Jim MacLachlan

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Jamie C...
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Jim MacLachlan

Goodreads Author

in The United States


Member Since
December 2007


I grew up on the family farm with horses, sheep, cattle, fowl, dogs, cats, & a lot of other critters in north central Maryland. While the farm paid for itself, the family remodeling business was the steady income. I worked at that for about 15 years until an injury forced me to change my computer hobby into my career. It was tough at the time, but a great career move from an economic standpoint.

Now I'm the entire IT department for a small manufacturing company in Louisville, KY. My wife of 35+ years & I have a small hobby farm with horses, goats, dogs, & a cat. Taking care of the farm, woodworking, & various fiber arts take up my free time.

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Popular Answered Questions

Jim MacLachlan I love meeting another Modesitt fan, but I don't have a good reading order for them or even remember which titles fit together & some seem to. Lee's W…moreI love meeting another Modesitt fan, but I don't have a good reading order for them or even remember which titles fit together & some seem to. Lee's Wikipedia page has some helpful lists.

The first 4 Ecolitan novels feature 2 different main characters & I think the 2 omnibus editions put them in proper order. I can't recall if that's published order or not, though. There's a more recent 5th book that goes with the Secession MC, Jimjoy, I believe.

There are 2 Archform & 2 Parafaith books plus 3 Silent Warrior books which are all SF. Several of his standalone SF novels seem to fit into that universe pretty well. There's enough similarities that I thought some went together. You might try asking him on his web site.
He's always been pretty fast to answer & very helpful. Good luck & if you do get a better answer, please let me know.(less)
Jim MacLachlan I haven't read it & none of my libraries have it at this time, but I did recommend they buy a copy since it looks interesting. I'm not sure how much I…moreI haven't read it & none of my libraries have it at this time, but I did recommend they buy a copy since it looks interesting. I'm not sure how much I buy into the inadequacies of mass manufacturing, though. It's made so much so affordable for so many that I find it hard to knock it generally.

I don't understand "Can't make the elision between "a & e"."

IMO, "craft" has always straddled the lines between utility & art while remaining something of a special skill. It's one of those areas where the tyro can often make a utilitarian item, but a master can raise it to an art form. Showing the difference can often be difficult since it's a matter of degree & taste along with a big dash of style. Quite often, only someone who has actually done the work can appreciate the difference in quality, too.(less)
Average rating: 3.77 · 26 ratings · 12 reviews · 7 distinct works
Inkle Loom Design & Constru...

3.90 avg rating — 20 ratings — published 2017 — 3 editions
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Horses and Farms For Fictio...

4.29 avg rating — 7 ratings — published 2012 — 3 editions
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Carpenter Bee Trap Plans

3.33 avg rating — 3 ratings
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Handyman Tools: A Primer Fo...

it was amazing 5.00 avg rating — 1 rating
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Raising Baby: Fawns Become ...

0.00 avg rating — 0 ratings2 editions
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Building A Shop: Preparing ...

0.00 avg rating — 0 ratings
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Oven Rack Tool Plans

0.00 avg rating — 0 ratings — published 2012 — 2 editions
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Looking For A Suitable Mount

The turn from the single lane road into the narrow driveway was too sharp to make with the horse trailer, but there was supposed to be a big parking lot ahead where I could turn around & come back at a better angle.  The church was there, but the big lot was blocked by construction debris.  I managed to snake through the roundabout with only a slight scratch.  Heading back, I turned into the drive Read more of this blog post »
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Published on October 26, 2018 05:07
The Burglar
Jim is currently reading
by Thomas Perry (Goodreads Author)
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Jim Jim said: " I've always liked Perry's books, generally really liked them. "The Burglar" has a female lead who thinks a lot in ways that make no sense & does so repetitiously. The paranoia does given her 'job', but her constant attempts to make the 'security comp ...more "


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The Loud Table by Jonathan Carroll
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Carpenter Bee Trap Plans by Jim MacLachlan
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Redefining Reality by Steven Gimbel
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Locke & Key by Joe Hill
Locke & Key
by Joe Hill (Goodreads Author)
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" Thank you for your kind words. - Erin "
Jim made a comment in the group General Craft & DIYChat topic
" Jim passed 1/7/24. This account will be monitored by either his daughter Erin, or his son James. Do not expect messages back regularly. Here is a mess ...more "
Jim made a comment in the group Roger ZelaznyRIP Jim topic
" Jim passed 1/7/24. This account will be monitored by either his daughter Erin, or his son James. Do not expect messages back regularly. Here is a mess ...more "
Jim made a comment in the group The Evolution of Science FictionAnnouncements topic
" Jim passed 1/7/24. This account will be monitored by either his daughter Erin, or his son James. Do not expect messages back regularly. Here is a mess ...more "
Jim made a comment in the group Robert E. Howard ReadersRandom Chat topic
" Jim passed 1/7/24. This account will be monitored by either his daughter Erin, or his son James. Do not expect messages back regularly. Here is a mess ...more "
Jim added a status update: Jim passed 2/7/24 in the evening. Here is a note from him. This account will be monitored by either his daughter, Erin, or his son, James. A message from Jim will be posted in each of his groups he moderated.
More of Jim's books…
Tom Stoppard
“Skill without imagination is craftsmanship and gives us many useful objects such as wickerwork picnic baskets. Imagination without skill gives us modern art.”
Tom Stoppard, Artist Descending a Staircase

