 reviews1,183 followers
March 11, 2016
The wild ride continues with Saga #3 as Alana and Marko, on the run, look both for a safe place for their family and their literary hero, D. Oswald Heist. There’s plenty of character development and quirkiness (which one expects from this series). I’m continuing to enjoy!
Profile Image for Maureen.
574 reviews4,224 followers
August 30, 2016
This series just keeps getting better it's like I can't NOT rate it a 5
(Something I didn't say before tho ESP if you are younger this series has some explicit content so know that going in!)
Profile Image for Andrea Ashwood.
187 reviews54 followers
December 28, 2020
"Because the opposite of war...is fucking."
Seriously, rn I think there's no other sidekick in the literature that I love more than the Lying Cat. I love her and I hope nothing happens to, because then I will cry for days. This animal is going to end my life...♡

Also, I've found this volume a little bit less interesting than the first two, but, OF COURSE, I will continue with the series.

Review coming soon...
Profile Image for Algernon (Darth Anyan).
1,669 reviews1,064 followers
February 12, 2014

Three stars might seem a bit harsh for one of the best adult comics published today, but it reflects my disappointment with how little actual content there was in this third story arc. There simply isn't enough meat on the bare bones of the adventure to justify calling it space opera or even epic. It feels more like a resume, a synopsis of the actual events. I finished it all in a couple of hours on a Sunday afternoon, and now I have to wait until the end of the year for the next story arc to be completed (I refuse to read monthly installments for the same reason: too little material - just whetting my appetite for more and then leaving me hanging). At this rate the series will take longer than A Song of Ice and Fire to reach the finish line.

I think it is fair to say I would not be so disappointed if I didn't actually like what I read. I believe the awards and the praise Saga is receiving are entirely deserved, especially for the artwork of Fiona Staple. The worldbuilding, what little we have seen of it so far, is also excellent. Vaughn manages to insert strong social commentary and anti-war messages in the conversations between characters.

As for the third story arc itself: Romeo and Juliet, a.k.a. Marko and Alana, two deserters from opposing armies in the galactic war, are hiding with their newborn daughter in the house of a one-eyed writer (Futurama reference for geeks?). They are pursued by a robot-head Prince, by a bountyhunter with a telepathic cat, by a vengeful ex-girlfriend and, newly introduced here, a couple of scandal journalists. The build up is slow, but the resolution is well handled, closing this particular arc at a good point and promising interesting developments in the future.

I saved one quote that I particularly enjoyed, as the writer is reading extremely horrible fairytales to the little girl:

All good children's stories are the same: young creature breaks rules, has incredible adventure, then returns home with the knowledge that aforementioned rules are there for a reson.
Of course, the actual message to the careful reader is: break the rules as often as you can because who the hell doesn't want to have an adventure.

Recommended for very patient readers, willing to invest the time waiting for the next issues.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 6,113 reviews

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