Janice's Reviews > Animals in Translation: Using the Mysteries of Autism to Decode Animal Behavior
Animals in Translation: Using the Mysteries of Autism to Decode Animal Behavior (A Harvest Book)
I liked this book and found many of the author's insights fascinating. It is interesting in reading reviews that many people gave it five stars but an almost equal number gave it a one star. I think there was one reviewer that said she'd have given it less than the one if that option was available. My main complaint with the book was that there were too many (though captivating) details and not enough generalizations. But, that is what makes this book interesting. Temple Grandin admits that this is what autism is about and I think makes clear with her writing. I'll definitely be thinking about this book and reviewing some of the notes I took. By the way I don't normally mark passages but I was afraid I couldn't find them again because they were scattered about so much (like the nuts that squirrels hide for themselves) I was afraid I couldn't find them again.
I found a wonderful interview with Temple at: http://conversations.psu.edu/episodes...
It was so interesting to hear her speak after reading the book.
I found a wonderful interview with Temple at: http://conversations.psu.edu/episodes...
It was so interesting to hear her speak after reading the book.
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message 1:
May 30, 2011 09:30PM
As a Coloradan who has known about Temple for many years, I am interested in this book. We recently rented the movie Temple Grandin from netflix. Claire Danes did a fantastic job in playing Temple. I've also seen a T.V. interview with her. She is an interesting person to know about.