Frank Zappa
“So many books, so little time.”
Frank Zappa

Katharine Eliska Kimbriel
“When will we learn we are Human first, and that all other names are merely changes of clothing?”
Katharine Eliska Kimbriel

Robert A. Heinlein
“A human being should be able to change a diaper, plan an invasion, butcher a hog, conn a ship, design a building, write a sonnet, balance accounts, build a wall, set a bone, comfort the dying, take orders, give orders, cooperate, act alone, solve equations, analyze a new problem, pitch manure, program a computer, cook a tasty meal, fight efficiently, die gallantly. Specialization is for insects.”
Robert A. Heinlein
tags: rah

Isaac Asimov
“I prefer rationalism to atheism. The question of God and other objects-of-faith are outside reason and play no part in rationalism, thus you don't have to waste your time in either attacking or defending.”
Isaac Asimov

65039 Books, Movies, TV and Life — 27 members — last activity Apr 01, 2024 03:24AM
People who enjoy the same books often have similar tastes in other types of entertainment, from Movies and TV programs, to Restaurants, Travel, Recipe ...more
109465 The Evolution of Science Fiction — 1713 members — last activity Nov 19, 2024 02:08AM
We read Science Fiction from all ages, rotating group reads from Proto SF to the latest, & all authors from Abbott to Zelazny. ...more
45059 Sci-fi and Heroic Fantasy — 8352 members — last activity 6 hours, 39 min ago
A place for those who walk the green forests of Middle Earth, cross the pale sands of Arrakis, sail the blue waters of Earthsea, slip among the shadow ...more
69917 General Craft & DIY — 323 members — last activity Aug 20, 2024 08:29AM
Recommend Crafting and Do-It-Yourself books and resources (Apps, Magazines, the works) with reviews.
22645 Roger Zelazny — 211 members — last activity Sep 18, 2024 04:52AM
Roger Zelazny, Science Fiction & Fantasy author extraordinaire, wrote dozens of books & stories over the course of his too short career. Discuss him & ...more
1139 Science and Inquiry — 4327 members — last activity Nov 20, 2024 03:43AM
This Group explores scientific topics. We have an active monthly book club, as well as discussions on a variety of topics including science in the new ...more
6417 Robert E. Howard Readers — 387 members — last activity Aug 13, 2024 09:52PM
Justly remembered for his thrilling stories about Conan the Barbarian, Robert E. Howard wrote about many other characters and in genres other than Swo ...more
58291 Pulp Fiction — 1873 members — last activity Nov 18, 2024 04:52AM
Hard Boiled detective novels, noir, and great crime novels (old and new)
27842 Moderator Support Group — 2237 members — last activity 23 hours, 22 min ago
This group is for Moderators and Co-Moderators to discuss, ideas, solutions and the challenges of running a Goodreads group. You must be a moderator t ...more
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message 39: by Joy

Joy Hey Jim! To answer your question about the GIMP book - I don't remember. I read the book in chunks over time. The start/finish date isn't accurate. Also, I would have skimmed any bits about using it with a tablet or with a drawing pen device like a Wacom since I don't use them.

We do have books/genres in common! I look forward to reading your reviews! :)

message 38: by Jim

Jim Thanks, Luffy. You, too!

message 36: by Jim (last edited Jul 17, 2018 11:42PM)

Jim Crocker Thanks for liking my review of The Road to Ruin!

Jim in MT

Luffy Sempai Happy holidays to you, Jim!

message 34: by Jim

Jim Thanks, Luffy! Merry Xmas to you, too.

Luffy Sempai Merry Christmas to you!

message 32: by Booky

Booky thank you for accepting my friend invite :)

message 31: by Jim

Jim Luffy wrote: "Hey Jim, thanks for the like!"

Glad to, Luffy. Good reviews have me reading a lot of good books. I can now find more good books than time, even with audio books.

Luffy Sempai Hey Jim, thanks for the like!

message 29: by Jim

Jim Damn GR, I didn't add 500 books, but changed the shelves on over 1000. I used to use 'fiction' as 'general fiction' so didn't check that box if the book was on another fictional genre shelf. It only got checked if it might be nonfiction, like it was historical.

I told GR not to shout it out, but it listens as well as my teens did. It was probably that batch edit that hung up & kept giving me an error. I finally went through & just changed them individually. Turned out to be faster.

I went through & made sure they were all on fiction, nonfiction, or 'sort-of-nonfiction' shelves. Then I exported them to an Excel spreadsheet & ran a macro that broke out the shelves for each book & counted them up. I was curious to see my trend in reading & this allows me to graph it quickly.

message 28: by Rindis

Rindis "Jim MacLachlan added 500 books"

Dang! You've been busy. Even when I was going through adding the bulk of my collection, I never got that much in a day!

message 27: by Jim

Jim Tish wrote: "Thanks for liking my reviews, Jim. It's nice to know somebody actually reads them! Some people write marvelous reviews and I'm not one of them, but I try!"

I don't go through friends reviews often enough, Tish. I'd like to more often, but too many groups & other stuff to do. It's friends' reviews that make GR so great for me, though. I rarely read a bad book any more.

message 26: by Tish

Tish Thanks for liking my reviews, Jim. It's nice to know somebody actually reads them! Some people write marvelous reviews and I'm not one of them, but I try!

message 25: by Gemma

Gemma Jim wrote: "Gem H wrote: "Jim, I can't stress how great Deadworld is! I have books 0.5 and 2 on my kindle AND I've pre-ordered book 3!!!"

I've put it on my list to get. Thanks."

If you don't like it I'll eat my hat. :D

message 24: by Jim

Jim Gem H wrote: "Jim, I can't stress how great Deadworld is! I have books 0.5 and 2 on my kindle AND I've pre-ordered book 3!!!"

I've put it on my list to get. Thanks.

message 23: by Gemma

Gemma Jim, I can't stress how great Deadworld is! I have books 0.5 and 2 on my kindle AND I've pre-ordered book 3!!!

message 22: by Robert

Robert Thanks for accepting my friend request, Jim.

message 21: by Jim

Jim Thanks for noticing. It's just been a slow reading time. Lots of real life going on & I was reading the first of Martin's Fire & Ice series, A Game of Thrones. Finished it last night. It was almost like a re-read due to watching the HBO series, but now that I've started the second, I don't want to put it down.

message 20: by Simeon

Simeon Y u no reviewing as many books lately...

message 19: by Jim

Jim It's dry as a bone here now, Nina. I'm sorry you won't get a chance to drop by & say hello. Please plan better next time!

message 18: by Nina

Nina What's the weather like in your neck of the woods, Jim? We'll be in Frankfurt, hopefully tomorrow night at a motel. It will be a long drive and my husband will probably drop into bed once we readh there. And we leave early next morning as we need to get to my brother in law's home in the Shenandoah Valley, VA before dark otherwise I would try to find you and say"hello" to you/Marg/and the animals. I love horses, goats and Jack Russells, but not quite as much as Irish Setters. nina

 Danielle The Book Huntress Thanks for the friendvite, Jim.

message 16: by Jim

Jim I'm blushing! Must be the hat, but thank you! At my age, I'll take any compliments I can get.


message 15: by Karla

Karla Hi Jim I was just looking at your profile pic and Harrison Ford popped into my head am I the only one who has thought this? Hope you are not offended but I think with the hat he wore in Indiana Jones would really do it :) Anyways I'm off to read you'r review of Million little pieces, I had a hard time reviewing that one cause of the lies Frey told Grrrr...I did enjoy the story it was deep and well written but....the end ya know what I mean!!

Christine Hi Jim,just dropping by for a visit. I'm really busy with SFA at the moment. Getting a little writing done, but not much. Have a great week.
Blessings CJ

Christine Hi Jim, stopped by to see what's new on your page. Have a great week.
Blessings CJ
Mariard Volume 2 Glass Pawns by Christine Jones

Join shadow forest authors and help stop illiteracy worldwide.

message 12: by Jim

Jim LOL! Thanks, Dan!

message 11: by Dan

Dan Schwent Just read the nail gun/radio story. You are now on my list of heroes.

Christine Hi Jim, stopped by to see what's new with you. Have a great week.
Blessings CJ
[image error]

Bradley Hello Jim, thank you for adding me as a friend. =)


Dreamsbane of Tamalor by Bradley James Simpson

Christine Hi from down under Jim. Stopped by to see what’s new with you.
Please take a look at SFA.

Blessings CJ

message 7: by Alan

Alan Baxter Hi Jim. Nice to know you here. Happy New Year!

message 6: by Jon

Jon Merry Christmas Jim and Family!

message 5: by Jim

Jim It's my honor, Joy. You've done an amazing job of setting up your new group. Wow! A ton of work.

Joy H. Jim: Thanks for becoming my Goodread's friend. I'm honored. -J.

Christine Thanks for your friendship and help Jim, it is much appreciated. Keep in touch.
Blessings CJ [image error]

message 2: by Jim

Jim Interesting. I posted my answer on your "Philosophy in Every Day Life" topic. This is one of my core beliefs.

message 1: by Ilyn

Ilyn Ross Thank you, Jim. I added "The Moon is a Harsh Mistress". Good morning.

Regarding Robert A. Heinlein's "A human being should be able to.... Specialization is for insects."

Polymaths, like Leonardo Da Vinci, Benjamin Franklin, Thomas Jefferson, Jose Rizal, are a rarity. Two of the advantages of living in a good society are division of labor and trade.

An individual with a mind capable of producing a cure for cancer should be concentrating on such a task.

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